| 1 | | Public Comment: 7/20 Finance Committee | Miscellaneous | PUBLIC COMMENT | | |
Action details
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| 1 | 1. | Amending the 2020 Adopted Budget to transfer the Sustainability program (operating and capital components) from the Engineering Division to the Mayor’s Office. | Resolution | Amending the 2020 Adopted Budget to transfer the Sustainability program (operating and capital components) from the Engineering Division to the Mayor’s Office. | RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO PLACE ON FILE - REPORT OF OFFICER | Pass |
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Not available
| 1 | 2. | Adopting Teamsters Union Local 695 Labor Agreement | Resolution | Adopting and confirming the Labor Agreement between the City of Madison and Teamsters Union Local 695, affiliated with the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, for the period January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2021. | RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT - REPORT OF OFFICER | Pass |
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| 1 | 3. | Authorizing the issuance of Request for Proposals for professional architectural and engineering consultant design services and construction administration services for the existing building in Olin Park located at 330 E Lakeside Street. (13th AD) | Resolution | Authorizing the issuance of Request for Proposals for professional architectural and engineering consultant design services and construction administration services for the existing building in Olin Park located at 330 E Lakeside Street. (13th AD) | RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT - REPORT OF OFFICER | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 4. | Authorizing the City to participate in negotiations and, if necessary, arbitration with Dane County regarding the County’s Rodefeld Landfill Vertical expansion application, creating the Rodefeld Landfill Expansion City Negotiating Team Committee and autho | Resolution | Authorizing the City to participate in negotiations and, if necessary, arbitration with Dane County regarding the County’s Rodefeld Landfill Vertical expansion application, creating the Rodefeld Landfill Expansion City Negotiating Team Committee and authorizing the Mayor to appoint members to the Rodefeld Landfill expansion local committee and the Rodefeld Landfill Expansion City Negotiating Team Committee. | RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT - REPORT OF OFFICER | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 5. | Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an agreement with the City of Fitchburg for the Installation of Traffic Control Signal Controller Cabinets on McKee Rd and Installation of Traffic Control Signals at the Intersection of CTH MM & Lacy Rd. | Resolution | Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an agreement with the City of Fitchburg for the Installation of Traffic Control Signal Controller Cabinets on McKee Rd and Installation of Traffic Control Signals at the Intersection of CTH MM & Lacy Rd, and amending the 2020 Adopted Capital Budget to appropriate $150,000 for the CTH MM & Lacy Road project. | RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT - REPORT OF OFFICER | Pass |
Action details
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| 1 | 6. | | Resolution | Authorizing Madison Water Utility's General Manager to certify municipal services bills, assessments, and charges to the 2020 tax rolls of other governmental units for delinquent accounts in those jurisdictions. | Return to Lead with the Recommendation for Approval | Pass |
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| 1 | 7. | | Resolution | Authorizing the City of Madison Finance Department to continue serving as Fiscal Agent for the Metropolitan Unified Fiber Network, Unincorporated Association (MUFN-C), authorizing the Finance Director to sign a contract with MUFN-C for the same, and authorizing the Finance Director to continue receiving and disbursing funds on behalf of MUFN-C as Fiscal Agent. | RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT - REPORT OF OFFICER | Pass |
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| 1 | 8. | Authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute an amendment to the loan agreement with the CDA to extend the payment deadline until June 1, 2022 | Resolution | Authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute an amendment to the loan agreement with the CDA to extend the payment deadline until June 1, 2022. | RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT - REPORT OF OFFICER | Pass |
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| 1 | 9. | 2019 Section 5310 Enhanced Mobility Grant | Resolution | Authorizing the Transit General Manager to file an application for a Section 5310 Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Program Grant with U.S. Department of Transportation and authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute the associated grant agreement with USDOT and the associated 13 (c) agreement with Teamsters Local No. 695, approving the associated Program Management and Recipient Coordination Plan and authorizing Metro Transit to pass through funding as approved in the Program of Projects (attached). | Return to Lead with the Recommendation for Approval | Pass |
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| 1 | 10. | 2020 Super Grant | Resolution | Authorizing the Transit General Manager to file an application for a Section 5307, 5337 & 5339 Super Grant, public transit capital, capital maintenance, and capital planning grant with U.S. Department of Transportation and authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute the associated grant agreement with USDOT and the associated 13 (c) agreement with Teamsters Local No. 695. | Return to Lead with the Recommendation for Approval | Pass |
