| 1 | 1. | 11709 Eken Park Gathering Place 2407 Coolidge | Resolution | Authorizing the City of Madison to accept ownership of various improvements creating a gathering place from the Eken Park Neighborhood Association, located in Eken Park at 2407 Coolidge Street. (12th A.D.) | Return to Lead with the Recommendation for Approval | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 2. | Adopting the 2018-2023 Park and Open Space Plan as a Supplement to the City of Madison Comprehensive Plan. | Resolution | Adopting the 2018-2023 Park and Open Space Plan as a Supplement to the City of Madison Comprehensive Plan. | Return to Lead with the Recommendation for Approval | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 3. | Rezoning 210-216 S. Pinckney St. | Ordinance | Creating Sections 28.022 - 00344 and 28.022 - 00345 of the Madison General Ordinances to change the zoning of property located at 210-216 S. Pinckney Street, 4th Aldermanic District, from PD(SIP) Planned Development (Specific Implementation Plan) District to Amended PD(GDP) Planned Development (General Development Plan) District and PD(SIP) Planned Development (Specific Implementation Plan) District. | RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT - PUBLIC HEARING | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 4. | Rezoning 750 University Row | Ordinance | Creating Section 28.022 -- 00346 of the Madison General Ordinances to change the zoning of property located at 750 University Row, 19th Aldermanic District, from PD (SIP) Planned Development (Specific Implementation Plan) District to Amended PD (SIP) Amended Planned Development (Specific Implementation Plan) District. | RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT - PUBLIC HEARING | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 5. | Demo Pmt & Cond Use - 119-125 N Butler St (Revised) | Conditional Use | REVISED - Consideration of a demolition permit and conditional use to allow demolition of a two-family residence and four-unit apartment building and construction of a four-story, 31-unit apartment building at 119-125 N. Butler Street; 2nd Ald. Dist. | Refer | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 6. | Demo Pmt & Cond Use - 555 W Washington Ave | Conditional Use | Consideration of a demolition permit and conditional use to demolish a credit union and construct a five-story, 45-unit apartment building at 555 W. Washington Avenue; 4th Ald. Dist. | Refer | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 7. | Demo Pmt & Cond Use - 1902 Bartillon Dr | Conditional Use | Consideration of a demolition permit and conditional use to allow a restaurant-tavern to be demolished and construction of a four-story mixed-use building with 1,900 square feet of commercial space and 85 apartments at 1902 Bartillon Drive; 17th Ald. Dist. | Refer | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 8. | Demo Pmt & Cond Use - 222 S Hamilton St | Conditional Use | Consideration of a demolition permit and conditional use to allow an office building to be demolished and construction of a six-story mixed-use building with 930 square feet of commercial space and 19 residential condominiums at 222 S. Hamilton Street; 4th Ald. Dist. | Approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 9. | Cond Use - 8001 Raymond Rd | Conditional Use | Consideration of a conditional use in the CI (Campus-Institutional) zoning district to construct an addition to an existing hospital at 8001 Raymond Road; 7th Ald. Dist. | Refer | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 10. | Cond Use - 1114 Sherman Ave | Conditional Use | Consideration of a conditional use to allow construction of an addition to a single-family residence exceeding 500 square feet on a lakefront parcel at 1114 Sherman Avenue; 2nd Ald. Dist. | Approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 11. | Cond Use - 524 E Wilson St | Conditional Use | Consideration of a conditional use to convert an existing tavern into a nightclub at 524 E. Wilson Street; 6th Ald. Dist. | Approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 12. | Cond Use - 5032 Tradewinds Pkwy | Conditional Use | Consideration of a conditional use for an arts/ technical/ trade school tenant (acrobatic dance) in multi-tenant industrial building at 5032 Tradewinds Parkway; Urban Design Dist. 1; 16th Ald. Dist. | Approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 13. | Cond Use - 303 Lathrop St | Conditional Use | Consideration of a conditional use for a mission house at 303 Lathrop Street; University Heights Historic Dist.; 5th Ald. Dist. | Approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 14. | Cond Use - 6225 University Ave | Conditional Use | Consideration of a conditional use for an arts/ technical/ trade school tenant (masseuse training) in multi-tenant building in NMX (Neighborhood Mixed-Use District) zoning at 6225 University Avenue; Urban Design Dist. 6; 19th Ald. Dist. | Approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 15. | Prohibit personal storage units in TE & SE Districts | Ordinance | Amending Sections 28.082(1) and 28.151 of the Madison General Ordinances to prohibit personal storage units in the Traditional Employment (TE) and Suburban Employment (SE) Districts and to require that personal storage units, where allowed, take place in a building that is a minimum of two stories. | RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT - PUBLIC HEARING | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 16. | CSM - 3009 University Ave & 3118 Harvey St | Resolution | Approving a Certified Survey Map of property owned by Shorewood House LLP located at 3009 University Avenue and 3118 Harvey Street; 5th Ald. Dist. | Refer | Pass |
Action details
Not available