Fiscal Note
No appropriation is required
SUBSTITUTE. Creating Section 28.06(2)(a)3528. of the Madison General Ordinances rezoning property from C2 General Commercial District to PUD(GDP) Planned Unit Development (General Development Plan) District and creating Section 28.06(2)(a)3529. of the Madison General Ordinances rezoning property from PUD(GDP) Planned Unit Development (General Development Plan) District to PUD(SIP) Planned Unit Development (Specific Implementation Plan) District. Proposed Use: Demolish office building to allow construction of 60 apartment units in two buildings; 20th Aldermanic District; 677 South Segoe Road.
DRAFTER'S ANALYSIS: Rezone 677 South Segoe Road. This substitute ordinance decreases the number of apartment units to 60.
The Common Council of the City of Madison do hereby ordain as follows:
1. Paragraph 3528. of Subdivision (a) of Subsection (2) of Section 28.06 of the Madison General Ordinances is hereby created to read as follows:
"28.06(2)(a)3528. The following described property is hereby omitted from the C2 General Commercial District and added to the PUD(GDP) Planned Unit Development (General Development Plan) District:
Block 2 of Westgate, City of Madison, Dane County, Wisconsin, containing 1.64 acres."
2. Paragraph 3529. of Subdivision (a) of Subsection (2) of Section 28.06 of the Madison General Ordinances is hereby created to read as follows:
"28.06(2)(a)3529. The following described property is hereby omitted from the PUD(GDP) Planned Unit Development (General Development Plan) District and added to the PUD(SIP) Planned Unit Development (Specific Implementation Plan) District:
Block 2 of Westgate, City of Madison, Dane County, Wisconsin, containing 1.64 acres."