| 1 | 1. | Declaring the month of November 2013 as “Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month” in the city of Madison. | Resolution | Declaring the month of November 2013 as “Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month” in the city of Madison. | Adopt Under Suspension of Rules 2.04, 2.05, 2.24, and 2.25 | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 2. | Expressing appreciation and honor for the contributions and sacrifices veterans and their families have made for our country and our community. | Resolution | Expressing appreciation and honor for the contributions and sacrifices veterans and their families have made for our country and our community. | Adopt Under Suspension of Rules 2.04, 2.05, 2.24, and 2.25 | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 48. | Thanking members | Resolution | Thanking members of the local music and entertainment industry for bringing BandSwap to Madison and Sexy Ester for representing Madison. | Adopt | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 3. | Zimmerman Attachment | Petition | Petition received in the Madison City Clerk's Office October 3, 2013 from Scott A Zimmerman and Gary F Timmerman regarding attachment from the Town of Blooming Grove to the City of Madison. | RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO GRANT UNDER SUSPENSION OF MGO 2.055 - REPORT OF OFFICER | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 4. | | Operating Budget | 2014 Executive Operating Budget | Re-refer for Recessed Public Hearing | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 5. | Lake Management New License | License | Public Hearing - New License
Lake Management LLC • dba BP Gas Station
2801 Atwood Ave • Agent: Shariff Syed
Class A Beer
Aldermanic District 6 (Alder Rummel ) • Police Sector 602 | Place On File Without Prejudice | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 6. | | License | Public Hearing - New License
East Washington Liquor Inc • dba East Washington Liquor
3517 E Washington Ave • Agent: Gurpreet Ghuman
Class A Beer & Class A Liquor
Aldermanic District Ahrens (Alder 15) • Police Sector 604 | Re-refer for Recessed Public Hearing | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 7. | | License | Public Hearing - New License
Jalapeno Mexican Grill Ltd • dba Jalapeno Mexican Grill
1821 S Park St • Agent: Vilma Rodriguez-Morales
Estimated Capacity: 100
Class B Combination Liquor & Beer • 10% alcohol, 88% food, 2% other
Aldermanic District 14 (Alder Strasser) • Police Sector 310 | Grant with Condition(s) and Close the Public Hearing | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 2 | 8. | Tourist Rooming | Ordinance | AMENDED SECOND SUBSTITUTE Amending Sections 28.032, 28.061, 28.072, 28.082, 28.091, 28.151, and 28.211 of the Madison General Ordinances to add Tourist Rooming House to the Zoning Code and to eliminate spacing requirements between bed and breakfast establishments. | | |
Action details
Not available
| 2 | | Tourist Rooming | Ordinance | AMENDED SECOND SUBSTITUTE Amending Sections 28.032, 28.061, 28.072, 28.082, 28.091, 28.151, and 28.211 of the Madison General Ordinances to add Tourist Rooming House to the Zoning Code and to eliminate spacing requirements between bed and breakfast establishments. | Adopt Substitute As Amended | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 9. | VIP Restaurant | License | Public Hearing - New License
VIP Japanese & Chinese Restaurant • dba VIP Restaurant
6718 Odana Rd • Agent:Xiu Feng Zheng • Estimated Capacity: 120
Class B Combination Liquor & Beer • 7% alcohol, 80% food
Aldermanic District 19 (Alder Clear) • Police Sector 113 | Re-refer for Recessed Public Hearing | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 10. | Sol's on the Square | License | Public Hearing - New License
Sol's LLC • dba Sol's on the Square
117 E Mifflin St • Agent: Hansol Yun • Estimated Capacity: 48
Class B Combination Liquor & Beer • 25% alcohol, 75% food
Aldermanic District 4 (Alder Verveer) • Police Sector 406 | Grant with Condition(s) and Close the Public Hearing | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 11. | Surco | License | Public Hearing - New License
Machu Picchu Restaurant LLC • dba Surco
515 Cottage Grove Rd • Agent: Victor Villacrez • Estimated Capacity: 40
Class B Beer • 10% alcohol, 80% food, 10% Other
Aldermanic District 15 (Alder Ahrens) • Police Sector 613 | Grant and Close the Public Hearing | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 12. | Brews Brothers II | License | Public Hearing - New License
