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Meeting Name: COMMON COUNCIL Agenda status: Amended
Meeting date/time: 7/10/2018 6:30 PM Minutes status: Approved  
Meeting location: 210 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. Room 201 (City-County Building)
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #Boards, Commissions and CommitteesTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsWatch
52316 11.Presentation: Poetry Recitation by Derek Johnson - "Self Destruction"PresentationPresentation: Poetry Recitation by Derek Johnson - "Self Destruction"RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO GRANT UNDER SUSPENSION OF MGO 2.055 - REPORT OF OFFICER  Action details Not available
52141 12.Paul Kronberger RetirementResolutionHonoring and expressing appreciation to Paul Kronberger, Director of Information Technology, on his retirement from the City of Madison.Adopt Unanimously Under Suspension of Rules 2.04, 2.24, & 2.25Pass Action details Not available
51574 23.Allow free-standing vending in most residential districtsOrdinanceSUBSTITUTE Amending Sections 28.211, 28.032, 28.061, 28.072, 28.082, 28.091, and 28.151 of the Madison General Ordinances to allow free-standing vending on private property.Adopt as Substituted and Close the Public HearingPass Action details Not available
51847 14.Bartaco Hilldale LLC Alcohol License ApplicationLicensePublic Hearing - New License Bartaco Hilldale LLC • dba bartaco 726 N Midvale Blvd Suite M464 • Agent: Taryn Duncan Estimated Capacity: 183 Class B Combination Liquor & Beer • 40% alcohol, 57.5% food, other 2.5% Aldermanic District 11 (Alder Martin) • Police Sector 108Grant and Close the Public HearingPass Action details Not available
51863 15.Alabaster Entertainment LLC Resubmitted Alcohol License ApplicationLicensePublic Hearing - Resubmitted License Application Alabaster Entertainment LLC • dba TBD 3116 Commercial Ave • Agent: Gregory Kveberg Estimated Capacity: 325 Class B Combination Liquor & Beer • 85% alcohol, 5% food, 10% other Aldermanic District 15 (Alder Ahrens) • Police Sector 604 Previous Application Granted: 6/6/2017 Previous Conditions: 1. This license will automatically be separated at the 2018 license renewal time. 2. The licensed premise totals 5800 square feet and does not include any outdoor area. 3. The maximum capacity is set at 325. Anticipated Opening Date: September 2018Grant with Condition(s) and Close the Public HearingPass Action details Not available
51864 16.Burgritos Five LLC Alcohol License ApplicationLicensePublic Hearing - New License Burgritos Five LLC • dba Burgrito's 1835 Monroe St • Agent: David Manger • Estimated Capacity: 48 Class B Beer • 10% alcohol, 90% food Aldermanic District 13 (Alder Eskrich) • Police Sector 303Grant with Condition(s) and Close the Public HearingPass Action details Not available
51870 17.LRP Madison 1 LLC Alcohol License ApplicationLicensePublic Hearing - New License LRP Madison1 LLC • dba Sheraton Madison Hotel 706 John Nolen Dr • Agent: Andrew Myer • Estimated Capacity: 130 Class B Combination Liquor & Beer 4.35% alcohol, 20.14% food, 75.51% other Aldermanic District 14 (Alder Carter) • Police Sector 313Grant and Close the Public HearingPass Action details Not available
51871 18.DFLLSB LLC Alcohol License ApplicationLicensePublic Hearing - New License DFLLSB LLC • dba Flannery's 117 S Pinckney St • Agent: Hart Allen Miller • Estimated Capacity: 80 Class B Combination Liquor & Beer • 15% alcohol, 85% food Aldermanic District 4 (Alder Verveer) • Police Sector 405Place On FilePass Action details Not available
51874 19.Madison United Soccer LLC Alcohol License ApplicationLicensePublic Hearing - New License Madison United Soccer LLC • dba United Football Association 5018 Blazing Star Dr • Agent: Laura Calderon Portillo • Estimated Capacity: 500 Class B Beer • 40% alcohol, 60% food Aldermanic District 16 (Alder DeMarb) • Police Sector 619Grant with Condition(s) and Close the Public HearingPass Action details Not available
52086 110.Approving Plans, Specifications and Schedule of Assessments for Winnebago Street, Atwood Avenue and Linden Avenue Assessment District - 2018ResolutionApproving Plans, Specifications and Schedule of Assessments for Winnebago Street, Atwood Avenue and Linden Avenue Assessment District - 2018. (6th AD)Suspend Rule 2.05(5)Pass Action details Not available
52086 1 Approving Plans, Specifications and Schedule of Assessments for Winnebago Street, Atwood Avenue and Linden Avenue Assessment District - 2018ResolutionApproving Plans, Specifications and Schedule of Assessments for Winnebago Street, Atwood Avenue and Linden Avenue Assessment District - 2018. (6th AD)Adopt Under Suspension of Rules 2.04, 2.05, 2.24, and 2.25, and Close the Public HearingPass Action details Not available
52010 111.7-10-2018 Resident committee appointmentsAppointmentReport of the Mayor submitting resident committee appointments (introduction 6/19/2018; action 7/10/2018).ConfirmPass Action details Not available
52295 112.7-24-2018 Resident committee appointmentsAppointmentReport of the Mayor submitting resident committee appointments (introduction 7/10/2018; action 7/24/2018).Refer to a future Meeting to Confirm Pass Action details Not available
50983 113.Verona Wildcats Youth Hockey Association Temp BLicenseTemporary Class B Retailer License Concurrent with Street Use Permit Verona Wildcats Youth Hockey Association Event Location: 931 E Main Street Event Date: October 13, 2018 Aldermanic District 6 (Ald. Rummel) Police District: 408 Event: The HumdingerPlace On FilePass Action details Not available
51156 1mm14. LicenseChange of Licensed Conditions Kwik Trip Inc • dba Kwik Trip 531 2601 Fish Hatchery Rd • Agent: Melinda Smith Class A Beer, Class A Cider Aldermanic District 14 (Alder Carter) • Police Sector 309 Request to remove condition one.Grant With Condition(s)Pass Action details Not available
51157 115. LicenseChange of Licensed Conditions Kwik Trip Inc • dba Kwik Trip 965 2402 W Broadway • Agent: Alex Will Class A Beer, Class A Cider Aldermanic District 14 (Alder Carter) • Police Sector 313 Request to remove condition one.Grant With Condition(s)Pass Action details Not available
51159 116. LicenseChange of Licensed Conditions Kwik Trip Inc • dba Kwik Trip 952 2538 Fish Hatchery Rd • Agent: Laura Feldt Class A Beer, Class A Cider Aldermanic District 14 (Alder Carter) • Police Sector 308 Request to remove condition one.Grant With Condition(s)Pass Action details Not available
51264 117.LRP Madison1 LLC Entertainment License ApplicationLicense21+ Entertainment License LRP Madison1 LLC • dba Sheraton Madison Hotel • Capacity: 2165 706 John Nolen Dr • Agent: Andrew Myer Class B Combination Liquor & Beer 4.35% alcohol, 20.14% food, 75.51% other Aldermanic District 14 (Alder Carter) • Police Sector 313GrantPass Action details Not available
51753 118.Transferring one reserve “Class B” alcohol license in accordance with Wis. Stats. sec. 125.51(4)(e) from the City of Madison to the Village of Shorewood Hills.ResolutionTransferring one reserve “Class B” alcohol license in accordance with Wis. Stats. sec. 125.51(4)(e) from the City of Madison to the Village of Shorewood Hills.AdoptPass Action details Not available