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| 1 | 11. | CARES Sec 5307 Grant | Resolution | Authorizing the Transit General Manager to file an application for CARES Act Stimulus Section 5307 Grant for public transit capital and operating assistance in response to the COVID-19 pandemic with U.S. Department of Transportation and authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute the associated grant agreement with USDOT and subrecipient agreements with entities included as pass through funds and the associated 13 (c) agreement with Teamsters Local No. 695 | Return to Lead with the Recommendation for Approval | Pass |
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| 1 | 12. | Amending the 2020 Capital Budget to transfer $245,000 of existing GO borrowing authority between major program Streets Yard Improvements and major program Streets Facilities Improvements (Eng-Facilities Management) and Awarding Public Works Contract 8891, | Resolution | Amending the 2020 Capital Budget to transfer $245,000 of existing GO borrowing authority between major program Streets Yard Improvements and major program Streets Facilities Improvements (Eng-Facilities Management) and Awarding Public Works Contract 8891, Sycamore Truck Scale. (17th AD) | RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT (15 VOTES REQUIRED) - REPORT OF OFFICER | Pass |
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| 1 | 13. | Amending the 2020 Adopted CDA Operating Budget to accept $433,215 as awarded to the CDA by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) | Resolution | Amending the 2020 Adopted CDA Housing Operating Budget to accept $433,215 as awarded to the CDA by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act). | RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT (15 VOTES REQUIRED) - REPORT OF OFFICER | Pass |
Action details
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| 1 | 14. | Authorizing the Community Development Division (CDD), in accordance with RES-2020-00313, to distribute 2020 EOP funds in three equal sums to the African Center for Community Development, Inc., Freedom Inc., and UNIDOS Against Domestic Violence to assist i | Resolution | Authorizing the Community Development Division (CDD), in accordance with RES-2020-00313, to distribute 2020 EOP funds in three equal sums to the African Center for Community Development, Inc., Freedom Inc., and UNIDOS Against Domestic Violence to assist immigrant communities dealing with the impacts of COVID-19 | RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT - REPORT OF OFFICER | Pass |
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| 1 | 15. | Authorizing the City of Madison, on behalf of the Dane County Continuum of Care (CoC), to accept the ESG-CV grant award of $1,887,265 from the State of Wisconsin Department of Administration; authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute agreements with | Resolution | Authorizing the City of Madison, on behalf of the Dane County Continuum of Care (CoC), to accept the ESG-CV grant award of $1,887,265 from the State of Wisconsin Department of Administration; authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute agreements with specific Dane County CoC agencies to provide services using the ESG-CV funds; and amending the Community Development Division's 2020 Adopted Operating Budget to reflect receipt of these funds and commensurate expenditures. | RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT (15 VOTES REQUIRED) - REPORT OF OFFICER | Pass |
Action details
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| 2 | 16. | | Resolution | SUBSTITUTE - Authorizing the City Clerk to apply for and accept a Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) subgrant from the Wisconsin Elections Commission, and amending the 2020 Adopted Operating Budget to increase the City Clerk's Supplies budget by $198,200. | RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT (15 VOTES REQUIRED) - REPORT OF OFFICER | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 2 | 17. | Recovery Program | Ordinance | SECOND SUBSTITUTE - Creating Section 4.33 of the Madison General Ordinances to establish a Downtown Recovery Program Ordinance. | RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT - REPORT OF OFFICER | Pass |
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| 3 | 18. | ALTERNATE - Amending Resolution Substitute Resolution No.61179 relating to the purposes of the Façade Improvement Grant Fund to add a stated purpose of Downtown Recovery. | Resolution | ALTERNATE - Amending Resolution Substitute Resolution No.61179 relating to the purposes of the Façade Improvement Grant Fund add a stated purpose of Downtown Recovery. | RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT (15 VOTES REQUIRED) - REPORT OF OFFICER | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 2 | 19. | Commercial Ownership Assistance Program | Ordinance | SUBSTITUTE - Creating Section 4.32 of the Madison General Ordinances to establish a Commercial Ownership Assistance Program. | RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT - REPORT OF OFFICER | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 20. | Procedures for MPD to obtain property from Defense Logistics Agency | Ordinance | ALTERNATE - Creating Section 5.18 of the Madison General Ordinances to establish procedures for the Madison Police Department to obtain property from the Defense Logistics Agency under the 1033 Program. | Refer | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 21. | Authorizing the termination of MMSD contract for School Resource Officers | Resolution | Authorizing the termination of the contract with the Madison Metropolitan School District to provide School Resource Officers for the four MMSD high schools. | RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT - REPORT OF OFFICER | Pass |
Action details
Not available