Madison, WI Header
Meeting Name: BOARD OF HEALTH FOR MADISON AND DANE COUNTY Agenda status: Amended
Meeting date/time: 10/9/2014 5:30 PM Minutes status: Approved  
Meeting location: The Atrium, The Village on Park 2300 S. Park St., Community Rooms
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #Boards, Commissions and CommitteesTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsWatch
27914 15.Chair's Report - Susan Zahner - 5 minutesReportCHAIR'S REPORT - 5 minutes - NALBOH 2015 Membership Renewal   Action details Not available
32728 16.Director's ReportReportDIRECTOR'S REPORT - 5 minutes - Board of Health Meetings in the Community   Action details Not available
35660 17.Policy Statement - Fluoridation of Public Drinking Water - Updated June 4, 2014MiscellaneousPolicy Statement - Fluoridation of Public Drinking Water - Updated June 4, 2014ApprovePass Action details Not available
35661 18.2015 Board of Health for Madison and Dane County Meeting DatesMiscellaneous2015 Board of Health for Madison and Dane County Meeting DatesApprovePass Action details Not available
35629 19.Authorization for the Board of Health for Madison and Dane County on behalf of Public Health-Madison and Dane County to enter into an agreement with SEAL Analytical for the purchase of a Multi-Chemistry Discrete AnalyzerResolutionSUBSTITUTE Authorization for the Board of Health for Madison and Dane County on behalf of Public Health-Madison and Dane County to enter into an agreement with SEAL Analytical, Inc. for the purchase of a Multi-Chemistry Discrete AnalyzerReturn to Lead with the Following Recommendation(s)Pass Action details Not available
35743 110.Board of Health Resolution #2014-07 Transform Wisconsin FundBoard of Health ResolutionBoard of Health Resolution #2014-07 Transform Wisconsin FundGrant Final Approval by the Board of HealthPass Action details Not available
35744 111.Board of Health Resolution #2014-08 Agreement for Wisconsin Well Woman Services in Rock CountyBoard of Health ResolutionBoard of Health Resolution #2014-08 Agreement for Wisconsin Well Woman Services in Rock CountyAdopt With Amendment(s)Pass Action details Not available
35667 112.Board of Health Election of OfficersMiscellaneousBoard of Health Election of Officers   Action details Not available
33972 113.Operations DivisionMiscellaneousOPERATIONS DIVISION   Action details Not available
32731 115.Community Health Division ReportReportCOMMUNITY HEALTH DIVISION - 5 minutes   Action details Not available
33353 116. MiscellaneousPOLICY, PLANNING AND EVALUATION DIVISION - 5 minutes   Action details Not available
28747 117.Committee on the Environment ReportMiscellaneousCommittee on the Environment Report   Action details Not available
28748 118.Madison Food Policy Council ReportMiscellaneousMadison Food Policy Council Report   Action details Not available
27921 119.EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE - Susan ZahnerReportEXECUTIVE   Action details Not available
27922 120.BUDGET COMMITTEE - Judy WilcoxReportBUDGET   Action details Not available
35440 120.a.Board of Health Budget Committee August 15, 2014 Meeting MinutesMiscellaneousBoard of Health Budget Committee Meeting Minutes for August 15, 2014Approve  Action details Not available
27923 121.ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING - Lori KayReportADMINISTRATIVE HEARING   Action details Not available
27924 122.PERSONNEL - Pat LaskyReportPERSONNEL   Action details Not available