51910 119.Madison United Soccer LLC Entertainment License ApplicationLicense18+ Center for Visual & Performing Arts License Madison United Soccer LLC • dba United Football Association Capacity: 300 5018 Blazing Star Dr • Agent: Laura Calderon Portillo Class B Beer • 40% alcohol, 60% food Aldermanic District 16 (Alder DeMarb) • Police Sector 619GrantPass Action details Not available
51922 120.DFLLSB LLC Entertainment License ApplicationLicense21+ Entertainment License DFLLSB LLC • dba Flannery's • Capacity: 80 117 S Pinckney St • Agent: Hart Allen Miller Class B Combination Liquor & Beer • 15% alcohol, 85% food Aldermanic District 4 (Alder Verveer) • Police Sector 405Place On FilePass Action details Not available
51960 121.City View Market Inc Change of PremisesLicenseChange of Licensed Premise City View Market Inc • dba Capitol Centre Market 111 N Broom St • Agent: Mitchell P Eveland Class A Beer, Class A Liquor Aldermanic District 4 (Alder Verveer) • Police Sector 405 Request to remodel and move walk-in beer cooler.GrantPass Action details Not available
51977 122.SP Roberts LLC Premises ChangeLicenseChange of Licensed Premise SP Roberts LLC • dba Pasqual's Cantina Current Capacity (in/out): 273/97 • Proposed Capacity (in/out): 273/1000 1344 E Washington Ave • Agent: Seth Wilson Class B Combination Liquor & Beer • 34% alcohol, 65% food, 1% other Aldermanic District 2 (Alder Zellers) • Police Sector 409 Expanding premises to include the perimeter of the adjacent lot for Saturday July 21, 2018.GrantPass Action details Not available
51991 123.Goodman Community Center Premises Change ApplicationLicenseChange of Licensed Premise Irwin A & Robert D Goodman Community Center Inc dba Goodman Community Center Current Capacity (in/out): 500/0 • Proposed Capacity (in/out): 1500/500 700/0 149 Waubesa St • Agent: Rebecca Steinhoff Class B Combination Liquor & Beer • 25% alcohol, 75% food Aldermanic District 6 (Alder Rummel) • Police Sector 602 Add "Loft" area and current fitness room at 149 Waubesa St. Add gymnasium and multipurpose room, plus green space and pergola areas at 2 Waubesa Ct. Add first floor and three small conference rooms on second floor at 214 Waubesa St. Include the gymnasium, the walkway in front of the gymnasium, the multipurpose room, the green space directly in front of the gymnasium, and the pergola areas, all at 2 Waubesa Court. The licensed premises is as shown on the drawing submitted by the Goodman Community Center and is represented by those areas colored in yellow. This map is on file with the City Clerk’s Office.Grant With Amended Condition(s)Pass Action details Not available
52021 124.Hoops of Dane County Inc Premises ChangeLicenseChange of Licensed Premise Hoops of Dane County Inc • dba North of the Bayou Current Capacity (in/out): 480/320395/85 Proposed Capacity (in/out): 480/320395/85 802 Atlas Ave • Agent: Dale Beck Class B Combination Liquor & Beer • 45% alcohol, 55% food Aldermanic District 3 (Alder Hall) • Police Sector 611 Addition of fenced-in area - volleyball courts and horseshoes.GrantPass Action details Not available
52022 125.Ale Asylum LLC Premises Change ApplicationLicenseChange of Licensed Premise Ale Asylum LLC • dba Ale Asylum Current Capacity (in/out): 164/136 • Proposed Capacity (in/out): 164/3000 2002 Pankratz St • Agent: Otto Dilba Class B Combination Liquor & Beer • 70% alcohol, 30% food Aldermanic District 12 (Alder Palm) • Police Sector 513 Expand licensed premises to include south lawn in order to host WJJO 21st Anniversary concert festival (Aug 3 & 4) and future outdoor festivals and private events.Grant With Condition(s)Pass Action details Not available
52025 126.Kwik Trip 952 Condition ChangeLicenseChange of Licensed Conditions Kwik Trip Inc • dba Kwik Trip 952 2538 Fish Hatchery Rd • Agent: Laura Feldt Class A Beer, Class A Cider Aldermanic District 14 (Alder Carter) • Police Sector 308 Change store operation hours to 5:00am to 11:00pmGrant With Condition(s)Pass Action details Not available
52026 127.Kwik Trip 965 Condition ChangeLicenseChange of Licensed Conditions Kwik Trip Inc • dba Kwik Trip 965 2402 W Broadway • Agent: Alex Will Class A Beer, Class A Cider Aldermanic District 14 (Alder Carter) • Police Sector 313 Change store operation hours to 5:00am to 11:00pm.Grant With Condition(s)Pass Action details Not available
52027 128.Kwik Trip 531 Condition ChangeLicenseChange of Licensed Conditions Kwik Trip Inc • dba Kwik Trip 531 2601 Fish Hatchery Rd • Agent: Alex Will Class A Beer, Class A Cider Aldermanic District 14 (Alder Carter) • Police Sector 309 Change store operation hours to 5:00am to 11:00pm.Grant With Condition(s)Pass Action details Not available
52028 129.2089 Inc Change of Premises ApplicationLicenseChange of Licensed Premise 2089 Inc • dba Monty's Blue Plate Diner Current Capacity (in/out): 99/0 • Proposed Capacity (in/out): 99/300 2089 Atwood Ave • Agent: Noelle Luce Class B Combination Liquor & Beer • 5% alcohol, 95% food Aldermanic District 6 (Alder Rummel) • Police Sector 410 Add parking lot to licensed premises for the last weekend in July, 2018.GrantPass Action details Not available
52099 130.Sundance Cinemas LLC Agent ChangeLicenseChange of Agent Sundance Cinemas LLC • dba Sundance Cinemas • 430 Midvale Blvd New Agent: David L McCann Class B Combination Liquor & Beer Aldermanic District 11 (Alder Martin)GrantPass Action details Not available
52100 131.Captiol Petroleum Agent ChangeLicenseChange of Agent Capitol Petroleum • dba CP Mart North • 1101 N Sherman Ave New Agent: Farooq Shahzad Class B Combination Liquor & Beer Aldermanic District 12 (Alder Palm)GrantPass Action details Not available
52101 132. LicenseBusiness Name Change Sundance Cinemas LLC • Current dba: Sundance Cinemas 430 Midvale Blvd Class B Combination Liquor & Beer Aldermanic District 11 (Alder Martin) New dba: AMC Dine-In Madison 6GrantPass Action details Not available
52108 133.GMRI Inc Agent ChangeLicenseChange of Agent GMRI Inc • dba The Olive Garden Italian Restaurant #1316 7017 Mineral Point Rd New Agent: Douglas Balfanz Class B Combination Liquor & Beer Aldermanic District 9 (Alder Skidmore)GrantPass Action details Not available
52111 134.Eken Park Festival Picnic Beer ApplicationLicenseTemporary Class B Retailer License Concurrent with Street Use Permit Eken Park Neighborhood Association Event Location: 700 Block Mayer Ave. Event Date: August 18, 2018 Aldermanic District 12 (Alder Palm) Police District: 503 Event: Eken Park FestivalGrantPass Action details Not available
52112 135.Nakoma Golf Club Inc Agent ChangeLicenseChange of Agent Nakoma Golf Club Inc • dba Nakoma Golf Club • 4145 Country Club Rd New Agent: Amy Manteufel Class B Combination Liquor & Beer Aldermanic District 10 (Alder Cheeks)GrantPass Action details Not available
52113 136. LicenseEntity Reorganization Frank Productions Concerts LLC • dba The Sylvee 25 S Livingston St Class B Combination Liquor & Beer Aldermanic District 6 (Alder Rummel) Add two new officersGrantPass Action details Not available
52114 137.Wiggies Inc Agent ChangeLicenseChange of Agent Wiggies Inc • dba Wiggies • 1901 Aberg Ave New Agent: Angela Wiganowsky Class B Combination Liquor & Beer Aldermanic District 12 (Alder Palm)GrantPass Action details Not available
