Fiscal Note
The bulk of the work of producing the Environmental Conditions Report that is the main product of the study will be done by CARPC staff, and except for minor costs to provide work maps, etc., the primary City contribution will be staff time to review drafts, attend infrequent meetings, etc. No additional appropriation is required.
Authorizing the Planning Division Director to sign on behalf of the City of Madison the Memorandum of Understanding for a Future Urban Development Area Environmental Conditions Report planning process for the southeastern portion of the Madison Central Urban Service Area.
WHEREAS Future Urban Development Area (FUDA) planning is a voluntary inter-governmental process managed by the Capital Area Regional Planning Commission to collectively identify important future development and resource preservation considerations with the goal of helping local jurisdictions achieve better water quality, land use, and development outcomes through long-term cooperative planning; and
WHEREAS as part of the FUDA planning process, an Environmental Conditions Report (ECR) providing an inventory and assessment of the natural, agricultural and community resources within the FUDA study area will be prepared by Regional Planning Commission staff with input and review by staff from the participating communities; and
WHEREAS because of its large size and sphere of influence, the analysis of the Madison FUDA will be conducted as a series of reports, with the current phase focused on a study area that includes the southeastern Madison portion of the Central Urban Service Area; and
WHEREAS the ECR study area’s boundaries are generally defined as Cottage Grove Road and the Wisconsin Department of Transportation-owned rail line on the north, the Blooming Grove/Cottage Grove town lines on the east, Siggelkow Road on the south and Interstate Highway 39/90 and the future eastern realignment of Sprecher Road on the west. The study area is illustrated on Map 1: Study Area (attached). The analysis of the study area will extend to the Door Creek watershed limits for water quality/quantity analysis; and
WHEREAS a Memorandum of Understanding has been prepared which describes the FUDA Environmental Conditions Report planning process and the broad intent and purpose of the study, identifies the proposed study area and participating entities, outlines the topics to be covered in the Environmental Conditions Report, and defines the responsibilities of the participating parties.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Madison Common Council hereby authorizes the Planning Division Director to execute on behalf of the City of Madison the Memorandum of Understanding for a Future Urban Development Area Environmental Conditions Report planning process for the southeastern Madison portion of the Central Urban Service Area.