Fiscal Note
Total funding of $600,000 has been included for this project ($500,000 in 2012 and $100,000 in 2013). $500,000 has been included in the 2012 Adopted Capital Budget of the Department of Planning & Community & Economic Development (DPCED), Project No. 14, "Transportation Master Plan for a Livable City," Account No. 810731. Following approval of this Resolution, an RFP will be issued to solicit consultant proposals. A subsequent resolution to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a contract with the selected firm(s) will be necessary. There is no expenditure required to create the Sustainable Madison Transportation Master Plan Oversight Committee.
Authorizing the issuance of a Request for Proposals (RFP) for Transportation Master Plan services and creating the Sustainable Madison Transportation Master Plan Oversight Committee.
WHEREAS the City of Madison's population and economy is growing, and in order to help facilitate this growth and ensure a high quality of life, the City has identified a need for a comprehensive transportation master plan that integrates all modes of passenger and freight transportation (i.e., auto, bicycle, public transportation, pedestrian, freight rail and truck, high-capacity transit, air, etc.), identifies how those modes interconnect and work together, and identifies how the City's numerous plans and policies are enhanced and supported by it; and
WHEREAS the City of Madison supports goals to use land use objectives and policies that improve the residential quality of life for urban neighborhoods and improve mobility/access options for all Madison area residents and visitors to the City, and the coordination and integration of Madison's transportation and land use plans, policies and practices will help keep Madison vibrant and attractive to businesses, visitors and residents; and
WHEREAS the purpose of the Sustainable Madison Transportation Master Plan is to guide transportation decisions in the City of Madison (and coordinate the City's decisions with those of the greater larger metropolitan area), in order to help make Madison a more walkable, bikeable and livable city; and
WHEREAS the Plan will help to create and strengthen livable neighborhoods, will place an emphasis on creating transportation choices (especially bicycling and public transportation), and will help make the City more accessible and attractive to employers, visitors and residents; and
WHEREAS the Sustainable Madison Transportation Master Plan will identify the strategies and implementation recommendations necessary to connect all elements of the City's transportation system (providing clear connections to the regional transportation system), and will include a realistic, strategic implementation plan for the City to follow for the next 25 years, and beyond; and
WHEREAS the Sustainable Madison Transportation Master Plan Oversight Committee will provide guidance and advice to city staff and the Consultant Team undertaking the work to prepare the Transportation Master Plan; and
WHEREAS the Sustainable Madison Transportation Master Plan Oversight Committee will provide guidance and advice to city staff and the Consultant Team undertaking the work to prepare the Transportation Master Plan; and
WHEREAS the scope of work to be included in the Request for Proposals (RFP) has been prepared by staff and reviewed by the following committees:
- Pedestrian-Bicycle-Motor Vehicle Commission,
- Plan Commission,
- Transit and Parking Commission,
- Long Range Transportation Planning Committee,
- Madison Area Transportation Planning Board, an MPO.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council authorizes the issuance of a Request for Proposals (RFP) for Transportation Master Plan services and creates the Sustainable Madison Transportation Master Plan Oversight Committee.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor is authorized to appoint the Sustainable Madison Transportation Master Plan Oversight Committee. The Committee will be comprised of eleven members including two Common Council members, one Plan Commission member, one Transit Parking Commission member, one Pedestrian Bike Motor Vehicle member, one University of Wisconsin-Madison representative, one member of the Madison business community, and four additional citizen or Committee member appointments to achieve broad land use and transportation knowledge and expertise among Committee members.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the work of the oversight committee and Consultant Team will be supported by the Department of Planning and Community and Economic Development's Planning Division, Traffic Engineering, City Engineering, Metro Transit and other agencies, as needed, with the Planning Division serving as the lead agency.