Brews Brothers Pub II LLC • dba Brews Brothers II
610 Junction Rd • Agent: Steven Day • Estimated Capacity: 55
Class B Beer, Class C Wine • 40% alcohol, 60% food
Aldermanic District 9 (Alder Skidmore) • Police Sector 128 | Grant and Close the Public Hearing | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 13. | Rezone 801 Erin Street | Ordinance | Creating Section 28.022 -- 00077 of the Madison General Ordinances rezoning property from TR-C2 (Traditional Residential - Consistent District 2) District to TR-C3 (Traditional Residential - Consistent District 3) District. Proposed Use: Demolish single-family residence and construct new residence in TR-C3 zoning. 13th Aldermanic District; 801 Erin Street | Re-refer for Recessed Public Hearing | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 14. | Rezone 702 North Midvale Boulevard | Ordinance | Creating Section 28.022 - 00078 of the Madison General Ordinances to amend a Planned Development District to approve an Amended General Development Plan and creating Section 28.022 - 00079 to amend a Planned Development District to approve an Amended Specific Implementation Plan for 702 N. Midvale Boulevard, 11th Aldermanic District, to allow the redevelopment of the “north wing” of Hilldale Shopping Center to convert enclosed retail spaces into open air spaces. | Adopt with Conditions and Close the Public Hearing | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 15. | Community Living Arrangement 15+ | Ordinance | Amending 28.061(1) of the Madison General Ordinances to allow a Community Living Arrangement with more than 15 residents in the TSS and CCT districts. | Adopt and Close the Public Hearing | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 16. | 10-29-2013 Citizen committee appointments | Appointment | Report of the Mayor submitting citizen committee appointments (introduction 10-15-2013; action 10-29-2013). | Confirm | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 17. | 11-19-2013 Citizen committee appointments | Appointment | Report of the Mayor submitting citizen committee appointments (introduction 10-29-2013; action 11-19-2013). | Refer to a future Meeting to Confirm | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 18. | Revision 284 | Ordinance | Adopting and confirming Revision No. 284 of the Madison General Ordinances as of September 15, 2013 to incorporate the changes pursuant to Wis. Stat. § 66.0103. | Adopt Under Suspension of Rules 2.04, 2.05, 2.24, and 2.25 | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 19. | Aubrey Day Operator | License | Operator License Application
Aubrey G. Day - Establishment where employed: Forequarter | Grant | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 20. | Rocky's COA | License | Change of Agent
WDS Inc • dba Rockys Liquor • 4429 Milwaukee St
New Agent: Bill O’Connor
Class A Liquor & Beer
Aldermanic District 3 (Alder Cnare) • Police Sector 611 | Grant | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 21. | A La Brasa COA | License | Change of Agent
A La Brasa, LLC • dba A La Brasa
15 N Broom St
New Agent: Alejandra Gonzalez
Class B Beer, Class B Liquor
Aldermanic District 4 (Alder Verveer) • Police Sector 405 | Grant | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 22. | Rocky's entity | License | Entity Reorganization
WDS Inc • dba Rockys Liquor • 4429 Milwaukee St
Agent: Jim Budeau
Class A Liquor & Beer
Aldermanic District 3 (Alder Cnare) • Police Sector 611
Add one and delete one corporate officer. | Grant | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 23. | A La Brasa entity | License | Entity Reorganization
A La Brasa, LLC • dba A La Brasa
15 N Broom St
Agent: Milagros Mato
Class B Beer, Class B Liquor
Aldermanic District 4 (Alder Verveer) • Police Sector 405
Add two and delete one corporate officer | Grant | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 24. | Resolution authorizing a double-fill of the position of Police Chief due to the retirement of Noble Wray. | Resolution | Resolution authorizing a double-fill of the position of Police Chief due to the retirement of Noble Wray. | Adopt | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 25. | 2013 AIPP funding | Resolution | Seeking Common Council approval of the 2013 Art in Public Places funding awards as recommended by the Madison Arts Commission. | Adopt | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 26. | MMRS GRANT Fiscal Year 2011 | Resolution | Approval to accept Homeland Security Metropolitan Medical Response System grant (2011-HSW-20 10312) awarded by the Wisconsin