Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution authorizes the acceptance of a SAFER grant to partially fund 18 firefighter positions and amends the Fire Department’s 2017 operating budget to reflect grant revenues and increased City costs, if the grant is awarded.
The 2017 Capital Budget includes funding to design a new Far South East Station, and the Capital Improvement Program anticipates construction in 2018. To staff the station when it opens, 18 firefighters will need to be hired for a recruit class in the summer of 2017.
The SAFER grant would pay 72% of the salary and fringe benefit costs of the 18 firefighters in 2017 - 2018, and 35% of the salary and fringe benefit costs of the firefighters in 2019 - 2020 for a total of $2,535,241. In 2017, the grant would cover $361,968 of the salary and benefits and the City would be responsible for $131,845 of the salary and benefits. The City would also be responsible for $138,122 for uniforms, equipment, and services for the recruits for a total 2017 City cost of $269,945. This funding is not included in the 2017 operating budget.
The total estimated City costs for 2018 - 2020 are $2,438,763 and would need to be included in the Department’s operating budgets for those years. This includes funding the incremental cost of upgrading 18 firefighter positions for this station: 5 to Lieutenant, 4 to Apparatus Engineer, 3 to Firefighter/Paramedic 2, 6 to Firefighter/Paramedic. These upgrades would be effective when the station opens. After the grant period has been completed, the City’s anticipated annual cost of Station 14 is $1,611,700.
SUBSTITUTE - Amending the 2017 Fire Operating Budget and accepting a SAFER Grant (Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response) if awarded from the U. S. Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for eighteen (18) firefighter positions.
A SAFER application is pending for eighteen firefighter positions. The SAFER grant application is requesting staffing for the Far South East Station (No. 14) planned for construction in 2018. The goal of SAFER is to help local fire departments to comply with staffing, response and operational standards as recommended by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and Occupational Safety and Health Administration.(OSHA). The grant award may be made as early as June 2017.
FEMA needs approval by the City for acceptance of the grant if awarded. The City would have thirty (30) days after award accept the grant and then would have one hundred eighty (180) days to hire and train these eighteen (18) employees. The grant performance period would require the Fire Department to start the 18 recruit firefighters in the Fire Academy as early as summer 2017. If awarded in the first round, the Department plans to have a recruit class starting July 16, 2017.
The 2017 Fire operating budget includes $121,800 for overfill hires for the normal recruit academy starting in late fall 2017. The normal recruit academy may be delayed while the 18 SAFER hires are trained. If delayed, the recruit academy to account for normal hires would occur in December 2017.
The grant covers a two three year period. The 2017 Fire Operating Budget impact for acceptance of this grant for the first year assumes a start date of July 16, 2017. The grant would cover the cost of the positions but not recruit class expenses. Attached Below is a summary of the costs which reflects the two years first year of grant revenue. The summary impact of this grant also includes the City funding the cost for upgrading of 18 firefighter positions; 5 to Lieutenant, 4 to Apparatus Engineer, 3 to Firefighter/Paramedic 2, 6 to Firefighter/Paramedic positions in the 2018 Fire Operating budget.
The grant amendment to the 2017 Fire Operating Budget if the grant is awarded is:
Permanent Salaries (51110) $ 311,103
Benefits (52000) 182,711
NET EXPENSE $131,845
If the grant is awarded, the cost of recruit class expenses of $207,985 $138,122 is not covered and will require a Fire Department Operating Budget amendment.
WHEREAS, the City wishes to increase emergency response capabilities and reduce response time for Fire Department services on the Far South East side by adding Station No. 14.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City approve acceptance of the SAFER Grant upon award for eighteen positions for the planned Far South East Station No. 14.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the 2017 Fire Operating Budget be amended upon award by up to $493,814 in expenses, offset by revenue of up to $361,968.
BE IT STILL FURTHER RESOLVED, that a Budget amendment appropriating $207,985 $138,122 may be required to cover the expense for conducting the recruit class.
BE IT STILL FURTHER RESOLVED, the budget will be amended to add eighteen positions of firefighter upon award of the grant.
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Mayor, Clerk and other designated officials are authorized to sign any necessary documents.