52115 138.Art Fair on the Square Picnic BeerLicenseTemporary Class B Retailer License Concurrent with Street Use Permit Madison Museum of Contemporary Art Event Location: Vendors around Capitol Square and at State, Wisconsin, N. Hamilton, S. Hamilton, King St., and Martin Luther King Jr Blvd. Event Date: 7/14/18 & 7/15/18 Aldermanic District 4 (Alder Verveer) Police District: 405 Event: Art Fair on the SquareGrantPass Action details Not available
52119 139.Ultimate Mart LLC Agent ChangeLicenseChange of Agent Ultimate Mart LLC • dba Pick N Save #8131 • 6655 McKee Rd New Agent: Crystal Gulseth Class A Beer, Class A Liquor Aldermanic District 7 (Alder King)GrantPass Action details Not available
52120 140.Taste of Madison Picnic BeerLicenseTemporary Class B Retailer License Concurrent with Street Use Permit Madison Festivals Inc Event Location: Capitol Square Event Date: 9/1/18 & 9/2/18 Aldermanic District 4 (Alder Verveer) Police District: 405 Event: Taste of MadisonGrantPass Action details Not available
52121 141.BAH Enterprises LLC Agent ChangeLicenseChange of Agent BAH Enterprises LLC • dba The Icon • 206 State St New Agent: Kevin Hayden Class B Combination Liquor & Beer Aldermanic District 4 (Alder Verveer)GrantPass Action details Not available
52124 142.Ultimate Mart LLC #178 Agent ChangeLicenseChange of Agent Ultimate Mart LLC • dba Pick N Save #178 • 2502 Shopko Dr New Agent: Wanda Long Class A Beer, Class A Liquor Aldermanic District 12 (Alder Palm)GrantPass Action details Not available
52125 143.Madison Turners Inc Officer ChangeLicenseEntity Reorganization Madison Turners Inc • dba Madison Turners 3001 S Stoughton Rd Class B Combination Liquor & Beer Aldermanic District 16 (Alder DeMarb) Add two officers, remove one officerGrantPass Action details Not available
52126 144.Kwik Trip Inc Agent ChangeLicenseChange of Agent Kwik Trip Inc • dba Kwik Trip 963 • 1434 Northport Dr New Agent: Amanda McWilliams Rosanske Class A Beer, Class A Cider Aldermanic District 18 (Alder Kemble)GrantPass Action details Not available
52127 145.2116 AWA LLC Officer ChangeLicenseEntity Reorganization 2116 AWA LLC • dba The New Mr. Roberts 2116 Atwood Ave Class B Combination Liquor & Beer Aldermanic District 6 (Alder Rummel) Remove one officerGrantPass Action details Not available
52128 146.Walgreens Co Agent ChangeLicenseChange of Agent Walgreens Co • dba Walgreens #07536 • 8302 Old Sauk Rd New Agent: Santa Lang Class A Beer, Class A Liquor Aldermanic District 9 (Alder Skidmore)GrantPass Action details Not available
52129 147.Oasis Cafe LLC Officer ChangeLicenseEntity Reorganization Oasis Cafe LLC • dba Pauls Pelmeni 414 W Gilman St Class B Combination Liquor & Beer Aldermanic District 4 (Alder Verveer) Remove one officerGrantPass Action details Not available
52130 148.Kwik Trip 961 Agent ChangeLicenseChange of Agent Kwik Trip Inc • dba Kwik Trip 961 • 3528 E Washington Ave New Agent: Elizabeth Harnack Class A Beer, Class A Liquor Aldermanic District 15 (Alder Ahrens)GrantPass Action details Not available
52131 149.ERJ Dining Officer ChangeLicenseEntity Reorganization ERJ Dining • dba Chili's Grill & Bar 7301 Mineral Point Rd Class B Combination Liquor & Beer Aldermanic District 9 (Alder Skidmore) Remove one officerGrantPass Action details Not available
52132 150.ERJ Dining East Towne Officer ChangeLicenseEntity Reorganization ERJ Dining • dba Chili's Grill & Bar 4344 East Towne Blvd Class B Combination Liquor & Beer Aldermanic District 17 (Alder Baldeh) Remove one officerGrantPass Action details Not available
52133 151.CMWI Associates LLC Agent ChangeLicenseChange of Agent CMWI Associates LLC • dba Crowne Plaza Madison 4402 E Washington Ave New Agent: Jessica Olbrantz Class B Combination Liquor & Beer Aldermanic District 17 (Alder Baldeh)GrantPass Action details Not available
52134 152.Woodman's Food Market Inc Officer ChangeLicenseEntity Reorganization Woodman's Food Market Inc • dba Woodman's Food Market 3817 Milwaukee St Class A Beer, Class A Liquor Aldermanic District 15 (Alder Ahrens) Add one officer, remove one officerGrantPass Action details Not available
52135 153.Woodman's Foodmarket Gammon Rd Officer ChangeLicenseEntity Reorganization Woodman's Food Market Inc • dba Woodman's Food Market 711 S Gammon Rd Class A Beer, Class A Liquor Aldermanic District 19 (Alder Clear) Add one officer, remove one officerGrantPass Action details Not available
52136 154.Select Hotels Group LLC Officer ChangeLicenseEntity Reorganization Select Hotels Group LLC • dba Hyatt Place Madison 333 W Washington Ave Class B Combination Liquor & Beer Aldermanic District 4 (Alder Verveer) Add one new officer, remove one officer.GrantPass Action details Not available
52138 155.Regent Market Coop Officer ChangeLicenseEntity Reorganization Regent Market Coop • dba Regent Market Coop 2136 Regent St Class B Combination Liquor & Beer Aldermanic District 5 (Alder Bidar-Sielaff) Add one new officer, remove one officerGrantPass Action details Not available
52008 156.Report of Engineering of Non-Bid Contract for 5010 Lake Mendota Drive Storm Pipe Installation.ReportReport of Engineering of Non-Bid Contract for 5010 Lake Mendota Drive Storm Pipe Installation. (19th AD)RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO GRANT UNDER SUSPENSION OF MGO 2.055 - REPORT OF OFFICERPass Action details Not available
46251 157.Dissolving the Town of Middleton Sanitary District #5.ResolutionDissolving the Town of Middleton Sanitary District #5.AdoptPass Action details Not available
51816 158.11625 Easement Amendment - 2702 Waunona WayResolutionAuthorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an Easement Amendment pertaining to the sanitary sewer easement affecting the property located at 2702 Waunona Way, owned by Ann E. Thompson and Kai O. Thompson. (14th A.D.)AdoptPass Action details Not available
51866 159.Authorizing City Engineering to issue a request for proposals for design engineering services for Garver Path.ResolutionAuthorizing City Engineering to issue a request for proposals for design engineering services for Garver Path. (6th & 15th ADs)AdoptPass Action details Not available
51867 160.Authorizing City Engineering to issue a request for proposals for design engineering services for Autumn Ridge Path.ResolutionAuthorizing City Engineering to issue a request for proposals for design engineering services for Autumn Ridge Path. (15th AD)AdoptPass Action details Not available
51868 161.Authorizing City Engineering to issue a request for proposals for design engineering services for Old Middleton Rd UnderpassResolutionAuthorizing City Engineering to issue a request for proposals for design engineering services for Old Middleton Rd Underpass. (19th AD)AdoptPass Action details Not available
51869 162.Authorizing City Engineering to issue a request for proposals for design engineering services for Troy Dr Underpass.ResolutionAuthorizing City Engineering to issue a request for proposals for design engineering services for Troy Dr Underpass. (18th AD)AdoptPass Action details Not available
