Fiscal Note
The resolution authorizes the development of a neighborhood plan for the Hawthorne-Truax area. The Community Development Division’s 2022 Adopted Operating Budget includes up to $41,500 in Federal CDBG funds for staffing the planning process. Any City of Madison funding for projects identified in the updated Plan will be subject to future Common Council approval. No additional City appropriation is required with adoption of this resolution.
Authorizing the development of a neighborhood plan for the Hawthorne-Truax Area
WHEREAS the City of Madison's Comprehensive Plan (2018) provides general goals, objectives, policies and implementation recommendations and a Generalized Land Use map to guide the future growth and development of the City; and
WHEREAS the Comprehensive Plan recommends the preparation of sub-area plans for established neighborhoods to provide greater detail on specific land uses, development intensity, and building forms which establish the characteristics recommended within a given area, or to propose amendments to the Plan; and
WHEREAS the planning study area, depicted on the attached map, includes portions of Census Tracts 25.0, 26.01 and 26.02; and
WHEREAS these census tracts meet the following criteria for selection of a census tract for such CDBG supported plans: 1) at least 51% of the persons qualify as low and moderate income, 2) the area includes certain quality of life trends as reflected in the Neighborhood Indicators Project, 3) the most recent neighborhood plan, Carpenter-Ridgeway-Hawthorne-Sycamore- MacArthur-Truax Neighborhood Plan, was adopted in 2001; and
WHEREAS the Carpenter-Ridgeway-Hawthorne-Sycamore- MacArthur-Truax Neighborhood Plan provided policy makers with a framework for east side improvements for the last 20 years and the creation of a new plan for the area would provide an opportunity to review and update the existing neighborhood plan to reflect current conditions and align the subarea plan with the Comprehensive Plan; and
WHEREAS the planning process will address issues related, but not be limited to, future land use, community facilities and services, economic development, historic resources, housing, parks and open space, transportation, utilities, racial equity and social justice, community group partnerships and capacity building, placemaking and community gathering areas; and
WHEREAS, the planning process will also address anticipated changes within and near the area, such as: 1) Preparing detailed plans for Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) corridors to guide redevelopment and improve pedestrian and bicycle linkages; 2) Implementing Transit Oriented Development (TOD) overlay zoning along BRT and existing and planned high-frequency transit service corridors to create redevelopment intensity minimums, reduce parking requirements, and support transit use; 4) Planning for future land use and transportation access improvements along STH 51 in coordination with upcoming WisDOT redesign of this facility; 4) Planning for and facilitating mixed-use neighborhood centers featuring shops, community facilities and services, employment, and a mix of housing types within and near single-use neighborhoods as identified in the growth Priority Areas Map; and 5) Ensuring that redevelopment is well-integrated with adjacent low density residential areas; and
WHEREAS the CDBG Committee and CDBG Office have traditionally partnered with the Plan Commission and Planning Division to identify eligible areas with opportunities where a neighborhood planning process could effectively guide future City and community activities; and
WHEREAS the CDBG Committee and the Common Council have adopted a five year Consolidated Plan and Annual Action Plan that establishes a framework for the development of such a subarea plan, and the CDBG Committee has supported such a planning process with funds for the planning and a reserve of future funds for implementation of projects that address high priority goals and opportunities articulated in the plan adopted by the Common Council.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council hereby authorizes the development of a neighborhood plan for the Hawthorne-Truax area.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Planning Division will lead the planning process and coordinate with appropriate City agencies, including the Community Development Division and its specific work on future redevelopment for key sites, and with the Community Development Block Grant Office that will provide CDBG funds to support Planning and eligible capital projects and with assistance from other agencies as needed.
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that the Hawthorne-Truax Neighborhood Plan process will include a detailed public engagement and communications plan that offers many opportunities for residents, property owners, local businesses, community groups and others to engage in the planning process and provide input on relevant issues, strategies, and preliminary recommendations.