| 1 | 4. | Ban the Box | Ordinance | AMENDED SUBSTITUTE Creating Section 39.08 and Section 33.07(7)(k)14. of the Madison General Ordinances to create a policy requiring certain city contractors to “Ban the Box” by eliminating questions about criminal and arrest record in their hiring practices, when contracting with the City, creating Sec. 33.07(7)(k)14. to make Ban the Box a prequalification requirement, and amending Sec. 39.07(3)(c)10. to exempt credit rating agencies from the Equal Benefits ordinance. | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 5. | Formalizatoin of 2015-2016 Subcommittee Goals | Miscellaneous | Formalization of 2015-2016 Subcommittee Goals | Table | Pass |
Action details
Not available