| 1 | 1. | Determining a Public Purpose and Necessity and adopting a Relocation Order for the acquisition of land interests required for the construction of the Capital City Trail - Segment 2 public bike path between Leona Court and Sandlewood Circle. | Resolution | Determining a Public Purpose and Necessity and adopting a Relocation Order for the acquisition of land interests required for the construction of the Capital City Trail - Segment 2 public bike path between Leona Court and Sandlewood Circle. (16th AD) | Return to Lead with the Recommendation for Approval | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 2. | Minor amendment to an Environmental Corridor within the Central Urban Service Area - Cherokee | Resolution | Authorizing a minor amendment to an Environmental Corridor within the Central Urban Service Area to remove portions of an existing developed residential lot located generally north of Golf Parkway, west of the Cherokee Country Club clubhouse. | RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT - REPORT OF OFFICER | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 3. | 9010 Truman Olson Offer - Sales Agmt | Resolution | Authorizing the execution of an Offer to Purchase Real Property, Acceptance and Sales Agreement for the purchase of the former Truman O. Olson Army Reserve Center located at 1402 South Park Street and authorizing the City to indemnify and hold harmless the United States of America. | Return to Lead with the Recommendation for Approval | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 4. | 9470 - 740 E. Gorham Lease & Sale 2012 | Resolution | Approving the sale of the residential structure located at 704 East Gorham Street (the “Building Improvement”) within James Madison Park to Robert E. Klebba & David P. Waugh, (the “Lessees”) and approving a ground lease (the “Ground Lease”) for the land underneath said Building Improvement (the “Leased Land”). | Return to Lead with the Recommendation for Approval | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 2 | 5. | State Street Taxis | Ordinance | AMENDED THIRD ALTERNATE Amending Sections 12.915(8)(a) and (b) and Section 11.06(3)(r) of the Madison General Ordinances to prohibit taxicabs waiting for passengers on State Street and permits them to provide service on State Street between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 4:00 a.m. | Return to Lead with the Recommendation for Approval | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 6. | Rezone 1321-1331 Everett Street | Ordinance | Creating Section 28.06(2)(a)3615 of the Madison General Ordinances rezoning property from C3 Highway Commercial District to M1 Limited Manufacturing District. Proposed Use: Construction of mini-storage warehouses; 12th Aldermanic District; 1321-1331 Everett Street. | RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT WITH CONDITIONS - RECESSED PUBLIC HEARING | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 7. | Demo - 1321 Everett St | Demolition Permit | Consideration of a demolition permit to allow a single-family residence to be demolished as part of the construction of mini-storage warehouses at 1321-1331 Everett Street; 12th Ald. Dist. | Approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 8. | Rezoning 201-205 South Mills | Ordinance | Creating Section 28.06(2)(a)3623. of the Madison General Ordinances rezoning property from PUD(SIP) Planned Unit Development (Specific Implementation Plan) District to Amended PUD(SIP) Planned Unit Development (Specific Implementation Plan) District. Proposed Use: Demolish 2 residences to allow construction of daycare facility for Meriter Hospital. 13th Aldermanic District: 201-205 South Mills Street. | RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT WITH CONDITIONS - PUBLIC HEARING | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 9. | Demo - 201-205 S Mills St | Demolition Permit | Consideration of a demolition permit to allow two residences to be demolished as part of a Planned Unit Development-Specific Implementation Plan approval for 201-205 S. Mills Street; 13th Ald. Dist. | Approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 2 | 10. | CU Alt - 2801 Dryden Dr | Conditional Use | Consideration of a major alteration to an approved conditional use to allow units in an existing 40-unit senior apartment building at 2801 Dryden Drive to be converted to non-age-restricted units; 12th Ald. Dist. | Approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 11. | Cond Use Alt - 1008 Moorland Rd | Conditional Use | Consideration of an alteration to an approved conditional use planned residential development to allow an existing apartment complex to be renovated and a new clubhouse and multi-space garages to be constructed at 1108 Moorland Road; 14th Ald. Dist. | Re-refer | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 12. | Cond Use - 5692-5696 Monona Dr | Conditional Use | Consideration of a conditional use for an an outdoor eating area and an accessory parking lot in R4 General Residence District zoning to serve a restaurant in C1 Limited Commercial District zoning on the same lot at 5692-5696 Monona Drive; 16th Ald. Dist. | Approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 13. | Cond Use Alt - 5206 Harbor Ct | Conditional Use | Consideration of an alteration to an existing conditional use to allow construction of an addition to an existing single-family residence on a lakefront lot at 5206 Harbor Court; 19th Ald. Dist. | Re-refer | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 14. | Cond Use - 1402 Williamson St | Conditional Use | Consideration of a conditional use to allow a bakery with more than eight employees and selling at other than retail, and to allow construction of an outdoor eating area, all at 1402 Williamson Street; 6th Ald. Dist. | Approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 15. | Chap 28 - Downtown Districts | Ordinance | SECOND SUBSTITUTE Creating Subchapter 28E, Downtown and Urban Districts of Chapter 28 of the Madison General Ordinances to update the City’s ordinances pertaining to zoning and planning. | RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO RE-REFER - PUBLIC HEARING | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 16. | Chapter 28 Final | Ordinance | AMENDED THIRD SUBSTITUTE Amending Chapter 28 of the Madison General Ordinances revising various subsections. | RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO RE-REFER - PUBLIC HEARING | Pass |
Action details
Not available