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Meeting Name: COMMON COUNCIL Agenda status: Amended
Meeting date/time: 10/4/2011 6:30 PM Minutes status: Approved  
Meeting location: 210 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. Room 201 (City-County Building)
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #Boards, Commissions and CommitteesTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsWatch
23611 11.Celebrating Madison's 25-year sister city relationship with Arcatao, El Salvador and recommitting to the work of the Madison Arcatao Sister City Project for the benefit of people in both communities.ResolutionCelebrating Madison's 25-year sister city relationship with Arcatao, El Salvador and recommitting to the work of the Madison Arcatao Sister City Project for the benefit of people in both communities.AdoptPass Action details Not available
23879 12.Honoring Jim Troia, Mike Lane and Blair Andresen for their outstanding civic responsibility.ResolutionHonoring Jim Troia, Mike Lane and Blair Andresen for their outstanding civic responsibility.Adopt Under Suspension of Rules 2.04, 2.05, 2.24, and 2.25Pass Action details Not available
23907 13.Proclaiming Monday, October 10, 2011, as Indigenous Peoples Day.ResolutionProclaiming Monday, October 10, 2011, as Indigenous Peoples Day.Adopt Under Suspension of Rules 2.04, 2.05, 2.24, and 2.25Pass Action details Not available
23921 14.Declaring the month of November “Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month” in the City of Madison, Wisconsin.ResolutionDeclaring the month of November “Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month” in the City of Madison, Wisconsin.Adopt Under Suspension of Rules 2.04, 2.05, 2.24, and 2.25Pass Action details Not available
24022 15.Proclaiming October 16 - 22, 2011 as “Freedom from Workplace Bullies Week" in the City of Madison.ResolutionProclaiming October 16 - 22, 2011 as “Freedom from Workplace Bullies Week" in the City of Madison.Adopt Under Suspension of Rules 2.04, 2.05, 2.24, and 2.25Pass Action details Not available
24048 16.Proclaiming October 14, 2011, as Wisconsin Alumni Association Day in the City of Madison.ResolutionProclaiming October 14, 2011, as Wisconsin Alumni Association Day in the City of Madison.Adopt Under Suspension of Rules 2.04, 2.05, 2.24, and 2.25Pass Action details Not available
24050 17.Recognizing and honoring the exemplary work done by the General Federation of Women’s Clubs-Wisconsin and their national organization and wishing them a successful and productive regional conference in the City of Madison, October 14-16, 2011.ResolutionRecognizing and honoring the exemplary work done by the General Federation of Women’s Clubs-Wisconsin and their national organization and wishing them a successful and productive regional conference in the City of Madison, October 14-16, 2011.Adopt Under Suspension of Rules 2.04, 2.05, 2.24, and 2.25Pass Action details Not available
23676 18.2012 Executive Capital BudgetCapital Budget2012 Executive Capital BudgetRe-refer for Recessed Public HearingPass Action details Not available
23717 19.Approving plans, specifications, and schedule of assessments for Fish Hatchery Road Assessment District (Street Lighting) - 2012. (13th & 14th AD)ResolutionApproving plans, specifications, and schedule of assessments for Fish Hatchery Road Assessment District (Street Lighting) - 2012. (13th & 14th AD)Adopt and Close the Public HearingPass Action details Not available
23739 110.Approving Plans, Specifications, and Schedule of Assessments for Manufacturers Drive Assessment District-2011 and that Resolution No. RES-11-00628, ID No. 22971 adopted by the Common Council on July 19, 2011 be hereby rescinded.ResolutionApproving Plans, Specifications, and Schedule of Assessments for Manufacturers Drive Assessment District-2011 and that Resolution No. RES-11-00628, ID No. 22971 adopted by the Common Council on July 19, 2011 be hereby rescinded. (17th AD)Adopt and Close the Public HearingPass Action details Not available
23826 111.Approving Plans, Specifications, And Schedule Of Assessments For East Washington Avenue Sanitary Sewer Assessment District - 2012.ResolutionApproving Plans, Specifications, and Schedule Of Assessments For East Washington Avenue Sanitary Sewer Assessment District - 2012. (17th AD)Adopt and Close the Public HearingPass Action details Not available
23743 112.Rezone 1002-1102 South Park Street, 906-918 Midland Street and 1101-1109 Fish Hatchery RoadOrdinanceCreating Section 28.06(2)(a)3562. of the Madison General Ordinances rezoning property from R4 General Residence District and C3 Commercial Highway District to PUD(GDP) Planned Unit Development (General Development Plan) District and creating Section 28.06(2)(a)3563. of the Madison General Ordinances rezoning property from PUD(GDP) Planned Unit Development (General Development Plan) District to PUD(SIP) Planned Unit Development (Specific Implementation Plan) District. Proposed Use: Approval of General Development Plan for future mixed use/employment development, and; approval of a Specific Implementation Plan for medical clinic/office bldg. and parking ramp. 13th Aldermanic District; 1002-1102 South Park Street, 906-918 Midland Street and 1101-1109 Fish Hatchery Road.Adopt the Following Amendment(s)Pass Action details Not available