51901 163.Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a Cooperative Agreement 2018 Renewal with the Capital Area Regional Planning Commission for the investigation of water resources within the City of Madison through the Dane County Cooperative Water ResourcesResolutionAuthorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a Cooperative Agreement 2018 Renewal with the Capital Area Regional Planning Commission for the investigation of water resources within the City of Madison through the Dane County Cooperative Water Resources Monitoring Program. Said Agreement renewal covers the period of 1/1/18 thru 12/31/18. (City Wide ADs)AdoptPass Action details Not available
51911 164.Authorizing the City of Madison, through the City Engineer, to amend the adopted 2018 Stormwater Utility operating budget to accept a Clean Lakes Alliance grant award in the amount of $4,500 to fund a fall campaign for leaf management outreach that will eResolutionAuthorizing the City of Madison, through the City Engineer, to amend the adopted 2018 Stormwater Utility operating budget to accept a Clean Lakes Alliance grant award in the amount of $4,500 to fund a fall campaign for leaf management outreach that will educate citizens to aid in improving lake water quality by reducing the amount of phosphorus entering the lakes in the fall. (City Wide ADs)AdoptPass Action details Not available
51920 165.Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an agreement with Tallgrass Land Conservation - Bass Creek Wetland Mitigation, LLC to purchase wetland mitigation credits for the City of Madison Portage Road Wetland Mitigation Project.ResolutionAuthorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an agreement with Tallgrass Land Conservation - Bass Creek Wetland Mitigation, LLC to purchase wetland mitigation credits for the City of Madison Portage Road Wetland Mitigation Project. (17th AD)AdoptPass Action details Not available
51938 166.Approving the use of Safe Routes Grants funding for the installation of new sidewalk on project #11770: Starker Avenue Sidewalk Assessment District - 2018.ResolutionApproving the use of Safe Routes Grants funding for the installation of new sidewalk on project #11770: Starker Avenue Sidewalk Assessment District - 2018. (16th AD)AdoptPass Action details Not available
51971 167.Establishing assessments for the installation of street trees requested by the property owner (notices and public hearings have been waived).ResolutionEstablishing assessments for the installation of street trees requested by the property owner (notices and public hearings have been waived). (1st AD, 3rd AD, 6th AD, 9th AD, 10th AD, 16th AD, 17th AD and 20th AD)Adopt Under Suspension of Rules 2.04, 2.05, 2.24, and 2.25Pass Action details Not available
52039 168.Assessing Benefits - Yuma Drive Resurfacing with Utilities.ResolutionAssessing Benefits - Yuma Drive Resurfacing with Utilities. (10th AD)Adopt Under Suspension of Rules 2.04, 2.05, 2.24, and 2.25Pass Action details Not available
52043 169.Assessing Benefits - Utility Replacement with Resurfacing Assessment District - 2017.ResolutionAssessing Benefits - Utility Replacement with Resurfacing Assessment District - 2017. (2nd, 6th & 18th ADs)Adopt Under Suspension of Rules 2.04, 2.05, 2.24, and 2.25Pass Action details Not available
52044 170.Approving plans and specifications and authorizing the Board of Public Works to advertise and receive bids for Breese Stevens Field - Concession and Restroom Building.ResolutionApproving plans and specifications and authorizing the Board of Public Works to advertise and receive bids for Breese Stevens Field - Concession and Restroom Building. (2nd AD)Adopt Under Suspension of Rules 2.04, 2.05, 2.24, and 2.25Pass Action details Not available
52045 171.Approving plans and specifications and authorizing the Board of Public Works to advertise and receive bids for McPike Park Skatepark Seating Area.ResolutionApproving plans and specifications and authorizing the Board of Public Works to advertise and receive bids for McPike Park Skatepark Seating Area. (6th AD)Adopt Under Suspension of Rules 2.04, 2.05, 2.24, and 2.25Pass Action details Not available
52047 172.Approving plans and specifications and authorizing the Board of Public Works to advertise and receive bids for Olbrich Park Maintenance Shed.ResolutionApproving plans and specifications and authorizing the Board of Public Works to advertise and receive bids for Olbrich Park Maintenance Shed. (6th & 15th ADs)Adopt Under Suspension of Rules 2.04, 2.05, 2.24, and 2.25Pass Action details Not available
52052 173.Awarding Public Works Contract No. 8186, Old Sauk Road Water Pipeline.ResolutionAwarding Public Works Contract No. 8186, Old Sauk Road Water Pipeline. (9th AD)Adopt Under Suspension of Rules 2.04, 2.05, 2.24, and 2.25Pass Action details Not available
52058 174.Approving Addendum No. 2 to 601 Rayovac Drive Redevelopment, Contract No. 8036.ResolutionApproving Addendum No. 2 to 601 Rayovac Drive Redevelopment, Contract No. 8036. (19th AD)Adopt Under Suspension of Rules 2.04, 2.05, 2.24, and 2.25Pass Action details Not available
52060 175.Approving plans and specifications for public improvements necessary for the project known as 2507 Winnebago Street - Grand Family Housing and authorizing construction to be undertaken by the Developer, Private Contract No. 8218.ResolutionApproving plans and specifications for public improvements necessary for the project known as 2507 Winnebago Street - Grand Family Housing and authorizing construction to be undertaken by the Developer, Private Contract No. 8218. (6th AD)Adopt Under Suspension of Rules 2.04, 2.05, 2.24, and 2.25Pass Action details Not available
52062 176.Approving plans and specifications for public improvements required to serve Phase 6 of the Subdivision known as First Addition to 1000 Oaks and authorizing construction to be undertaken by the Developer, Private Contract No. 8198.ResolutionApproving plans and specifications for public improvements required to serve Phase 6 of the Subdivision known as First Addition to 1000 Oaks and authorizing construction to be undertaken by the Developer, Private Contract No. 8198. (9th AD)Adopt Under Suspension of Rules 2.04, 2.05, 2.24, and 2.25Pass Action details Not available
52063 177.Approving plans and specifications for public improvements required to serve Phase 7 of the Subdivision known as Village at Autumn Lake Replat and authorizing construction to be undertaken by the Developer, Private Contract No. 8176.ResolutionApproving plans and specifications for public improvements required to serve Phase 7 of the Subdivision known as Village at Autumn Lake Replat and authorizing construction to be undertaken by the Developer, Private Contract No. 8176. (17th AD)Adopt Under Suspension of Rules 2.04, 2.05, 2.24, and 2.25Pass Action details Not available
52065 178.Approving plans and specifications for public improvements required to serve the Subdivision known as Ninth Addition to Blackhawk Subdivision and authorizing construction to be undertaken by the Developer, Private Contract No. 8226.ResolutionApproving plans and specifications for public improvements required to serve the Subdivision known as Ninth Addition to Blackhawk Subdivision and authorizing construction to be undertaken by the Developer, Private Contract No. 8226. (9th AD)Adopt Under Suspension of Rules 2.04, 2.05, 2.24, and 2.25Pass Action details Not available
