Fiscal Note
No additional City appropriation required. The Metropolitan Planning Organization’s (MPO) 2022 adopted operating budget within the Planning Division includes funding for the MPO’s share of the annual ride-matching software maintenance and support services and security certificate for the web domain.
Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an agreement with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation on behalf of the Greater Madison MPO to continue providing ride-matching services via an interactive, Internet -based application
WHEREAS, the City of Madison Planning Division provides staffing for the Greater Madison MPO (Metropolitan Planning Organization) and the city serves as the MPO’s fiscal and administrative agent; and
WHEREAS, the Greater Madison MPO (“MPO”) is the designated MPO for the Madison Metropolitan Area with responsibilities to perform metropolitan transportation planning and programming activities; and
WHEREAS, the MPO administers a travel demand management (TDM) program called RoundTrip (formerly named Rideshare Etc.), which provides van/carpool ride-matching and other alternative transportation promotion services, works with employers to conduct TDM programs, coordinates TDM efforts of other agencies and organizations, provides assistance on other initiatives to promote ridesharing, transit, bicycling and walking, including employer-based commuter challenges, and produces and disseminates TDM marketing materials; and
WHEREAS, the MPO and the City of Madison recognize the need for and benefits of TDM programs and other strategies to promote the use of transit, car/vanpooling, bicycling, and walking in the region; and
WHEREAS, the MPO and the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (“WisDOT”), which has a statewide Rideshare Program, have had agreements dating back to 2005 to cooperate in providing interactive ride-matching services and sharing in the costs of the software application and services; and
WHEREAS, the MPO and WisDOT agreement to share in the cost of acquiring and maintaining an online ride-matching software application provides for cost savings due to the overlapping areas of service of the two agencies; and
WHEREAS, in addition to providing assistance to commuters looking for people to carpool with the application also provides information to commuters on state vanpools, public transit routes, and matches people interested in bicycle commuting together, thereby further supporting the MPO’s TDM program; and
WHEREAS, the MPO and WisDOT desire to update the current agreement executed by the City of Madison in November 2015 in order to incorporate the new name of the MPO and TDM program (RoundTrip); include language about the new RoundTrip website, which links to the ride-matching application, and how costs associated with that will be handled; specify the term and renewal terms of the agreement; and more accurately reflect the processes already in place between the two agencies related to purchasing and invoicing for the ride-matching platform.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and the City Clerk are authorized to enter into an agreement with WisDOT on behalf of the MPO to provide continuing ride-matching services via an interactive, Internet-based application and share in the cost of the software and services.