23743 1 Rezone 1002-1102 South Park Street, 906-918 Midland Street and 1101-1109 Fish Hatchery RoadOrdinanceCreating Section 28.06(2)(a)3562. of the Madison General Ordinances rezoning property from R4 General Residence District and C3 Commercial Highway District to PUD(GDP) Planned Unit Development (General Development Plan) District and creating Section 28.06(2)(a)3563. of the Madison General Ordinances rezoning property from PUD(GDP) Planned Unit Development (General Development Plan) District to PUD(SIP) Planned Unit Development (Specific Implementation Plan) District. Proposed Use: Approval of General Development Plan for future mixed use/employment development, and; approval of a Specific Implementation Plan for medical clinic/office bldg. and parking ramp. 13th Aldermanic District; 1002-1102 South Park Street, 906-918 Midland Street and 1101-1109 Fish Hatchery Road.Adopt with Conditions and Close the Public HearingPass Action details Not available
23749 113.Rezone 5063-5119 University Avenue and 702 N. Whitney WayOrdinanceCreating Section 28.06(2)(a)3556. of the Madison General Ordinances rezoning property from C3 Highway Commercial District to PUD(GDP) Planned Unit Development (General Development Plan) District and creating Section 28.06(2)(a)3557. of the Madison General Ordinances rezoning property from PUD(GDP) Planned Unit Development (General Development Plan) District to PUD(SIP) Planned Unit Development (Specific Implementation Plan) District. Proposed Use: Approval of a General Development Plan for future construction of mixed-use/employment and approval of a Specific Implementation Plan for medical office building. 19th Aldermanic District; 5063-5119 University Avenue and 702 North Whitney Way.Adopt with Conditions and Close the Public HearingPass Action details Not available
23750 114.Rezone 433 South Thornton Avenue, 1526 Jenifer Street and 433 Cantwell CourtOrdinanceCreating Section 28.06(2)(a)3554. of the Madison General Ordinances rezoning property from R4 General Residence District to PUD(GDP) Planned Unit Development (General Development Plan) District and creating Section 28.06(2)(a)3555. of the Madison General Ordinances rezoning property from PUD(GDP) Planned Unit Development (General Development Plan) District to PUD(SIP) Planned Unit Development (Specific Implementation Plan) District. Proposed Use: Planned Unit Development to allow rehabilitation of 3 existing four-unit apartment buildings; 6th Aldermanic District; 434 South Thornton Avenue, 1526 Jenifer Street and 433 Cantwell Court.Adopt with Conditions and Close the Public HearingPass Action details Not available
24070 115. ReportGarver Feed Mill Status ReportReferred  Action details Not available
23914 116.10-4-2011 Citizen committee appointmentsAppointmentReport of the Mayor submitting citizen committee appointments (introduction 9-20-2011; action 10-4-2011).ConfirmPass Action details Not available
24049 117.10-18-2011 Citizen committee appointmentsAppointmentReport of the Mayor submitting committee appointments (introduction 10-4-2011; action 10-18-2011).Referred  Action details Not available
23893 118.Submitting the appointment of Charles L. Kamp for confirmation of a five-year term as the Transit General Manager.ResolutionSubmitting the appointment of Charles L. Kamp for confirmation of a five-year term as the Transit General Manager.AdoptPass Action details Not available
24028 119.Amending the adopted Development Process Initiative Report (File ID# 21454) to add the Implementation Plan approved by CCOC on September 6, 2011.ResolutionAmending the adopted Development Process Initiative Report (File ID# 21454) to add the Implementation Plan approved by CCOC on September 6, 2011.Adopt Under Suspension of Rules 2.04, 2.05, 2.24, and 2.25Pass Action details Not available
20314 120.R Place on Park Revocation HearingLicenseHearing on Complaint for Revocation of: The Family Business LLC • Dba R Place on Park 1821 S Park St • Agent: Roderick Flowers Class B Combination Liquor & Beer • 100% alcohol, 0% food Aldermanic District 13 (Alder Ellingson) • Police Sector 310Grant With Amended Condition(s)Fail Action details Not available
20314 1 R Place on Park Revocation HearingLicenseHearing on Complaint for Revocation of: The Family Business LLC • Dba R Place on Park 1821 S Park St • Agent: Roderick Flowers Class B Combination Liquor & Beer • 100% alcohol, 0% food Aldermanic District 13 (Alder Ellingson) • Police Sector 310Accept With Recommendation(s)Pass Action details Not available