52069 179.Determining a Public Purpose and Necessity and adopting a Relocation Order for the acquisition of land interests required for flood mitigation in association with a stormwater overflow drainage way and storm sewer within Lot 170, Hawk’s Landing Golf Club,ResolutionDetermining a Public Purpose and Necessity and adopting a Relocation Order for the acquisition of land interests required for flood mitigation in association with a stormwater overflow drainage way and storm sewer within Lot 170, Hawk’s Landing Golf Club, in the City of Madison, Dane County, Wisconsin. (1st AD)AdoptPass Action details Not available
52079 180.Approving plans and specifications for public improvements necessary for the project known as 2901 University Avenue and authorizing construction to be undertaken by the Developer, and Rescinding Resolution RES-18-00229, File Number 50740. Private ContracResolutionApproving plans and specifications for public improvements necessary for the project known as 2901 University Avenue and authorizing construction to be undertaken by the Developer, and Rescinding Resolution RES-18-00229, File Number 50740. Private Contract No. 8147. (5th AD)Adopt Under Suspension of Rules 2.04, 2.05, 2.24, and 2.25Pass Action details Not available
52106 181.Authorizing the City Engineer to Execute WISCORS Cooperative Agreement with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation.ResolutionAuthorizing the City Engineer to Execute WISCORS Cooperative Agreement with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation.AdoptPass Action details Not available
52109 182.Approving plans and specifications for public improvements necessary for the project known as Winnebago Arts and Cohousing and authorizing construction to be undertaken by the Developer, and Rescinding Resolution RES-18-00373, File Number 51380, Private CResolutionApproving plans and specifications for public improvements necessary for the project known as Winnebago Arts and Cohousing and authorizing construction to be undertaken by the Developer, and Rescinding Resolution RES-18-00373, File Number 51380, Private Contract No. 8189. (6th AD)Adopt Under Suspension of Rules 2.04, 2.05, 2.24, and 2.25Pass Action details Not available
39425 183. LicenseReport of Operator License Applications July 10, 2018. See attached report for list of operators.GrantPass Action details Not available
52192 184.Ward 84 polling location changeOrdinanceAmending Section 15.02(84) of the Madison General Ordinances by changing the polling location for Ward 84 from Covenant Presbyterian Church, 326 South Segoe Road to Mount Olive Lutheran Church, 110 North Whitney Way.Adopt Under Suspension of Rules 2.04, 2.05, 2.24, and 2.25Pass Action details Not available
52193 185.Ward 85 polling changeOrdinanceAmending Section 15.02(85) of the Madison General Ordinances by changing the polling location for Ward 85 from Stephens Elementary School to Wellspring United Methodist Church.Adopt Under Suspension of Rules 2.04, 2.05, 2.24, and 2.25Pass Action details Not available
52279 186.Arts & LIterature Laboratory Inc Theater License ApplicationLicenseNew Theater License Application Arts & Literature Laboratory Inc • dba Arts + Literature Laboratory 2021 Winnebago St • Agent: Jolynne Roorda Estimated Capacity: 50 Aldermanic District 6 (Alder Rummel) • Police Sector 410GrantPass Action details Not available
51858 187.25-year installment payments for certain Special AssessmentsOrdinanceAmending Sec. 4.08(1) to allow for 25-year installment payments for certain Special Assessments.AdoptPass Action details Not available
51978 188.Amending the 2018 Sanitary Sewer Utility Capital Budget to transfer $30,000 of Sewer Reserves authority from the Reconstruction Streets major (project 11790) to the West Elderberry Neighborhood Sanitary Sewer Improvement Impact Fee District (project 11842ResolutionAmending the 2018 Sanitary Sewer Utility Capital Budget to transfer $30,000 of Sewer Reserves authority from the Reconstruction Streets major (project 11790) to the West Elderberry Neighborhood Sanitary Sewer Improvement Impact Fee District (project 11842). (9th AD)Adopt - 15 Votes RequiredPass Action details Not available
51998 189.Recreate position #4542 from a 0.9 FTE Library Assistant 1 (CG32, R5) to a 1.0 FTE Librarian 2 (CG33, R2) in Library.ResolutionRecreate position #4542 from a 0.9 FTE Library Assistant 1 (CG32, R5) to a 1.0 FTE Librarian 2 (CG33, R2) in Library.AdoptPass Action details Not available
52066 190.Recreate 4 Public Works General Foreperson (CG18, R07) positions in the Streets Division budget as Streets General Supervisors (CG18, R08). Recreate 2 Public Works General Foreperson positions as Public Works Forepersons (CG18, R05), with the understandinResolutionRecreate 4 Public Works General Foreperson (CG18, R07) positions in the Streets Division budget as Streets General Supervisors (CG18, R08). Recreate 2 Public Works General Foreperson positions as Public Works Forepersons (CG18, R05), with the understanding that when the remaining 2 Public Works General Foreperson positions become vacant in the future, they will also be recreated as Public Works Forepersons in CG18, R05.AdoptPass Action details Not available
52068 191.Madison Public Market - RFP Architectural & Engineering Consultant Design ServicesResolutionAuthorizing a Request for Proposals for professional architectural and engineering consultant design services for the Madison Public Market. (12th AD)AdoptPass Action details Not available
52070 292.SUBSITUTE - Authorizing a non-competitive selection contract between Fortin Consulting, Inc. and the City of Madison, and amending the 2019 2018 Stormwater Utility Operating Budget to appropriate additional funds for salt certification training updates anResolutionSUBSITUTE - Authorizing a non-competitive selection contract between Fortin Consulting, Inc. and the City of Madison, and amending the 2019 2018 Stormwater Utility Operating Budget to appropriate additional funds for salt certification training updates and trainings events.Adopt - 15 Votes RequiredPass Action details Not available
52142 193.Amending Traffic Engineering’s 2018 Capital Budget to increase it by $20,000 for 100% of the cost for the purchase and installation costs of the RRFB at Carncross/Siggelkow.ResolutionAmending Traffic Engineering’s 2018 Capital Budget to increase it by $20,000 for 100% of the cost for the purchase and installation costs of the RRFB at Carncross/Siggelkow. (16th AD)Adopt - 15 Votes RequiredPass Action details Not available
51567 194.Amendments of the Elderberry, Pioneer and Junction Neighborhood Development PlansResolutionAdopting amendments of the Elderberry, Pioneer and Junction Neighborhood Development Plans to provide updated recommendations for undeveloped lands in those neighborhood planning areas.Adopt with ConditionsPass Action details Not available
