Madison, WI Header
Meeting Name: BOARD OF ESTIMATES (ended 4/2017) (inactive) Agenda status: Amended
Meeting date/time: 9/24/2012 4:30 PM Minutes status: Amended  
Meeting location: 215 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. Room 260 (Madison Municipal Building)
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #Boards, Commissions and CommitteesTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsWatch
27629 11.Submitting the appointment of Bradley J. Wirtz for confirmation of a five-year term as the Human Resources Director.ResolutionSubmitting the appointment of Bradley J. Wirtz for confirmation of a five-year term as the Human Resources Director.RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT - CONFIRMATION HEARINGPass Action details Not available
27531 12.0632 Lincoln School Lease AmendmentResolutionAuthorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an amendment to the Ground Lease Agreement with Lincoln School Associates Limited Partnership providing for the extension of the lease term, adjustment to rent, and changes to other various provisions of the Ground Lease Agreement.RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT - REPORT OF OFFICERPass Action details Not available
27647 14.Amending the 2012 Parks Div Capital Budget & Authorizing the Mayor & City Clerk to enter into an agmt w/Hammel, Green, Abrahamson, Inc. for Olbotanical Gardens Reno & Expansion.ResolutionAmending the 2012 Parks Division Capital Budget and Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an agreement with Hammel, Green, Abrahamson, Inc. to provide professional architectural programming and conceptual (schematic) design services for the Olbrich Botanical Gardens Renovation and Expansion project in the amount of $215,000.RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT (15 VOTES REQUIRED) - REPORT OF OFFICERPass Action details Not available
27694 15.Seeking Common Council approval of the 2012 Art in Public Places funding awards as recommended by the Madison Arts Commission.ResolutionSeeking Common Council approval of the 2012 Art in Public Places funding awards as recommended by the Madison Arts Commission.RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT - REPORT OF OFFICERPass Action details Not available
27556 16.Lenhart - University Crossing Lot 1ResolutionAMENDMENT Amending Enactment No. RES-11-00919 regarding the Tax Incremental Finance loan to GI Clinic, LLCRECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT - REPORT OF OFFICERPass Action details Not available
27581 13.100015 Wheeler Triangle ResolutionResolutionAuthorizing the execution of a Purchase Agreement with the Natural Heritage Land Trust, Inc. for the City’s acquisition of lands (the Wheeler Triangle”) for the expansion of the Cherokee Marsh Conservation Park.RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT - REPORT OF OFFICERPass Action details Not available
27455 17.2013 Executive Capital BudgetCapital Budget2013 Executive Capital BudgetRECOMMEND TO COUNCIL WITH THE FOLLOWING RECOMMENDATIONS - RECESSED PUBLIC HEARINGPass Action details Not available
27773 18.Local 60 Labor AgreementOrdinanceSUBSTITUTE Adopting and confirming the Labor Agreements between the City of Madison and City Employees AFSCME Local 60, AFL-CIO (all units) for the period March 16, 2014 to March 15, 2015.RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT UNDER SUSPENSION OF RULES 2.04, 2.05, 2.24, & 2.25 - REPORT OF OFFICERPass Action details Not available