| 1 | E.1. | Parking: July 2012 Activity Report, and June Revenue/Expense and Occupancy Reports - TPC 08.08.12 | Miscellaneous | Parking: July 2012 Activity Report, and June Revenue/Expense and Occupancy Reports - TPC 08.08.12 | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | E.2. | Metro: YTD Performance Indicators, and Financial and Hybrid Reports - TPC 08.08.12 | Miscellaneous | Metro: YTD Performance Indicators, and Financial and Hybrid Reports - TPC 08.08.12 | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | F.1. | Parking: Resolution No. TPC-40, formalizing the 45¢ ParkNOW! convenience fee for Pay by Cell parking sessions - TPC 08.08.12 | Miscellaneous | Parking: Resolution No. TPC-40, formalizing the 45¢ ParkNOW! convenience fee for Pay by Cell parking sessions - TPC 08.08.12 | Approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | F.2. | Metro: Update on Owl Creek Neighborhood - TPC 08.08.12 | Miscellaneous | Metro: Update on Owl Creek Neighborhood - TPC 08.08.12 | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | G.1. | Metro: Update on Rehab Program for Bus Shelters - TPC 08.08.12 | Miscellaneous | Metro: Update on Rehab Program for Bus Shelters - TPC 08.08.12 | | |
Action details
Not available
| 2 | G.2. | State Street Taxis | Ordinance | AMENDED THIRD ALTERNATE Amending Sections 12.915(8)(a) and (b) and Section 11.06(3)(r) of the Madison General Ordinances to prohibit taxicabs waiting for passengers on State Street and permits them to provide service on State Street between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 4:00 a.m. | Refer | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | G.3. | Metro: Update on Federal Reauthorization-MAP 21 - TPC 08.08.12 | Miscellaneous | Metro: Update on Federal Reauthorization-MAP 21 - TPC 08.08.12 | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | G.4. | 2012 Section 5307 Grant | Resolution | Authorizing the Transit General Manager to file an application for a Section 5307, public transit capital, capital maintenance, and capital planning grant with U.S. Department of Transportation and authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute the associated grant agreement with USDOT and the associated 13 (c) agreement with Teamsters Local No. 695. | RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT - REPORT OF OFFICER | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | G.5. | 2012 Section 5309 State of Good Repair Grant | Resolution | Authorizing the Transit General Manager to file an application for a Section 5309 Bus and Bus Facility, State of Good Repair, Discretionary public transit capital grant with U.S. Department of Transportation and authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute the associated grant agreement with USDOT and the associated 13 (c) agreement with Teamsters Local No. 695. | RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT - REPORT OF OFFICER | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | G.6. | 2012 Section 5309 Fixed Guideway Grant | Resolution | Authorizing the Transit General Manager to file an application for a Section 5309 formula public transit capital grant with U.S. Department of Transportation and authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute the associated grant agreement with USDOT and the associated 13 (c) agreement with Teamsters Local No. 695. | RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT - REPORT OF OFFICER | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | TPC-Other Committee Reports | Report | Transportation Policy and Planning Board (TPPB)
Greater Madison MPO (MPO)
Dane County's Specialized Transportation Commission (STC)
Downtown Coordinating Committee (DCC)
Joint Campus Area Committee (JCAC) | | |
Action details
Not available