51892 195.Special area plan for the greater West Mifflin / West Washington area.ResolutionAuthorizing the development of a special area plan for the greater West Mifflin/West Washington area.AdoptPass Action details Not available
51401 196.CLAIM: MGE - property damage - $4,563.31.ClaimMGE - property damage - $4,563.31.DisallowPass Action details Not available
51495 197.CLAIM: C. Gentilli - property damage - $1,000.00.ClaimC. Gentilli - property damage - $1,000.00.DisallowPass Action details Not available
51576 198.CLAIM: D. Calderon for Victoria Motor LLC - vehicle damage - $2409.63.ClaimD. Calderon for Victoria Motor LLC - vehicle damage - $2409.63.DisallowPass Action details Not available
51608 199.CLAIM: B. Orth - personal injury - $19,500.00.ClaimB. Orth - personal injury - $19,500.00.DisallowPass Action details Not available
52055 1100.CLAIM: D. Tobias - vehicle damage - $763.11.ClaimD. Tobias - vehicle damage - $763.11.DisallowPass Action details Not available
52072 1101.CLAIM: J. Agee - vehicle damage - $551.24.ClaimJ. Agee - vehicle damage - $551.24.DisallowPass Action details Not available
51896 1102.Residential parking-minorsOrdinanceAmending Section 12.138(8)(a) of the Madison General Ordinances to include exception for children with multiple residences when applying for residential parking permit.AdoptPass Action details Not available
52088 1103.Amending Regulations Governing Vending on the State Street Mall/Capitol ConcourseResolutionAmending the “Regulations Governing Vending on the State Street Mall/Capitol Concourse” to change dates and times relating to the Fall Food Cart Review.AdoptPass Action details Not available
52143 1104.Rejecting the Trump Administration’s Policy of separating children from their families at the border, calling on congress to immediately halt this inhumane policy, and enact fair and humane comprehensive immigration reform.ResolutionRejecting the Trump Administration’s Policy of separating children from their families at the border, calling on congress to immediately halt this inhumane policy, and enact fair and humane comprehensive immigration reform.AdoptPass Action details Not available
50758 1105.Rezone 717-753 E. Johnson StreetOrdinanceCreating Section 28.022 -- 00324 of the Madison General Ordinances to change the zoning of properties located at 717-753 E. Johnson Street, 2nd Aldermanic District, from TR-V2 (Traditional Residential - Varied 2) District to NMX (Neighborhood Mixed-Use) District.ReconsiderPass Action details Not available
50758 1 Rezone 717-753 E. Johnson StreetOrdinanceCreating Section 28.022 -- 00324 of the Madison General Ordinances to change the zoning of properties located at 717-753 E. Johnson Street, 2nd Aldermanic District, from TR-V2 (Traditional Residential - Varied 2) District to NMX (Neighborhood Mixed-Use) District.Adopt with Conditions and Close the Public HearingPass Action details Not available
52297 1106.Rezone 209-261 Junction RoadOrdinanceCreating Sections 28.022 - 00336 and 28.022 - 00337 of the Madison General Ordinances to change the zoning of property located at 209-261 Junction Road, 9th Aldermanic District, from PD(SIP) Planned Development (Specific Implementation Plan) District to Amended PD(GDP) Planned Development (General Development Plan) District and PD(SIP) Planned Development (Specific Implementation Plan) DistrictRefer For Public HearingPass Action details Not available
52317 1107.Allow reintroduction of a matter in less than 60 daysOrdinanceAmending Section 2.05(5) of the Madison General Ordinances to allow the reintroduction of a matter in less than 60 days by suspension of the rules.ReferPass Action details Not available
51000 1108.Recreating an Account Clerk 2 (CG20, R09, pos. #801) to an Account Clerk 3 (CG20, R11) and reallocating the incumbent to the new position in the Finance Department.ResolutionRecreating an Account Clerk 2 (CG20, R09, pos. #801) to an Account Clerk 3 (CG20, R11) and reallocating the incumbent to the new position in the Finance Department.ReferPass Action details Not available
51409 1109.Establishing the City of Madison Performance Excellence Framework and Implementation and On-going Sustainability Efforts.Performance Excellence Framework and Implementation and On-going Sustainability Efforts.ResolutionEstablishing the City of Madison Performance Excellence Framework and Implementation and On-Going Sustainability Efforts.Refer to a future Meeting to AdoptPass Action details Not available
52002 1110.Authorizing the Transit Utility to offer free rides on New Year's Eve 2018ResolutionAuthorizing the Transit Utility to offer free rides on New Year's Eve 2018ReferPass Action details Not available
52073 1111.Amending the 2018 Sanitary Sewer Utility Capital Budget to transfer $69,170 in existing budget authority from the Sewer Reconstruction 2017 project to the Thurber Lift Station Replacement to provide adequate funding to bid and construct the Thurber LiftResolutionAmending the 2018 Sanitary Sewer Utility Capital Budget to transfer $69,170 in existing budget authority from the Sewer Reconstruction 2017 project to the Thurber Lift Station Replacement to provide adequate funding to bid and construct the Thurber Lift Station.ReferPass Action details Not available
52153 1112.Recreating an EO Investigator/Conciliator 2 (CG18, R06, pos. #892) to an EO Investigator/Conciliator 3 (CG18, R08) and reallocating the incumbent, A. Riphon, to the new position in the Department of Civil Rights.ResolutionRecreating an EO Investigator/Conciliator 2 (CG18, R06, pos. #892) to an EO Investigator/Conciliator 3 (CG18, R08) and reallocating the incumbent, A. Riphon, to the new position in the Department of Civil Rights.ReferPass Action details Not available
52178 1113.Delete the classifications of Word Processing Operator 1 in CG20, R06 and Word Processing Operator 2 in CG20, R08. Recreate a Word Processing Operator 2 (CG20, R08, pos. #610) to an Administrative Clerk 1 (CG20, R09) and reallocate the incumbent to the nResolutionDelete the classifications of Word Processing Operator 1 in CG20, R06 and Word Processing Operator 2 in CG20, R08. Recreate a Word Processing Operator 2 (CG20, R08, pos. #610) to an Administrative Clerk 1 (CG20, R09) and reallocate the incumbent to the new position in the DPCED Office of the Director budget.ReferPass Action details Not available
52258 1114.Authorizing a noncompetitive contract with Cream City Scale, LLC to add three additional weighing scales to the Streets Division salt storage locations and amending the Streets Division 2018 capital budget to transfer $350,000 from the Streets Emerald AshResolutionAuthorizing a noncompetitive contract with Cream City Scale, LLC to add three additional weighing scales to the Streets Division salt storage locations and amending the Streets Division 2018 capital budget to transfer $350,000 from the Streets Emerald Ash Borer program to the Streets Yard Improvement program.ReferPass Action details Not available
52262 1115.Create the classification of Legislative Management System Specialist in CG17, R16; recreate position #45 as a Legislative Management System Specialist in the Common Council Office budget, and reallocate incumbent L. Veldran to the new position.ResolutionCreate the classification of Legislative Management System Specialist in CG17, R16; recreate position #45 as a Legislative Management System Specialist in the Common Council Office budget, and reallocate incumbent L. Veldran to the new position.ReferPass Action details Not available