Department of Military Affairs Homeland Security program for $267,609. | Adopt | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 27. | 2013 Fire Operating Budget Amendment | Resolution | Amending the 2013 Fire Operating budget to purchase two patient power loading cots from the EMS FAP funds. | Adopt - 15 Votes Required | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 28. | Dean Occupational medical services | Resolution | Approving a contract with the Dean Clinic Health System for occupational medical services. | Adopt | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 29. | Image Trend Contract-Fire | Resolution | Authorizing the execution of a contract with Image Trend, Inc for the Fire Department incident reporting system. | Adopt | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 30. | Salary cap elimination | Ordinance | Amending Section 3.54(7)(a) of the Madison General Ordinances to eliminate the salary cap for new appointments of Police or Fire Chief. | Adopt | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 31. | 2012/2013 Mall Special Charges Resolution | Resolution | To Approve the schedule of Special Charges for the State Street Mall/Capitol Concourse for 2012/13 Maintenance Charges. | Adopt | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 32. | Maintenance Contract for NetMotion Wireless Inc | Resolution | Authorizing the City’s Purchasing Agent to execute a maintenance contract, on a recurring annual basis for the useful life of the software, for software support and maintenance services from NetMotion Wireless, Inc. | Adopt | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 33. | Declaring the City of Madison’s intention to adopt an Equity Impact Model. | Resolution | Declaring the City of Madison’s intention to adopt an Equity Impact Model. | Adopt | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 34. | Awarding Public Works Contract No. 7185, Well 24 Roof Repair. | Resolution | Awarding Public Works Contract No. 7185, Well 24 Roof Repair. | Adopt Under Suspension of Rules 2.04, 2.05, 2.24, and 2.25 | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 35. | Awarding Public Works Contract No. 7191, Monona Terrace Carpet Replacement. | Resolution | Awarding Public Works Contract No. 7191, Monona Terrace Carpet Replacement. | Adopt Under Suspension of Rules 2.04, 2.05, 2.24, and 2.25 | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 36. | Awarding Public Works Contract No. 7194, Owen Park Drainage Channel Stabilization - 2013. | Resolution | Awarding Public Works Contract No. 7194, Owen Park Drainage Channel Stabilization - 2013. | Adopt | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 37. | Declaring the City of Madison’s intention to exercise its police powers establishing the Resurfacing 2014 - Assessment District. (Various ADs) | Resolution | Declaring the City of Madison’s intention to exercise its police powers establishing the Resurfacing 2014 - Assessment District. (Various ADs) | Adopt Under Suspension of Rules 2.04, 2.05, 2.24, and 2.25 | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 38. | Approving plans and specifications and authorizing the Board of Public Works to advertise and receive bids for Meadowridge Branch Library/Meadowood Neighborhood Center Remodeling. | Resolution | Approving plans and specifications and authorizing the Board of Public Works to advertise and receive bids for Meadowridge Branch Library/Meadowood Neighborhood Center Remodeling. | Adopt Under Suspension of Rules 2.04, 2.05, 2.24, and 2.25 | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 39. | Amending RES-12-00766 for Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute agreements with MG&E and AT&T to install conduit for the undergrounding of overhead utilities on Ingersoll Street. (6th AD) | Resolution | Amending RES-12-00766 for Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute agreements with MG&E and AT&T to install conduit for the undergrounding of overhead utilities on Ingersoll Street. (6th AD) | Adopt Under Suspension of Rules 2.04, 2.05, 2.24, and 2.25 | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 40. | Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an Incentive Agreement with Focus on Energy for the Fire Station No. 13 design assistance program and accepting incentives from Focus on Energy in the amount of around $43,554.00. | Resolution | Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an Incentive Agreement with Focus on Energy for the Fire Station No. 13 design assistance program and accepting incentives from Focus on Energy in the amount of around $43,554.00. (3rd AD) | Adopt Under Suspension of Rules 2.04, 2.05, 2.24, and 2.25 | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 2 | 41. | Declaring the City of Madison's Opposition to the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) | Resolution | SUBSTITUTE. Declaring the City of Madison's Opposition to the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). | Adopt Under Suspension of Rules 2.04, 2.05, 2.24, and 2.25 | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 42. | Best Buy #208 | License | Secondhand Article License
