Fiscal Note
The 2021 Capital Budget includes $150.2 million for planning, design, and construction costs to implement the first phase of Bus Rapid Transit. Additionally, $7.0 million was appropriated in 2020 for the project. The proposed resolution adopts revisions to the Locally-Preferred Alternative, which defines characteristics of the project. No additional appropriation is required.
Adopting the recommendations for the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) east-west corridor described in the report entitled “Revised Locally Preferred Alternative”.
WHEREAS, in early 2020, the City identified its Locally-Preferred Alternative as part of its request of the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) to enter the project development phase, eventually leading to submittal for evaluation into the Small Starts program; and,
WHEREAS, in August 2020, the FTA approved the LPA for entry into the federal project development program; and,
WHEREAS, as part of the continuing engineering and evaluation of the LPA in project development, several refinements have been proposed by the staff team - including changes to some station locations, types of running way, and end points; and,
WHEREAS, modifications to the running way on East Washington Avenue, Whitney Way and Mineral Point Road corridors are being proposed, such as the creation of bus-only lanes along the center of the roadway, as opposed to the curb side of the street - and locating the stations along those corridors in the median of the streets as opposed to the terraces; and,
WHEREAS, there are a number of advantages to center-running bus lanes and median stations, including the preservation of on-street parking during most of the day in locations where it is needed, allowing for better bicycle accommodations in all of the corridors, fostering an improved pedestrian environment and reduced cost due to having fewer stations; and,
WHEREAS, the City needs to identify its revised Locally-Preferred Alternative and request that the Federal Transit Administration determine the NEPA Class of Action for environmental evaluation and documentation to take place in 2021;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council adopts the recommendations contained in the Revised Locally Preferred Alternative report and incorporates them into the revised Locally Preferred Alternative for the east-west corridor; and,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the project continue refinements within the project development process and the next phases of planning, preliminary engineering, design and environmental evaluation; and,
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that Department of Transportation staff continue to provide updates and project status to the Transportation Policy & Planning Board.