52268 1116.Establishing rules and procedures for Common Council deliberations on the City of Madison's 2019 Capital and Operating Budgets.ResolutionEstablishing rules and procedures for Common Council deliberations on the City of Madison's 2019 Capital and Operating Budgets.ReferPass Action details Not available
52269 1117.FTTP ExtensionResolutionApproving an extension to the due date for submitting the Fiber-to-the-Premise implementation plan to the Common Council.ReferPass Action details Not available
52271 1118.Authorization to accept from Dane County, at no cost to the City of Madison, a Public Storm Sewer and Storm Water Drainage Easement across a portion of the property located at 102 Koster Street.ResolutionAuthorization to accept from Dane County, at no cost to the City of Madison, a Public Storm Sewer and Storm Water Drainage Easement across a portion of the property located at 102 Koster Street. (14th AD)ReferPass Action details Not available
52273 1119.Amending the 2018 Bicycle and Pedestrian Capital Budget to transfer $170,000 of existing GO borrowing authority between major programs Safe Routes Grants Program and Sidewalk Program.ResolutionAmending the 2018 Bicycle and Pedestrian Capital Budget to transfer $170,000 of existing GO borrowing authority between major programs Safe Routes Grants Program and Sidewalk Program.ReferPass Action details Not available
52275 1120.Recreate position #4234 from Monona Terrace Technical Services Specialist 2 (CG 16, Range 15) into an IT Specialist 2 (CG18, Range 8) in of Monona Terrace’s operating budget to be filled through an internal competitive process.ResolutionRecreate position #4234 from Monona Terrace Technical Services Specialist 2 (CG 16, Range 15) into an IT Specialist 2 (CG18, Range 8) in of Monona Terrace’s operating budget to be filled through an internal competitive process.ReferPass Action details Not available
52276 1121.Recreate position #3597 from IT Specialist 2 (CG 18, Range 8) into an IT Specialist 3 (CG18, Range 10) in Monona Terrace’s operating budget and reallocate the incumbent to the new position.ResolutionRecreate position #3597 from IT Specialist 2 (CG 18, Range 8) into an IT Specialist 3 (CG18, Range 10) in Monona Terrace’s operating budget and reallocate the incumbent to the new position.ReferPass Action details Not available
52288 1122.Water Utility Finance Manager Double-fill resolutionResolutionAuthorizing the double-fill of position #1887 Water Utility Finance Manager due to the planned transition of the current incumbent to the position of Water Utility Customer Service Manager on May 1, 2019, prior to his retirement in April 2020.ReferPass Action details Not available
52300 1123.Amend the membership of the Madison Police Department Policy and Procedure Review Ad Hoc Committee from fifteen (15) to thirteen (13).ResolutionAmend the membership of the Madison Police Department Policy and Procedure Review Ad Hoc Committee from fifteen (15) to thirteen (13).Suspend Rule 2.05(5)Pass Action details Not available
52300 1 Amend the membership of the Madison Police Department Policy and Procedure Review Ad Hoc Committee from fifteen (15) to thirteen (13).ResolutionAmend the membership of the Madison Police Department Policy and Procedure Review Ad Hoc Committee from fifteen (15) to thirteen (13).ReferPass Action details Not available
52311 1124.Authorizing the City of Madison, on behalf of the Dane County Continuum of Care (CoC), to accept an EHH grant award of up to $598,480 from the State of Wisconsin Department of Administration; authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute agreements withResolutionAuthorizing the City of Madison, on behalf of the Dane County Continuum of Care (CoC), to accept an EHH grant award of up to $598,480 from the State of Wisconsin Department of Administration; authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute agreements with specific Dane County CoC agencies to provide services using the EHH funds; and amending the Community Development Division's 2018 Adopted Operating Budget as appropriateReferPass Action details Not available
52312 1125.Approving submission of the City of Madison’s required 2018 Action Plan to the US Department of Housing and Urban Development.ResolutionApproving submission of the City of Madison’s required 2018 Action Plan to the US Department of Housing and Urban Development.ReferPass Action details Not available
52313 1126.Cooperative Enterprise Development Program - MCDC & C4CS as fiscal agentResolutionResolution accepting the Center for Community Stewardship, Inc. as the new coordinating organization for the Madison Cooperative Development Coalition (MCDC) for the Cooperative Enterprise Development Program.ReferPass Action details Not available
52315 1127.Authorizing an allocation of up to $400,000 in CDBG Housing Development Reserve Funds to replace the existing boiler mechanical systems at Parkside Apartments.ResolutionAuthorizing an allocation of up to $400,000 in CDBG Housing Development Reserve Funds to replace the existing boiler mechanical systems at Parkside Apartments.ReferPass Action details Not available
52320 1128.11651 - Easement Release - San Sewer 6210 Mineral Point Rd.ResolutionAuthorizing the execution of a Release of Public Sanitary Sewer Easement located on the property at 6210 Mineral Point Road. (19th A.D.)ReferPass Action details Not available
52321 1129.Authorizing the City to retain special outside counsel on a non-competitive basis to assist the Office of the City Attorney in representing the City’s interests in financing the public market.ResolutionAuthorizing the City to retain special outside counsel on a non-competitive basis to assist the Office of the City Attorney in representing the City’s interests in financing the public market.ReferPass Action details Not available
52323 1130.Submitting the appointment of Thomas O. Heikkinen for confirmation of a five-year term as the Water Utility General Manager.ResolutionSubmitting the appointment of Thomas O. Heikkinen for confirmation of a five-year term as the Water Utility General Manager.ReferPass Action details Not available
52325 1131.National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) for an Our Town grantResolutionSupporting the application by the City of Madison to the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) for an Our Town grant to be used to help fund "Science to Street Art" and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into a contract with NEA to receive and use these funds should they be awarded.ReferPass Action details Not available
52293 1132.Pizza Hut of Southern WI Inc License TransferLicensePublic Hearing - License Transfer Pizza Hut of Southern Wisconsin Inc • dba Pizza Hut 0.36% alcohol, 99.64% food Transfer from 2649 East Springs Dr to 5235 High Crossing Blvd Agent: Tori Gerding Estimated Capacity: 50 Class B Liquor & Beer Combination Aldermanic District 17 (Alder Baldeh) • Police Sector 633Refer For Public HearingPass Action details Not available
