Madison, WI Header
Meeting Name: PUBLIC SAFETY REVIEW COMMITTEE Agenda status: Approved
Meeting date/time: 10/16/2019 5:00 PM Minutes status: Approved  
Meeting location: Madison Municipal Building 215 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Room 204
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #Boards, Commissions and CommitteesTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsWatch
57229 11.Court Services to issue parking complaintsOrdinanceAmending Section 1.08(5) of the Madison General Ordinances to grant Court Services personnel authority to issue and be named in parking complaints.RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT - REPORT OF OFFICERPass Action details Not available
57566 12.MOU between UWPD and the CityResolutionSUBSITUTE - A resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign a Memorandum of Understanding with the University of Wisconsin -Madison to allow the UW Police Department to write certain citations as City of Madison ordinance violations to be processed in Madison Municipal Court.Return to Lead with the Following Recommendation(s)Pass Action details Not available
57791 13. Discussion ItemContinued discussion on the creation of an African American youth program similiar to Amigos en Azul.   Action details Not available
57013 14. Discussion ItemDiscussion on committee expectations from the Police and Fire reports.Discuss and Finalize  Action details Not available
57379 15. Discussion ItemMPD Standard Operating Procecedure (SOP) Public Notice and Comment Period   Action details Not available
57037 16. Discussion ItemDiscussion on the Common Council Executive Committee Recommendation to the PSRC on Action Item 13   Action details Not available
57009 17. Discussion ItemContinued discussion on PSRC Items of Interest and the formation of the Subcommittee   Action details Not available
57802 19. Discussion ItemChair's Report   Action details Not available
57792 110. Discussion ItemMadison Fire Department Report   Action details Not available
57793 111. Discussion ItemMadison Police Department Report   Action details Not available
57795 112. Discussion ItemDane County Commission on Sensitive Crimes - Report from Alder McKinney   Action details Not available
57794 113. Discussion ItemAlder Report   Action details Not available