23842 121.Chetan Premise ChangeLicenseChange of Licensed Premise Chetan LLC • dba Swagat Indian Restaurant • 5% alcohol, 95% food 707 N High Point Rd • Agent: Resham Singh • Estimated Capacity: 115 Class B Combination Liquor & Beer Aldermanic District 9 (Alder Skidmore) • Police Sector 126 Expansion of floor space.GrantPass Action details Not available
23843 122.Stalzy Premise ChangeLicenseChange of Licensed Premise Stalzy's Deli LLC • dba Stalzy's Deli 2701 Atwood Ave • Agent: Corbin Reynolds • Estimated Capacity: 60 Class B Combination Liquor & Beer • 5% alcohol, 85% food, 10% other Aldermanic District 6 (Alder Rummel) • Police Sector 601 Temporary expansion of outdoor serving area 10/08/2011.GrantPass Action details Not available
23846 123.Grid Premise ChangeLicenseChange of Licensed Premise Grid LLC • dba The Grid @ Hotel Red 1509 Monroe St • Agent: Jason Ilstrup Class B Combination Liquor & Beer • 50% alcohol, 50% food Aldermanic District 13 (Alder Ellingson) • Police Sector 303 Expanding outdoor service areas in front of building.GrantPass Action details Not available
23847 124.Grid LLC Change of Corporate ControlLicenseChange of Corporate Control Grid LLC • dba The Grid @ Hotel Red 1509 Monroe St • Agent: Jason Ilstrup Class B Combination Liquor & Beer • 50% alcohol, 50% food Aldermanic District 13 (Alder Ellingson) • Police Sector 303 Add two new officers and remove one.GrantPass Action details Not available
23848 125.K Street LLC dba Madison's Change of Corporate ControlLicenseChange of Corporate Control K Street LLC • dba Madison's • 40% alcohol, 60% food 119 King St • Agent: Andrew Haker Class B Combination Liquor & Beer Aldermanic District 04 (Alder Verveer) • Police Add two new officers and remove one.GrantPass Action details Not available
23849 126.Grid LLC Change of AgentLicenseChange of Agent Grid LLC • dba The Grid @ Hotel Red 1509 Monroe St • New Agent: Jason Ilstrup Class B Combination Liquor & Beer • 50% alcohol, 50% food Aldermanic District 13 (Alder Ellingson) • Police Sector 303GrantPass Action details Not available
23851 127.Red Robin Change of Corporate ControlLicenseChange of Corporate Control Red Robin International Inc • dba Red Robin America's Gourmet Burger 2440 East Springs Dr • Agent: Dennis Kramer Class B Combination Liquor & Beer • 8% alcohol, 92% food Aldermanic District 17 (Alder Clausius) • Police Sector 517 Addition of one new officer and removal of one officer.GrantPass Action details Not available
23854 128.Chuck E. Cheese Change of Corporate ControlLicenseChange of Corporate Control CEC Entertainment Inc • dba Chuck E Cheese's 438 Grand Canyon Dr • Agent: Mark T Carlson Class B Beer • 1% alcohol, 65% food, 34% other Aldermanic District 19 (Alder Clear) • Police Sector 113 Addition of one new officerGrantPass Action details Not available
22894 129.Performing Arts StudyResolutionIssuing a Request for Proposals for a Performing Arts Study and amending the 2011 adopted City operating budget to appropriate $125,000 from the Contingent Reserve.Place On FilePass Action details Not available
23736 130.9705 ATC Eng Parcel at SycamoreResolutionAuthorizing the grant of a permanent limited easement to American Transmission Company for an electric transmission line along a portion of the City’s Stormwater Utility Parcel 533, located along the 4200 Block of Sycamore Avenue.AdoptPass Action details Not available
23831 131.The request from Victoria M. Frank & Rajan Shukla to revise their NOAH loan terms to rent both units of their duplex to eligible, low-income households under terms of the federal HOME program.ResolutionThe request from Victoria M. Frank & Rajan Shukla to revise their NOAH loan terms to rent both units of their duplex to eligible, low-income households under terms of the federal HOME program.AdoptPass Action details Not available
23875 132.LexisNexis Legal Research Contract through 2014ResolutionAuthorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a contract with LexisNexis for online legal research services, through 2014.AdoptPass Action details Not available
23888 133.MMSD - Resolution draftResolutionAuthorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement with Madison Metropolitan School District for the Investment of FundsAdoptPass Action details Not available
23902 134.Facade Grant - 1843 Monroe St. (Brocach)ResolutionApproving Facade Improvement Grant to 1843 Monroe Street (Brocach Irish Pub).AdoptPass Action details Not available
23909 135.9737 Lease DCNET 2801 CrossroadsResolutionAuthorizing the execution of a lease with 2801 Crossroads Drive LLC for office space located at 2801 Crossroads Drive for Police Department administration use.AdoptPass Action details Not available
23959 136.Amend 2011 Cap BudgetResolutionAmending the 2011 Capital Budget of the Municipal Art Fund to accept and expend private donations for the restoration of the Statue of Liberty Replica.Adopt UnanimouslyPass Action details Not available