52298 1133.Shriners International Alcohol License ApplicationLicensePublic Hearing - New License Shriners International • dba Zor Shriners 575 Zor Shrine Pl • Agent: Kent Englund • Estimated Capacity: 250 Class B Combination Liquor & Beer • 20% alcohol, 80% food Aldermanic District 9 (Alder Skidmore) • Police Sector 124Refer For Public HearingPass Action details Not available
52299 1134.Goodman Community Center 214 Waubesa Alcohol LicenseLicensePublic Hearing - New License Irwin A & Robert D Goodman Community Center Inc dba Goodman Community Center 214 Waubesa St • Agent: Rebecca Steinhoff • Estimated Capacity: 700 Class B Combination Liquor & Beer • 8% alcohol, 49% food, 43% other Aldermanic District 6 (Alder Rummel) • Police Sector 601Refer For Public HearingPass Action details Not available
52301 1135.Burritos & Tacos Madison Mexican Grill LLC Alcohol LicenseLicensePublic Hearing - New License Burritos & Tacos Madison Mexican Grill LLC • dba Taqueria 3 Amigos 1133 Williamson St • Agent: Juan Cazares • Estimated Capacity: 60 Class B Beer • 10% alcohol, 85% food, 5% other Aldermanic District 6 (Alder Rummel) • Police Sector 408Refer For Public HearingPass Action details Not available
52302 1136.Peachtree Hospitality Management LLC Alcohol ApplicationLicensePublic Hearing - New License Peachtree Hospitality Management LLC dba Staybridge Suites Madison-East 3301 City View Dr • Agent: Joseph Martens • Estimated Capacity: 50 Class B Beer, Class C Wine • 1% alcohol, 1% food, 98% other Aldermanic District 17 (Alder Baldeh) • Police Sector 633Refer For Public HearingPass Action details Not available
52303 1137.Mos Eisley LLC Alcohol ApplicationLicensePublic Hearing - New License Mos Eisley LLC • dba Star Liquor 1209 Williamson St • Agent: John Conowall Class A Beer, Class A Liquor Aldermanic District 6 (Alder Rummel) • Police Sector 408Refer For Public HearingPass Action details Not available
52304 1138.Strings Ramen Wisconsin LLC Alcohol License ApplicationLicensePublic Hearing - New License Strings Ramen Wisconsin LLC • dba Strings Ramen 311 N Frances St • Agent: Giles Xavier Hietpas III Estimated Capacity: 75 Class B Combination Liquor & Beer , Class C Wine • 20% alcohol, 80% food Aldermanic District 4 (Alder Verveer) • Police Sector 403Refer For Public HearingPass Action details Not available
52305 1139.Vintage II Inc Alcohol License ApplicationLicensePublic Hearing - New License Vintage II Inc • dba Tangent 803 E Washington Ave • Agent: Trent Kraemer Estimated Capacity: 387 inside / 75 outside Class B Combination Liquor & Beer • 41% alcohol, 55% food, 4% other Aldermanic District 6 (Alder Rummel) • Police Sector 407Refer For Public HearingPass Action details Not available
52306 1140.Musonics LLC Alcohol License Application 1224 WilliamsonLicensePublic Hearing - New License Musonics LLC • dba Cafe Coda 1224 Williamson St • Agent: Hanah Jon Taylor • Estimated Capacity: 99 Class B Combination Liquor & Beer • 60% alcohol, 0% food, 40% other Aldermanic District 6 (Alder Rummel) • Police Sector 408Refer For Public HearingPass Action details Not available
52307 1141.Luna's Groceries LLC Alcohol License ApplicationLicensePublic Hearing - New License Luna's Groceries LLC • dba Luna's Groceries 2010 Red Arrow Tr • Agent: Mariam Maldonado Class A Beer, Class A Liquor Aldermanic District 10 (Alder Cheeks) • Police Sector 104Refer For Public HearingPass Action details Not available
52278 1142. ReportEquitable Workforce (Affirmative Action) Plan Second Year (2017) Progress ReportReferPass Action details Not available
52163 1143.CLAIM: D. Phebus, Arellano & Phebus, S.C., attorney for V. Gastelum Sanchez - personal injury - greater than $1.00.ClaimD. Phebus, Arellano & Phebus, S.C., attorney for V. Gastelum Sanchez - personal injury - greater than $1.00.Referred  Action details Not available
52171 1144.CLAIM: C. Pedretti - personal property damage - $606.00.ClaimC. Pedretti - personal property damage - $606.00.Referred  Action details Not available
52176 1145.CLAIM: D. Carter - vehicle damage - $917.47.ClaimD. Carter - vehicle damage - $917.47.Referred  Action details Not available
52252 1148.CLAIM: E. Mabie & P. Jurich - property damage - $12,685.34.ClaimE. Mabie & P. Jurich - property damage - $12,685.34.Referred  Action details Not available
52253 1149.CLAIM: M Hibbler - property damage - $6951.60.ClaimM Hibbler - property damage - $6951.60.Referred  Action details Not available
52254 1150.CLAIM: S. Pantaleo, Progressive Causality Insurance, for C. Jones - vehicle damage - $4,427.64.ClaimS. Pantaleo, Progressive Causality Insurance, for C. Jones - vehicle damage - $4,427.64.Referred  Action details Not available
52265 1151.CLAIM: D. Buck, Quarles & Brady, LLP, for Deforest Properties LLC - property damage - $100,000.00.ClaimD. Buck, Quarles & Brady, LLP, for Deforest Properties LLC - property damage - $100,000.00.Referred  Action details Not available
52310 1152.CLAIM: J. Briggs - vehicle damage - $2461.00.ClaimJ. Briggs - vehicle damage - $2461.00.Referred  Action details Not available
52322 1153.CLAIM: A. Ault - vehicle damage - $2557.24.ClaimA. Ault - vehicle damage - $2557.24.Referred  Action details Not available
52332 1154.CLAIM: J. Stout - vehicle damage - $1,774.43.ClaimJ. Stout - vehicle damage - $1,774.43.Referred  Action details Not available
52335 1155.CLAIM: N. Avery-Bucher & M. Hart - property damage - $4,100.00.ClaimN. Avery-Bucher and M. Hart - property damage - $4,100.00.Referred  Action details Not available
52343 1156.CLAIM: T. and M. Kiley - property damage - $1,072.31.ClaimT. and M. Kiley - property damage - $1,072.31Referred  Action details Not available
52347 1157.CLAIM: D. Gallagher - property damage and personal injury - greater than $1.00.ClaimD. Gallagher - property damage and personal injury - greater than $1.00.Referred  Action details Not available
51818 2158.Prohibiting the practice of conversion therapyOrdinanceSUBSTITUTE Creating Section 23.60 and renumbering current Section 23.60 to Section 23.70 of the Madison General Ordinances to prohibit the practice of conversion therapy in the City of Madison.Adopt SubstitutePass Action details Not available
52087 2159.Financing new community-scale solar projects in Wisconsin to advance the City of Madison's transition to 100% renewable energy.ResolutionFinancing new community-scale solar projects in Wisconsin to advance the City of Madison's transition to 100% renewable energy.AdoptPass Action details Not available
52413 1 Amending the 2018 Capital Budget and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a development agreement to fund a $2,086,000 Tax Incremental Finance Loan to assist in the renovation and development of office and structured parking for Exact SciencesResolutionAmending the 2018 Capital Budget and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a development agreement to fund a $2,086,000 Tax Incremental Finance Loan to assist in the renovation and development of office and structured parking for Exact Sciences Corporation in the Project Plan and Boundary Amendment area of TID #46 (Research Park).ReferPass Action details Not available