Best Buy Stores LP
Best Buy #208
7357 West Towne Way
Aldermanic District 9 (Ald. Skidmore)
Police Sector 124 | Grant | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 43. | Best Buy #59 | License | Secondhand Article License
Best Buy Stores LP
Best Buy #59
2452 East Springs Drive
Aldermanic District 17 (Ald. Clausius)
Police Sector 632 | Grant | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 44. | New Operator Report | License | Alcohol License Review Committee Report of Operator License Applications October 29, 2013. See attached report for list of operators. | Grant | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 45. | Accepting the September 2013 'Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice' (AI) study. | Resolution | Accepting the September 2013 'Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice' (AI) study. | Adopt As Amended | Fail |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Accepting the September 2013 'Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice' (AI) study. | Resolution | Accepting the September 2013 'Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice' (AI) study. | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Accepting the September 2013 'Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice' (AI) study. | Resolution | Accepting the September 2013 'Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice' (AI) study. | Adopt As Amended | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 46. | Denial of residential tenancy | Ordinance | Repealing and recreating Section 32.08(5) of the Madison General Ordinances to require a lessor to provide written notice of denial of a residential tenancy. | Adopt | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 47. | Placemaking/crowdsourcing | Resolution | Authorizing City Staff to promote crowdsourcing and crowdfunding for placemaking projects. | Adopt | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 49. | Final Plat - American Center-Hanson Second Addn | Resolution | Approving the final plat of The American Center-Hanson Second Addition generally located at 4698 Eastpark Boulevard; 17th Ald. Dist. | Adopt Under Suspension of Rules 2.04, 2.05, 2.24, and 2.25 | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 50. | CSM - 6717-6733 Fairhaven Rd | Resolution | Approving a Certified Survey Map of property owned by Kandel, LLC located at 6717-6733 Fairhaven Road; 7th Ald. Dist. | Adopt Under Suspension of Rules 2.04, 2.05, 2.24, and 2.25 | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 51. | CSM - 210 S Brooks St | Resolution | Approving a Certified Survey Map of property owned by Meriter Hospital, Inc. located at 210 S. Brooks Street; 13th Ald. Dist. | Adopt Under Suspension of Rules 2.04, 2.05, 2.24, and 2.25 | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 52. | CSM - 800-block E Washington Ave | Resolution | Approving a Certified Survey Map of property owned by the City of Madison, generally addressed as 802-854 E. Washington Avenue; 2nd Ald. Dist. | Adopt Under Suspension of Rules 2.04, 2.05, 2.24, and 2.25 | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 53. | Theft of cable services | Ordinance | Creating Section 36.06 and amending Section 1.08(3)(a) of the Madison General Ordinances to make theft of cable and satellite services enforceable as a violation in the City of Madison. | Adopt | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 54. | CLAIM: Haley Palmersheim S.C., attorney for T. Benson, 2934 Muir Field Rd., Madison, 53719 - contract termination - $329,000.00. | Claim | Haley Palmersheim S.C., attorney for T. Benson, 2934 Muir Field Rd., Madison, 53719 - contract termination - $329,000.00. | Disallow | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 55. | CLAIM: Haley Palmersheim S.C., attorney for R. Muranyi, 18 W. Copper Cir., Madison, 53717 - contract termination - $357,000.00. | Claim | CLAIM: Haley Palmersheim S.C., attorney for