23857 137.Accepting improvements and assessing benefits for Meadowlands Phase 4 Streetlight Improvement District. (3rd AD)ResolutionAccepting improvements and assessing benefits for Meadowlands Phase 4 Streetlight Improvement District. (3rd AD)AdoptPass Action details Not available
23884 138.Improvements accepted for Repave & Repair Metro Transit Employee/Visitor Parking Lot - 2011, Contract No. 6684.ResolutionImprovements accepted for Repave & Repair Metro Transit Employee/Visitor Parking Lot - 2011, Contract No. 6684.AdoptPass Action details Not available
23886 139.Declaring the City of Madison's intention to exercise its police powers establishing the West Lakelawn Place Assessment District - 2012.ResolutionDeclaring the City of Madison's intention to exercise its police powers establishing the West Lakelawn Place Assessment District - 2012.AdoptPass Action details Not available
23887 140.Approving plans and specifications and authorizing the Board of Public Works to advertise and receive bids for Lake Edge Basin Repair, Contract No. 6744.ResolutionApproving plans and specifications and authorizing the Board of Public Works to advertise and receive bids for Lake Edge Basin Repair, Contract No. 6744.AdoptPass Action details Not available
23895 141.Approving plans and specifications and authorizing the Board of Public Works to advertise and receive bids for Madison Police West District Carpet Replacement, Contract No. 6768.ResolutionApproving plans and specifications and authorizing the Board of Public Works to advertise and receive bids for Madison Police West District Carpet Replacement, Contract No. 6768.AdoptPass Action details Not available
23903 142.Awarding Public Works Contract No. 6320, Lower Badger Mill Sanitary Sewer Interceptor Phase I.ResolutionAwarding Public Works Contract No. 6320, Lower Badger Mill Sanitary Sewer Interceptor Phase I.AdoptPass Action details Not available
23905 143.To Establish Revised Assessments For Spring 2011 Street TreesResolutionTo Establish Revised Assessments For Spring 2011 Street TreesAdoptPass Action details Not available
23945 144.Approving plans and specifications and authorizing the Board of Public Works to advertise and receive bids for CIPP Rehab of Sanitary Sewers Phase 2 - 2011.ResolutionApproving plans and specifications and authorizing the Board of Public Works to advertise and receive bids for CIPP Rehab of Sanitary Sewers Phase 2 - 2011.AdoptPass Action details Not available
23951 145.Authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute an Amendment to the contract between Madison and MSA Professional Services for additional design engineering services for CTH M.ResolutionAuthorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute an Amendment to the contract between Madison and MSA Professional Services for additional design engineering services for CTH M. (1st AD)AdoptPass Action details Not available
23967 146.Capital Newspaper 2011-2012 ContractResolutionAuthorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a one-year contract with Madison Newspapers, Inc. d/b/a Capital Newspapers, for publication services.Adopt Under Suspension of Rules 2.04, 2.05, 2.24, and 2.25Pass Action details Not available
23432 147.5117 UniversityReport5117 University Avenue - Marshall Erdman & Associates Office and Shop Landmark Nomination. 19th Ald. District.Place On FilePass Action details Not available
23765 148.University Crossing platResolutionApproving the preliminary plat and final plat of University Crossing located at 5063-5119 University Avenue and 702 North Whitney Way; 19th Ald. Dist.Adopt Under Suspension of Rules 2.04, 2.05, 2.24, and 2.25Pass Action details Not available
23870 149.FP Mosaic Ridge-2437 Allied and 4654 CrescentResolutionApproving the final plat of Mosaic Ridge (formerly known as the final plat of Allied Drive, Phase II) located at 2437 Allied Drive and 4654 Crescent Road; 10th Ald. Dist.Adopt Under Suspension of Rules 2.04, 2.05, 2.24, and 2.25Pass Action details Not available
23944 150.Wingra Clinic/ Clark St Dev CSMResolutionApproving a Certified Survey Map of properties owned by Charles A. Ghidorzi, Crab Tree Ridge, LLC and Wingra Point, LLC located at 1002-1102 S. Park Street, 906-918 Midland Street and 1101-1109 Fish Hatchery Road; 13th Ald. Dist.Adopt Under Suspension of Rules 2.04, 2.05, 2.24, and 2.25Pass Action details Not available
23840 151.CLAIM: Christopher Woolfolk, Progressive Insurance, P.O. Box 512929, Los Angeles, CA 90051, for R. Gutzdorf, 7354 Timberlake Trl., # 310, Madison, 53719 - vehicle damage - $601.29.ClaimChristopher Woolfolk, Progressive Insurance, P.O. Box 512929, Los Angeles, CA 90051, for R. Gutzdorf, 7354 Timberlake Trl., # 310, Madison, 53719 - vehicle damage - $601.29.DisallowPass Action details Not available
23922 152.CLAIM: C. Carlson, 322 North St., Madison, 53704 - property damage - $800.00.ClaimC. Carlson, 322 North St., Madison, 53704 - property damage - $800.00.DisallowPass Action details Not available
