Madison, WI Header
Meeting Name: BOARD OF HEALTH FOR MADISON AND DANE COUNTY Agenda status: Approved
Meeting date/time: 1/10/2013 5:30 PM Minutes status: Approved  
Meeting location: Madison Water Utility 119 E. Olin Ave., Conf. Rm. A and B
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #Boards, Commissions and CommitteesTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsWatch
28745 15. PresentationPresentation on Healthy Dane Website - Sue Webb-Lukomski - 15 minutes   Action details Not available
27914 16.Chair's Report - Susan Zahner - 5 minutesReportCHAIR'S REPORT - 5 minutes - NALBOH 2015 Membership Renewal   Action details Not available
27915 17.DIRECTOR'S REPORT - Janel Heinrich - 5 minutesReportDIRECTOR'S REPORT - 5 minutes   Action details Not available
27917 18.COMMUNITY HEALTH DIVISION REPORT - 5 minutesReportCOMMUNITY HEALTH DIVISION REPORT - 5 minutes   Action details Not available
27918 19.ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION REPORT - 5 minutesReportENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION - 5 minutes   Action details Not available
27916 110.OPERATIONS DIVISION REPORT - 5 MINUTESReportOPERATIONS DIVISION REPORT- 5 minutes   Action details Not available
28747 111.Committee on the Environment ReportMiscellaneousCommittee on the Environment Report   Action details Not available
28748 112.Madison Food Policy Council ReportMiscellaneousMadison Food Policy Council Report   Action details Not available
28746 113.Women, Infants and Children Program Update - Karri Bartlett - 15 minutesMiscellaneousWomen, Infants and Children Program Update - Karri Bartlett - 15 minutes   Action details Not available
28525 114.Sugar glidersOrdinanceAmending Section 23.49(1)(g) of the Madison General Ordinances to create an exception for the public to possess sugar gliders.RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT - REPORT OF OFFICERPass Action details Not available
28538 115.Private wellsOrdinanceAmending Section 13.07(2) regarding the residential connection requirement, Section 13.21 regarding the well operation permit and abandonment requirements, and Section 1.08(3)(a) to create penalties for violations of these Sections.Return to Lead with the Recommendation for ApprovalPass Action details Not available
28744 116.National Association of Local Boards of Health Renewal for 2013MiscellaneousNational Association of Local Boards of Health Renewal for 2013   Action details Not available
27921 117.EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE - Susan ZahnerReportEXECUTIVE   Action details Not available
28737 118.Executive Committee Meeting Minutes for December 3, 2012MiscellaneousExecutive Committee Meeting Minutes for December 3, 2012   Action details Not available
28743 119.Executive Committee Meeting Minutes for December 19, 2012MiscellaneousExecutive Committee Meeting Minutes for December 19, 2012   Action details Not available
27922 120.BUDGET COMMITTEE - Judy WilcoxReportBUDGET   Action details Not available
27923 121.ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING - Lori KayReportADMINISTRATIVE HEARING   Action details Not available
27924 122.PERSONNEL - Pat LaskyReportPERSONNEL   Action details Not available
27925 123.AD HOC BYLAWSReportAD HOC BYLAWS   Action details Not available
27926 124.AD HOC PROGRAM EVALUATIONReportAD HOC PROGRAM EVALUATION   Action details Not available