R. Muranyi, 18 W. Copper Cir., Madison, 53717 - contract termination - $357,000.00. | Disallow | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 56. | CLAIM: Haley Palmersheim S.C., attorney for M. Rechlicz, 5751 Timber View Ct., Fitchburg, 53711 - contract termination - $615,000.00. | Claim | Haley Palmersheim S.C., attorney for M. Rechlicz, 5751 Timber View Ct., Fitchburg, 53711 - contract termination - $615,000.00. | Disallow | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 57. | CLAIM: Haley Palmersheim S.C., attorney for W. Scheer, 21 Rustic Ridge Ct., Madison, 53716 - contract termination - $358,000.00. | Claim | Haley Palmersheim S.C., attorney for W. Scheer, 21 Rustic Ridge Ct., Madison, 53716 - contract termination - $358,000.00. | Disallow | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 58. | CLAIM: Ian A.J. Pitz, Michael, Best & Friedrich LLP, attorney for K. Mollenhoff and D. Cain - property damage - $221,590.32. | Claim | Ian A.J. Pitz, Michael, Best & Friedrich LLP, attorney for K. Mollenhoff and D. Cain - property damage - $221,590.32. | Disallow | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 59. | CLAIM: J. Fisher - vehicle damage - $3,788.89. | Claim | J. Fisher - vehicle damage - $3,788.89. | Disallow | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 60. | CLAIM: R. Kerska - vehicle damage - $289.39. | Claim | R. Kerska - vehicle damage - $289.39. | Disallow | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 61. | CLAIM: J. Pulley - property damage - greater than $1.00. | Claim | J. Pulley - property damage - greater than $1.00. | Disallow | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 62. | CLAIM: C. Chvala, Chvala Law Offices for J. Mitchell - personal injury - $90,000.00. | Claim | C. Chvala, Chvala Law Offices for J. Mitchell - personal injury - $90,000.00. | Disallow | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 63. | Supporting Clean Energy Choice for Wisconsin. | Resolution | Supporting Clean Energy Choice for Wisconsin. | Adopt | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 64. | Dog parks | Ordinance | Repealing and recreating Section 28.32(2) of the Madison General Ordinances to clarify the subsection outlining the City dog parks and applicable rules and adding two new off-leash dog park locations. | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 65. | Vondron Road Attachment | Ordinance | Creating Section 15.01(590) of the Madison General Ordinances entitled "City Boundaries" and being part of the chapter entitled "Aldermanic Districts and Wards" attaching to the 16th Aldermanic District the Vondron Road - Terra Engineering Attachment; and assigning a temporary zoning classification of A Agriculture District; and creating Section 15.02(123) to add the attached property to Ward 123; and amending Section 15.03(1) to add Ward 123 to Aldermanic District 16. | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 66. | Allied Drive rezoning | Ordinance | Creating Section 28.022-00088 of the Madison General Ordinances to change the zoning of a property located at 2401 Allied Drive, 10th Aldermanic District from PD (Planned Development District) to TR-C3 (Traditional Residential - Consistent District 3) to rezone Lots 4-28 of Mosaic Ridge for construction of planned single-family homes. | Referred for Public Hearing | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 67. | Municipal Court costs | Ordinance | Amending Sections 1.08(2), (3)(c) and (3)(d) of the Madison General Ordinances to allow for an increase in Municipal Court costs, consistent with any changes in State Statute, and clarify that payments made by the public are made payable to the Madison Municipal Court. | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 68. | Minority Affairs Committee | Ordinance | Amending Section 33.27(2)(b) of the Madison General Ordinances to revise the name of the Minority Affairs Committee to Multicultural Affairs Committee. | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 69. | Economic Development Committee | Ordinance | Amending Section 33.17(2) of the Madison General Ordinances to revise the composition of the Economic Development Committee. | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 70. | Spandrel glass | Ordinance | Amending Section 28.060(2)(d)1. of the Madison General Ordinances to allow spandrel glass on up to 20% of the required building opening in mixed-use and commercial districts. | Referred for Public Hearing | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 71. | 2013 City Attorney Revisor's