Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution accepts the recommendations of the Community Services Committee for funding School-Age and Youth programs in 2024. Up to $1,900,527 would be disbursed among 20 community-based non-profit organizations to fund 47 programs chosen through a request for proposals (RFP) process initiated by the Community Development Division in April 2023.
Allocation to the Community Development Division budget and disbursement of the funds to the listed organizations are contingent upon adoption of the 2024 Operating Budget. No additional appropriation required in 2023.
Approving the recommendations of the Community Services Committee regarding the allocation of City funds, for use beginning in 2024, for School-Age Child and Youth Development programs.
The proposed resolution approves the allocation of up to $1,630,527 of City funds for contracts with 20 community-based non-profit organizations recommended by the Community Services Committee (CSC) for the provision of 47 School-Age Child and Youth programs operated in accordance with the “School-Age Child and Youth Development Policy Paper” adopted by the Common Council on June 11, 2019 in RES-19-00428, Legistar File #55944. The resolution also conveys CSC’s recommendation to the Council to authorize and allocate an additional $269,252 for School-Age Child and Youth programs in the City’s 2024 Operating Budget.
Funding for these contracts is dependent upon the authorization of necessary funds in the City’s 2024 Operating Budget.
The Community Development Division (CDD) seeks to create the necessary conditions for Madison residents to realize their full potential through shared prosperity by building human capital and improving economic opportunities, in part, by assuring that school-age children and youth are prepared for lifelong success. The City investments seek to ensure the availability of quality out-of-school-time programming, and provide access to experiences and relationships that contribute to positive youth engagement. They support a continuum of quality, affordable elementary school-age care, and programs that promote positive youth development for middle- and high school-aged youth during out-of-school time, particularly for low-income youth and children and youth of color.
WHEREAS, the City of Madison has a long-standing commitment of financial support for programs that provide the care and resources needed to support positive child and youth development including the many facets of physical and mental health, social-emotional learning, cognitive development and strong relationships with family and the community; and,
WHEREAS, on June 11, 2019, the Common Council adopted RES-19-00248, which approved the “School-Age Child and Youth Development Policy Paper” establishing the program structures, effective practices, cost estimates and a program continuum for school-age child and youth development programs, for which the City will offer financial support; and,
WHEREAS, the City’s 2023 Adopted Operating Budget includes $ 1,630,527 to support ongoing School-Age Child and Youth Development programs; and,
WHEREAS, on April 5, 2023, CDD released a Request For Proposals (RFP), Building Human Capital: School-Age Child and Youth Programs, with an application due date of May 15, 2023, and received proposals from 33 organizations requesting, in aggregate, more than $3 million; and,
WHEREAS, CDD staff reviewed those proposals and formulated recommendations to the CSC regarding the allocation of available funds based on their alignment with the standards laid out in the “School-Age Child and Youth Development Policy Paper”; and,
WHEREAS, CDD staff developed a supplemental set of recommendations, totaling up to $270,000, for use in guiding allocation decisions in the event the Mayor and Common Council choose to increase the level of funding committed to School-Age Child and Youth programming in the 2024 Operating Budget; and,
WHEREAS, at its meeting on June 14, 2023, the CSC reviewed the program proposals and adopted the staff recommendations regarding the allocation of $1,630,527, as well as the supplemental recommendations should additional funds be authorized.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Common Council approves the Community Services Committee’s recommendations regarding the allocation of $1,630,527 currently available for School-Age Child and Youth Development programming, as set forth in the attached spreadsheet, including recommended allocations for up to $270,000 of additional funding, if the Council opts to authorize additional funding in the City’s Adopted 2024 Operating Budget; and,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that, upon final adoption of the City’s 2024 Operating Budget, the Council authorizes the Mayor and City Clerk, on behalf of the City, to enter into contracts, to take effect on January 1, 2024, with the specified agencies and in the specified amounts, to accomplish the purposes set forth in this resolution.