Fiscal Note
The City of Madison Engineering has budgeted $80,000 under capital budget item 11086-404-200.
The Madison Water Utility has budgeted $4,796 under item string 86100-54335-00000
This contract with Ayres Associates, Inc shall not exceed $84,796.
Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into a contract with Ayres Associates, Inc for obtaining, processing and providing updated orthophotography and Lidar data for The City of Madison Engineering Division Mapping needs.
WHEREAS, the City Engineering Division updates Orthophotography and LIDAR data for the City of Madison mapping needs every 2 to 3 years; and,
WHEREAS, this updated mapping information is valuable to numerous City Agencies in the day to day performance of their respective duties; and,
WHEREAS, the City Engineering Division has received and reviewed vendor proposals for the 2016 aerial photography project; and
WHEREAS, the City Engineering Division created a technical review team of three (3) from various City agencies, consisting of staff specialists with extensive experience in the subject matter and scope, to review and rank the technical content and scope for all proposals received; and
WHEREAS, the City Engineering Division also collaborated with our Finance Department to also review and rank based on cost for all proposals received; and
WHEREAS, the results of both the technical and cost scorings are summarized and attached hereto and made part of this resolution; and
WHEREAS, the vendor proposals were all competitive and favorable to the City; and
WHEREAS, the City Engineering Division recommends award of the 2016 Orthophotography project to Ayres Associates, Inc for a price not to exceed $84,796 and in accordance with the deliverables described in the Request for Proposals (RFP) and their respective submittal.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to enter into a contract with Ayres Associates, Inc for obtaining, processing and providing updated orthophotography and Lidar data for The City of Madison Engineering Division Mapping needs.