23924 153.CLAIM: K. Bell, 4350 De Volis Pkwy., Madison, 53711 - personal injury - $1,045.44.ClaimK. Bell, 4350 De Volis Pkwy., Madison, 53711 - personal injury - $1,045.44.DisallowPass Action details Not available
23525 154.Lamar Outdoor AdvertisingResolutionApproving Settlement of tax refund litigation with Lamar Outdoor Advertising of Janesville for years 2004, 2006-2010, Approving payment of $160,000 from City resources to effectuate the Settlement and amending the 2011 Operating Budget to reduce estimated general fund revenues by $59,468.19 to recognize the City’s share of Settlement Costs.ReferPass Action details Not available
23801 155.BY TITLE ONLY- Resolution moving employees in the bargaining units represented by Madison Professional Police Officers Association (MPPOA), Association of Madison Police Supervisors, and International Association of Firefighters Local 311, into the WisconResolutionAuthorizing the City of Madison to move certain bargaining unit groups into the high-deductible insurance plan. BY TITLE ONLY- Resolution moving employees in the bargaining units represented by Madison Professional Police Officers Association (MPPOA), Association of Madison Police Supervisors, and International Association of Firefighters Local 311, into the Wisconsin Public Employer Group Health Insurance Deductible HMO Option, paired with the Deductible Standard Plan. All other City employees remain in the Traditional HMO Option with the Classic Standard Plan option.Place On FilePass Action details Not available
23785 256.Secondhand dealersOrdinanceAMENDED 5th SUBSTITUTE Amending Sections 9.24 and 1.08(3)(a) of the Madison General Ordinances to require secondhand dealers to compile and submit to the Police Department electronic records of transactions and creating penalties.Referred  Action details Not available
24030 157.Library signCharter OrdinanceCHARTER ORDINANCE Creating Section 31.045(3)(c)4. and Section 31.07(5)(f) of the Madison General Ordinances to allow Government Building Identification Signs and Decorative and Promotional Banners on a wall surface of a government building that projects into the highway right-of-way.Referred  Action details Not available
23715 158.Rezone 6854 Stockbridge DriveOrdinanceCreating Section 28.06(2)(a)3561. of the Madison General Ordinances rezoning property from PUD(GDP) Planned Unit Development (General Development Plan) District to PUD(SIP) Planned Unit Development (Specific Implementation Plan) District. Proposed Use: Construct 86 apartment units in three buildings; 3rd Aldermanic District; 6854 Stockbridge Drive.Referred  Action details Not available
24001 159.Ward 23 polling locationOrdinanceAmending Sections 15.02(23) of the Madison General Ordinances to change the polling location for Ward 23.Referred  Action details Not available
24020 160.Local 311OrdinanceAdopting and confirming the Labor Agreement between the City of Madison and Local 311, I.A.F.F. for the period January 1, 2012 through December 31, 2015.Referred  Action details Not available
24023 161.MPPOAOrdinanceAdopting and confirming the Agreement between the City of Madison and the Madison Professional Police Officers Association (MPPOA) from January 1, 2012 through December 31, 2015.Referred  Action details Not available
24031 162.Signable AreaOrdinanceAmending Sec. 31.07(5) of the Madison General Ordinances, revising the introductory paragraph to clarify where “signs outside signable area” may be displayed, and renumbering Sec. 31.07(6)(c) to Sec. 31.07(7).Referred  Action details Not available
24033 163.Water Construction SupervisorOrdinanceAmending Section 3.54(1)(b) of the Madison General Ordinances by creating the classification of Water Construction Supervisor in Compensation Group 18, Range 09.Referred  Action details Not available
24034 164.GISOrdinanceAmending Section 3.54(1)(b) of the Madison General Ordinances by deleting the classification of Planning GIS Specialist in Compensation Group 18, Range 07 and recreating said classification in Compensation Group 18, Range 09.Referred  Action details Not available
24035 165.Community Development SpecialistsOrdinanceAmending Section 3.54(1)(b) of the Madison General Ordinances by creating the classifications of Community Development Specialist 1 in Compensation Group 18, Range 06; Community Development Specialist 2 in Compensation Group 18, Range 08; Community Development Specialist 3 in Compensation Group 18, Range 10; and Community Development Specialist 4 in Compensation Group 18, Range 12.Referred  Action details Not available
24036 166.Revision 276OrdinanceAdopting and confirming Revision No. 276 of the Madison General Ordinances as of September 15, 2011 to incorporate the changes pursuant to Wis. Stat. § 66.0103.Referred  Action details Not available
24038 167.AMPSOrdinanceAdopting and confirming the Agreement between the City of Madison and the Association of Madison Police Supervisors (AMPS) for the period January 1, 2012 through December 31, 2015.Referred  Action details Not available
