Madison, WI Header
Meeting Name: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Agenda status: Amended
Meeting date/time: 3/7/2007 5:00 PM Minutes status: Approved  
Meeting location: Parks Conference Room Room 120 MMB
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #Boards, Commissions and CommitteesTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsWatch
05532 1 E Wash Capitol Gateway Corridor Plan & Urban Design GuidelinesResolutionALTERNATE - Accepting the Final Report of the East Washington Capitol Gateway Plan Advisory Committee and adopting the East Washington Capitol Gateway Corridor Plan and Urban Design Guidelines as a supplement to the City of Madison Comprehensive Plan, and other City plans to be used to guide future land use and development within the East Washington Capitol Gateway Corridor.Return to Lead with the Recommendation for ApprovalPass Action details Not available
05817 1 Local Preference Puchasing Policy Subcommittee ReportReportReport of Joint Subcommittee on Local Preference Purchasing PolicyApprove with Amendment(s)Pass Action details Not available