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Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Agenda status: Approved
Meeting date/time: 10/7/2020 4:30 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Virtual Meeting See Instructions
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #Boards, Commissions and CommitteesTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsWatch
62437 11. MiscellaneousPublic Comment   Not available Not available
62446 13.Consider a Report of the City Engineer regarding the results of a review of water resources impacts and the necessity of permits for public works construction projects on this agenda and addendum to the agenda.MiscellaneousConsider a Report of the City Engineer regarding the results of a review of water resources impacts and the necessity of permits for public works construction projects on this agenda and addendum to the agenda.   Not available Not available
62418 15.Approving Plans, Specifications, And Schedule Of Assessments For Dunning Street, Jackson Street, and LaFollette Ave Reconstruction Assessment District - 2020.ResolutionApproving Plans, Specifications, And Schedule Of Assessments For Dunning Street, Jackson Street, and LaFollette Ave Reconstruction Assessment District - 2020. (6th AD)   Not available Not available
62423 16.Approving Plans, Specifications, And Schedule Of Assessments For Rockstream Drive Assessment District - 2020.ResolutionApproving Plans, Specifications, And Schedule Of Assessments For Rockstream Drive Assessment District - 2020. (7th AD)   Not available Not available
62424 17.Approving Plans, Specifications, And Schedule Of Assessments For Cedar Street Assessment District - 2021.ResolutionApproving Plans, Specifications, And Schedule Of Assessments For Cedar Street Assessment District - 2021. (13th AD)   Not available Not available
61878 18.Discontinuing and vacating a portion of the public road right-of-way of Parkside Drive, being located in part of the SE ¼ of the SW ¼ and also part of the SW ¼ of the SE 1/4 of Section 28, Township 8 North, Range 10 East, City of Madison, Dane County, WisResolutionDiscontinuing and vacating a portion of the public road right-of-way of Parkside Drive, being located in part of the SE ¼ of the SW ¼ and also part of the SW ¼ of the SE 1/4 of Section 28, Township 8 North, Range 10 East, City of Madison, Dane County, Wisconsin. (17th AD)   Not available Not available
62129 19.12162-12164 Cannonball Bike Path MMSD SanitaryResolutionAuthorizing the execution of a Permanent Sanitary Sewer Easement together with a Temporary Construction Easement to Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District, as well as a Permanent Private Sanitary Sewer Easement to Madison Real Estate Consultants, LLC, and accepting a Permanent Sanitary Sewer Easement from the City of Fitchburg, all related to Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District’s planned project making improvements to the Nine Springs Valley Interceptor along portions of the Cannonball Path. (10th AD)   Not available Not available
62340 110.A Resolution to authorize the non-competitive purchase of goods from Willow Drive Mitigation Bank as a sole source provider of Wet Meadow wetland mitigation credits by City of Madison. and amending the 2020 Capital Budget for Street Reconstruction ProgramResolutionA Resolution to authorize the non-competitive purchase of goods from Willow Drive Mitigation Bank as a sole source provider of Wet Meadow wetland mitigation credits by City of Madison. (7th AD) and amending the 2020 Capital Budget for Street Reconstruction Program for the Rockstream Drive project (MUNIS Project 12694).   Not available Not available
62399 111.*12171 - Crawford-Marlborough-Nakoma NA message board kioskResolutionAuthorizing the City to accept ownership from the Crawford Marlborough Nakoma Neighborhood Association of an outdoor informational message kiosk located in the 1600 block of Whenona Drive. (10th AD)   Not available Not available
62250 112.*Accepting sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and street improvements (excluding bituminous surface pavement) constructed by Private Contract in 9603 Paragon Place - Phase 1, Private Contract No. 2439ResolutionAccepting sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and street improvements (excluding bituminous surface pavement) constructed by Private Contract in 9603 Paragon Place - Phase 1, Private Contract No. 2439 (9th AD)   Not available Not available
62391 113.*Accepting park improvements constructed by Private Contract for Thousand Oaks Park Improvements, Private Contract No 8183.ResolutionAccepting park improvements constructed by Private Contract for Thousand Oaks Park Improvements, Private Contract No 8183. (9th AD)   Not available Not available
62398 114.*Approving plans and specifications for public improvements necessary for the project known as McCormick Ave/Commercial Ave Development and authorizing construction to be undertaken by the Developer, and Rescinding Resolution RES-20-00506, File Number 6109ResolutionApproving plans and specifications for public improvements necessary for the project known as McCormick Ave/Commercial Ave Development and authorizing construction to be undertaken by the Developer, and Rescinding Resolution RES-20-00506, File Number 61095. Private Contract No. 8929. (12th AD)   Not available Not available