Ordinance | Ordinance | SUBSTITUTE Amending and repealing various sections of the Madison General Ordinances to correct inconsistencies and improper references in the Madison General Ordinances, constituting the 2013 City Attorney Revisor's Ordinance. | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 72. | Accepting Owership of Artwork at Central Library | Resolution | Accepting City Ownership of Artwork in the newly renovated Madison Central Library and affirming the value of involving artists in the design of capital projects | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 73. | Greyhound Dutch Mill Agreement | Resolution | Authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute an agreement with Greyhound Lines, Inc. to help defray maintenance costs for the Dutch Mill Park & Ride lot for a term of three years (October 1, 2013 - September 30, 2016), with an option for one three-year renewal (October 1, 2016 - September 30, 2019) to be exercised administratively by the Metro Transit General Manager. | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 74. | Determining a Public Purpose and Necessity and adopting a Relocation Order for the acquisition of land interests required for the construction of the Near West Lakeside Sanitary Replacement 2014 along Lake Mendota from N Henry St to N Frances St. | Resolution | Determining a Public Purpose and Necessity and adopting a Relocation Order for the acquisition of land interests required for the construction of the Near West Lakeside Sanitary Replacement 2014 along Lake Mendota from N Henry St to N Frances St. (2nd AD) | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 75. | "SUBSTITUTE - "Authorizing the carry-over of CDBG, HOME and other funds, and the extension of previously authorized projects within the Community Development program budget. | Resolution | SUBSTITUTE - Authorizing the carry-over of CDBG, HOME and other funds, and the extension of previously authorized projects within the Community Development program budget. | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 76. | Pioneer NDP amendment - Birchwood Point | Resolution | Amending the Pioneer Neighborhood Development Plan to revise the land use recommendation for an approximately 81.3-acre parcel located on the south side of Mineral Point Road adjacent to Silicon Prairie Business Park from Low-Density Residential uses, Low- to Medium-Density Residential uses and Park, Drainage and Open Space uses to Low-Density Residential uses, Medium-Density Residential uses and Park, Drainage and Open Space uses. | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 77. | Recreate the 0.6 FTE position (#4416) of “Community Services Specialist 2” (CG18/R08) as a 1.0 FTE position in the Community Development Division budget. | Resolution | Recreate the 0.6 FTE position (#4416) of “Community Services Specialist 2” (CG18/R08) as a 1.0 FTE position in the Community Development Division budget. | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 78. | Create a new classification of Fleet Service Parts Leadworker in CG15, Range 8. Upon the filling of the Leadworker, delete the classification of Fleet Parts Project Technician in CG15, Range 7. Recreate position #3217 of Fleet Parts Project Technician as | Resolution | Create a new classification of Fleet Service Parts Leadworker in CG15, Range 8. Upon the filling of the Leadworker, delete the classification of Fleet Parts Project Technician in CG15, Range 7. Recreate position #3217 of Fleet Parts Project Technician as a Fleet Service Parts Leadworker in the Fleet Service budget to be filled through an internal competitive process. | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 79. | | Resolution | Resolution directing the City Human Resources Director to report back to the Common Council with incentives designed to encourage City employees to establish and/or maintain residency within the City of Madison. | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 80. | Contract with Capital Newspapers for publication services. | Resolution | Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a one-year contract with Capital Newspapers for publication services. | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 81. | 10293 MGE Easement at Water Utility Reservoir #106 | Resolution | Authorizing the execution of an Underground Electric Line Easement to Madison Gas and Electric Company across a portion of the City Water Utility Reservoir #106 property, located at 126 Glenway Street. | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 