24039 168.Conveyance feeOrdinanceAmending Sec. 40.11(5) of the Madison General Ordinances to increase the fee for the permit to operate conveyances.Referred  Action details Not available
24040 169.Plans feeOrdinanceAmending Secs. 34.02(1)(a), (2)(d)2.a., (2)(d)3., creating Sec. 34.02(2)(d)8. and renumbering and amending Sec. 34.02(2)(d)9. of the Madison General Ordinances to establish fees for incomplete plan submittals and private fire service hydrants and to raise the fee for fire alarm control unit and create a fee for plan reviews not mentioned within the section.Referred  Action details Not available
24041 170.ExceptionOrdinanceAmending Section 34.507(1)(b) of the Madison General Ordinances to exempt private fire service mains from Madison Fire Department (MFD) plan review.Referred  Action details Not available
24042 171.GPSOrdinanceCreating new Sec. 34.507(1)(c) and renumbering current Secs. 34.507(1)(c) through (k) to Secs. 34.507(1)(d) through (l), respectively, of the Madison General Ordinances to require submission of GPS coordinates of private fire hydrants to the Madison Fire Department.Referred  Action details Not available
24043 172.Negligent cookingOrdinance2nd SUBSTITUTE Creating Section 34.06 and amending Section 1.08(3)(a) of the Madison General Ordinances to prohibit negligent or reckless behavior that results in a fire and establishing a bail deposit in violation thereof.Referred  Action details Not available
23920 173.Approving the Community Development Division's HUD required 2012 Action Plan.ResolutionApproving the Community Development Division's HUD required 2012 Action Plan.Referred  Action details Not available
23958 174.Authorizing the Traffic Engineering Division to accept a grant for $126,400 from the Wisconsin Department of Transportation to maintain and expand a safety education program and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into the grant contract.ResolutionAuthorizing the Traffic Engineering Division to accept a grant for $126,400 from the Wisconsin Department of Transportation to maintain and expand a safety education program and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into the grant contract.Referred  Action details Not available
23960 175.2011 Sec. 5304 WisDOT Planning FundingResolutionAuthorizing the Transit General Manager to file an application for a public transit capital grant with Wisconsin Department of Transportation and authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute the associated grant agreement with WISDOT and the associated 13 (c) agreement with Teamsters Local No. 695.Referred  Action details Not available
23988 176.Delete the classification of “City Channel Producer/Director 1” in CG20-09; delete the classification of “City Channel Producer/Director 2” in CG20-11; create the classification of “City Channel Producer/Director” in CG20-11; retitle the current City ChanResolutionDelete the classification of “City Channel Producer/Director 1” in CG20-09; delete the classification of “City Channel Producer/Director 2” in CG20-11; create the classification of “City Channel Producer/Director” in CG20-11; retitle the current City Channel Producer/Director 2s as City Channel Producer/Director (#4024 occupied by J. Schraven; #3318 occupied by C. Lang); recreate the position of City Channel Producer/Director 1 (#3738) currently occupied by C. Richter, as a City Channel Producer/Director and reallocate the incumbent to the new position, all within the Information Technology budget.Referred  Action details Not available
23989 177.Recreate the position (#1862) of Engineer 2 as a Water Construction Supervisor in the Water Utility budget, and reallocate the incumbent (T. Buss) to the new position.ResolutionRecreate the position (#1862) of Engineer 2 as a Water Construction Supervisor in the Water Utility budget, and reallocate the incumbent (T. Buss) to the new position.Referred  Action details Not available
23990 178.Recreate the positions (#624 and #3656) of Planning GIS Specialist, currently in CG18, Range 7, in CG18, Range 9 in the Planning Division budget, and reallocate the incumbents (W. Lanier and D. Seidensticker) to the new positions.ResolutionRecreate the positions (#624 and #3656) of Planning GIS Specialist, currently in CG18, Range 7, in CG18, Range 9 in the Planning Division budget, and reallocate the incumbents (W. Lanier and D. Seidensticker) to the new positions.Referred  Action details Not available
23991 179.Recreating an Administrative Clerk 1 (CG20/09) position (#2598-occupied by W. Jackson) in the Police Department budget as a Program Assistant 1 (20/11), and reallocating the incumbent to the new position.ResolutionRecreating an Administrative Clerk 1 (CG20/09) position (#2598-occupied by W. Jackson) in the Police Department budget as a Program Assistant 1 (20/11), and reallocating the incumbent to the new position.Referred  Action details Not available