62400 115.*Approving plans and specifications for public improvements necessary for the project known as 3040-3046 Commercial Ave. Future Phase and authorizing construction to be undertaken by the Developer, Private Contract No. 8979.ResolutionApproving plans and specifications for public improvements necessary for the project known as 3040-3046 Commercial Ave. Future Phase and authorizing construction to be undertaken by the Developer, Private Contract No. 8979. (12th AD)   Not available Not available
62401 116.*Approving plans and specifications for public improvements necessary for the project known as 1212 Huxley Street and authorizing construction to be undertaken by the Developer, Private Contract No. 8959.ResolutionApproving plans and specifications for public improvements necessary for the project known as 1212 Huxley Street and authorizing construction to be undertaken by the Developer, Private Contract No. 8959 (12th AD)   Not available Not available
62408 117.Approving plans and specifications for public improvements required to serve Phase 1of the Subdivision known as Paragon Place Addition No. 1 and authorizing construction to be undertaken by the Developer, and Rescinding Resolution RES-20-00197. Private CoResolutionApproving plans and specifications for public improvements required to serve Phase 1of the Subdivision known as Paragon Place Addition No. 1 and authorizing construction to be undertaken by the Developer, and Rescinding Resolution RES-20-00197. Private Contract No. 8436. (9th AD)   Not available Not available
62414 118.*Approving plans and specifications for public improvements necessary for the project known as 502 W Washington Avenue and authorizing construction to be undertaken by the Developer, Private Contract No. 8978.ResolutionApproving plans and specifications for public improvements necessary for the project known as 502 W Washington Avenue and authorizing construction to be undertaken by the Developer, Private Contract No. 8978. (4th AD)   Not available Not available
62415 119.Approving plans and specifications for public improvements necessary for the project known as 603 South Point Road - Edison Expansion and authorizing construction to be undertaken by the Developer, Private Contract No. 8946.ResolutionApproving plans and specifications for public improvements necessary for the project known as 603 South Point Road - Edison Expansion and authorizing construction to be undertaken by the Developer, Private Contract No. 8946. (9th AD)   Not available Not available
62321 120.Approving plans and specifications and authorizing the Board of Public Works to advertise and receive bids for Tenney Park Lagoon Biostabilization.ResolutionApproving plans and specifications and authorizing the Board of Public Works to advertise and receive bids for Tenney Park Lagoon Biostabilization. (2nd AD)   Not available Not available
62427 121.Change Order No. 1 to Contract No. 8304, E Washington Avenue Permanent Pavement Marking Replacement - 2020, to Century Fence Co in the amount of $60,900.00 and an addition of 259 days. (over contingency amount for project)MiscellaneousChange Order No. 1 to Contract No. 8304, E Washington Avenue Permanent Pavement Marking Replacement - 2020, to Century Fence Co in the amount of $60,900.00 and an addition of 259 days. (over contingency amount for project) (2nd and 6th AD)   Not available Not available
62390 122.Authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute an Amendment to the contract between the City of Madison and KL Engineering, Inc., for additional design engineering services for University Avenue from Shorewood Boulevard to University Bay Drive.ResolutionAuthorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute an Amendment to the contract between the City of Madison and KL Engineering, Inc., for additional design engineering services for University Avenue from Shorewood Boulevard to University Bay Drive. (5th AD)   Not available Not available
62397 123.Authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute Amendment No. 3 to the existing Purchase of Services contract between the City of Madison and Advanced Engineering and Environmental Services, Inc. for engineering services for the Spring Harbor WatersheResolutionAuthorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute Amendment No. 3 to the existing Purchase of Services contract between the City of Madison and Advanced Engineering and Environmental Services, Inc. for engineering services for the Spring Harbor Watershed Study. (1st, 9th, 10th, 11th, 19th & 20th Ads)   Not available Not available
62425 124.Approving the installation of a new bus stop and bus pad at 449 Toepfer Avenue.MiscellaneousApproving the installation of a new bus stop, boarding pad and bench at 449 Toepfer Avenue. (11th AD)   Not available Not available
62429 125.Authorizing an amendment to the purchase of services contract with Mead and Hunt for professional architectural and engineering services to include design work associated with re-bidding the Metro Transit Phase 2 Facility Improvement project at the MetroResolutionAuthorizing an amendment to the purchase of services contract with Mead and Hunt for professional architectural and engineering services to include design work associated with re-bidding the Metro Transit Phase 2 Facility Improvement project at the Metro Transit Bus Maintenance Facility. (6th AD)   Not available Not available
62392 127.Awarding Public Works Contract No. 8916, Gates of Heaven Exterior Restoration.ResolutionAwarding Public Works Contract No. 8916, Gates of Heaven Exterior Restoration. (2nd AD)   Not available Not available