82. | Amending the 2013 Engineering-Other Capital Budget and Transferring $25,000 from the University Avenue Underpass Capital Project to allow for enhancements to the City’s CAD (Computer Aided Drafting) System environment. | Resolution | Amending the 2013 Engineering-Other Capital Budget and Transferring $25,000 from the University Avenue Underpass Capital Project to allow for enhancements to the City’s CAD (Computer Aided Drafting) System environment. | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 83. | 10268 Farm Lease Larry Skaar | Resolution | Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a lease for farming purposes with Larry Skaar for 16.8 acres of land located at 3310 County Highway AB in the Town of Blooming Grove. | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 84. | Approve the use of up to $2,663 in ESG funds for the purpose of creating a Homeless Services Consortium website. | Resolution | Approve the use of up to $2,663 in ESG funds to for the purpose of creating a Homeless Services Consortium website. | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 85. | Approve Common Wealth Development’s request to waive the 2013-2014 CDD Program Goals and Objectives loan-to-value ratio limit for 2013-2014 SW Rental Acquisition & Rehab projects. | Resolution | Approve Common Wealth Development’s request to waive the 2013-2014 CDD Program Goals and Objectives loan-to-value ratio limit for 2013-2014 SW Rental Acquisition & Rehab projects. | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 86. | Directing Community Development Division staff to work with representatives from Dane County, the Madison Metropolitan School District, United Way and other community organizations as appropriate to develop collaborative strategies that take advantage of | Resolution | Directing Community Development Division staff to work with representatives from Dane County, the Madison Metropolitan School District, United Way and other community organizations as appropriate to develop collaborative strategies that take advantage of available resources to better prepare children for entry into our educational systems. | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 87. | 3rd Quarter 2013 Police Overtime | Report | Report of the Chief of Police: 3rd Quarter 2013 Overtime | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 88. | CLAIM: K. Langan - vehicle damage - $399.80. | Claim | K. Langan - vehicle damage - $399.80. | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 89. | CLAIM: V. Martin, Government Employees Insurance Company for S. Vandervort - vehicle damage - $2,459.83. | Claim | V. Martin, Government Employees Insurance Company for S. Vandervort - vehicle damage - $2,459.83. | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 92. | CLAIM: B. and A. Farrow - property damage - $3,507.00. | Claim | B. and A. Farrow - property damage - $3,507.00. | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 94. | CLAIM: S. Zannacker - property damage - $2,350.00. | Claim | S. Zannacker - property damage - $2,350.00. | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 97. | BY TITLE ONLY - Amending 2013 budget to provide a grant of $150,000 from TID 35 for building improvements to 2821 Todd Drive | Resolution | BY TITLE ONLY - Amending 2013 budget to provide a grant of $150,000 from TID 35 for building improvements to 2821 Todd Drive | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Phase II Allied Dr Redevelopment Mosaic Ridge | Resolution | Adopting a development plan for Phase II of the Allied Drive Neighborhood Redevelopment as required by Enacted No. RES-08-00057. | Refer | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | CDA - RFQ Property & Case Mgmt, Supportive Services -Housing for Homeless Adults | Resolution | Direct The Community Development Authority of the City of Madison (“CDA”) to draft and issue a request for qualifications (“RFQ”) for property management, case management, and supportive services relating to housing for homeless adults. | Refer | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Rezone 1146 and 1148 Williamson Street | Ordinance | Creating Section 28.022 -- 00089 of the Madison General Ordinances to change the zoning of properties located at 1146 and 1148 Williamson Street, 6th Aldermanic District, from TR-V2 (Traditional Residential - Varied 2) District to TSS (Traditional Shopping Street) District to correct a mapping error. | Referred for Public Hearing | Pass |
Action details
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