23994 180.New Personnel Rules-Entire DocumentResolutionAdopting updates to the City of Madison Personnel Rules.Referred  Action details Not available
24000 181.MillerCoors Free Rides 2011 - 2013ResolutionAuthorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to accept sponsorship by MillerCoors, LLC for the New Year's Eve free rides program. MillerCoors is donating $10,000 for 2011 to help offset the cost of providing free expanded transit service on New Year's Eve. The agreement includes an indemnification clause. The amount of the donation for each of the remaining two years of the contract will be agreed upon by the parties.Referred  Action details Not available
24017 182.Mid-Town Neigh Dev Plan Amendment 9-26-11ResolutionAmending the Mid-Town Neighborhood Development Plan to revise the land use recommendations for lands located in the northeastern portion of the neighborhood from residential and open space uses to employment and open space uses.Referred  Action details Not available
24018 183.Paul A. Kronberger, Probation Period will end on 10/19/11ResolutionAuthorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a first Addendum to the Employment Agreement with Paul A. Kronberger, Information Technology Director.Referred  Action details Not available
24021 184.To adjust the Child Care Assistance income guidelines to keep them in line with the poverty guidelines published by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and adopted by the State and to reflect inflationary increases.ResolutionTo adjust the Child Care Assistance income guidelines to keep them in line with the poverty guidelines published by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and adopted by the State and to reflect inflationary increases.Referred  Action details Not available
24026 185.Monona Water System Interconnection Agreement ResolutionResolutionAuthorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute an emergency water system interconnection agreement with the City of Monona for the purpose of mutual aid and assistance in case of an emergency (Citywide).Referred  Action details Not available
24027 186.MWU and UW-Madison MOU Extension to 12-2011ResolutionAuthorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute an amendment to the existing MOU with the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin for the purpose of continuing to promote drinking water research that will help to improve the water quality within the Madison water system, protect the public health, and improve system operations. The amendment shall be for the purpose of a no cost extension of the MOU to December 31, 2011 (Citywide).Referred  Action details Not available
24037 187.Approving temporary construction work with associated noise impacts between the hours of 7:00 PM and 7:00 AM on Monona Drive (5700) block and Regent Street (1500 block).ResolutionApproving temporary construction work with associated noise impacts between the hours of 7:00 PM and 7:00 AM on Monona Drive (5700) block and Regent Street (1500 block). (16th & 13th ADs)Referred  Action details Not available
24068 188.Transferring $15,000 from Permanent Salaries to SuppliesResolutionTransferring $15,000 from Permanent Salaries to Supplies (Furniture) in the 2011 Mayor's Office Adopted Budget.Referred  Action details Not available
24089 189.Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an agreement with Walker Parking Consultants to provide Owner Representative services for the master planning of the Government East Parking Garage replacement project in the amount of $56,000.ResolutionAuthorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an agreement with Walker Parking Consultants to provide Owner Representative services for the master planning of the Government East Parking Garage replacement project in the amount of $56,000.Referred  Action details Not available
23873 190.BP Deon's Class A BeerLicensePublic Hearing - New License Rosemary Corporation • dba BP Deon's 2301 Commercial Ave • Agent:Dinar Shrestha Class A Beer Aldermanic District 12 (Alder Rhodes-Conway) • Police Sector 501Referred for Public Hearing  Action details Not available
23952 191.La Quinta Combination Liquor & BeerLicensePublic Hearing - New License LQ Management, LLC • dba La Quinta Inn & Suites 5217 E Terrace Dr • Agent: Lynn Hegge • Estimated Capacity: 70 Class B Combination Liquor & Beer • 90% alcohol, 10% food Aldermanic District 17 (Alder Clausius) • Police Sector 520Refer For Public Hearing  Action details Not available
24044 192.Little Manhattan LicenseLicensePublic Hearing - New License Little Manhattan LLC • dba Little Manhattan 6718 Odana Rd • Agent: Xiao Liu • Estimated Capacity: 125 Class B Beer, Class C Wine • 20% alcohol, 50% food, 30% Other Aldermanic District 19 (Alder Clear) • Police Sector 113Refer For Public Hearing  Action details Not available
24045 193.Chief's Tavern LicenseLicensePublic Hearing - New License 300 CGR LLC • Chief's Tavern 300 Cottage Grove Road • Agent: Brian Mason • Estimated Capacity: 149 Class B Combination Liquor & Beer • 60% alcohol, 30% food, 10% Other Aldermanic District 15 (Alder Palm) • Police Sector 610Refer For Public Hearing  Action details Not available
24046 194.Froth House LicenseLicensePublic Hearing - New License Kelly M Underwood LLC • dba The Froth House 11 N. Allen St • Agent:Eric Stinson • Estimated Capacity: 60 Class B Beer, Class C Wine • 5% alcohol, 94% food, 1% other Aldermanic District 5 (Alder Bidar-Sielaff) • Police Sector 301Refer For Public Hearing  Action details Not available
24047 195.Old Fashioned LicenseLicensePublic Hearing - New License Provisions & Mercantile LLC • dba The Old Fashioned Tavern & Restaurant 23&25 N Pinckney St • Agent:Tami Lax • Estimated Capacity: 200 Wholesale Beer • 35% alcohol, 65% food Aldermanic District 4 (Alder Verveer) • Police Sector 406 • Density AreaRefer For Public Hearing  Action details Not available
24072 196.Maurers Foods Fresh Madison Market Class B applicationLicensePublic Hearing - New License Maurer's Foods, LLC • dba Fresh Madison Market 703 University Avenue • Agent: Jeff Maurer: Class B Beer and Class C Wine • 1% alcohol, 99% food Aldermanic District 8 (Alder Resnick) • Police Sector 402 Current Class A Liquor and Class A Beer licenses to be surrendered upon issuanceRefer For Public Hearing  Action details Not available
24077 197.Fourth Wave Class B Combination Liquor and BeerLicensePublic Hearing - New License Fourth Wave Project LLC • dba Fourth Wave Project LLC 1252 WIlliamson Street • Agent: Scott M Spilger • Estimated Capacity: 62 Class B Combination Liquor & Beer • 20% alcohol, 80% food Aldermanic District 6 (Alder Rummel) • Police Sector 408Refer For Public HearingPass Action details Not available
23675 198.2012 Executive Operating BudgetOperating Budget2012 Executive Operating BudgetReferred  Action details Not available
23953 199.CLAIM: S. Burke, 2501 Greenway View, Madison, 53713 - property damage - $20.00.ClaimS. Burke, 2501 Greenway View, Madison, 53713 - property damage - $20.00.Referred  Action details Not available
23955 1101.CLAIM: L. Watson, 245 Swanton Rd., # 6, Madison, 53713 - vehicle damage - $284.95.ClaimL. Watson, 245 Swanton Rd., # 6, Madison, 53713 - vehicle damage - $284.95.Referred  Action details Not available
23996 1104.CLAIM: H. Jansen, 409 E. Lakeview Ave., Madison, 53716 - vehicle damage - $256.70.ClaimH. Jansen, 409 E. Lakeview Ave., Madison, 53716 - vehicle damage - $256.70.Referred  Action details Not available
24024 1105.CLAIM: Matthew DeVos, attorney for D. and A. Fox, 838 West End Ave., # 8-C, New York, NY 10025 - personal injury, loss of services, society, companionship, and consortium - $250,000.00.ClaimMatthew DeVos, attorney for D. and A. Fox, 838 West End Ave., # 8-C, New York, NY 10025 - personal injury, loss of services, society, companionship, and consortium - $250,000.00.Referred  Action details Not available
24051 1106.CLAIM: D. Jones, 4502 Judy Ln., Madison, 53704 - property damage - $229.17.ClaimD. Jones, 4502 Judy Ln., Madison, 53704 - property damage - $229.17.Referred  Action details Not available
23785 256.Secondhand dealersOrdinanceAMENDED 5th SUBSTITUTE Amending Sections 9.24 and 1.08(3)(a) of the Madison General Ordinances to require secondhand dealers to compile and submit to the Police Department electronic records of transactions and creating penalties.ReferredPass Action details Not available
23948 1107.Gregg R. McManners - Probation Period will end on 10/19/11ResolutionAuthorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a First Addendum to the Employment agreement with Gregg R. McManners, Monona Terrace Community and Convention Center Director;ReferPass Action details Not available
24063 1 Establish NWPS Neigh Public Art Ad Hoc Selection CommitteeResolutionEstablishing a Northport-Warner Park-Sherman Neighborhood Public Art Ad Hoc Selection CommitteeReferPass Action details Not available
24147 1 Resolution accepting DNR Loan.docxResolutionAuthorizing the acceptance of a loan in the amount of $1.5 million from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and the issuance of a general obligation promissory note for the purpose of assisting in the remediation and demolition of the former Royster Clark property, and authorizing the loaning of such funds to RDC Development, LLC.ReferPass Action details Not available
24148 1 Solicitation from HighwayOrdinanceAmending Section 12.325(1) to remove the street-use permit exception to the prohibition against soliciting from the highway.ReferPass Action details Not available
24150 1 City Weapon Free BuildingsResolutionSUBSTITUTE Adopting a policy that all buildings owned or leased by the City of Madison will be free of firearms and weapons and posted accordingly and authorizing the sale of said signs.ReferPass Action details Not available