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Meeting Name: COMMON COUNCIL Agenda status: Approved
Meeting date/time: 3/7/2006 6:30 PM Minutes status: Approved  
Meeting location: 210 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. Room 201 (City-County Building)
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #Boards, Commissions and CommitteesTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsWatch
03111 11.Acknowledgement of the 150th Anniversary of the Signing of the City of Madison Charter.MiscellaneousAcknowledgement of the 150th Anniversary of the Signing of the City of Madison Charter.   Action details Not available
03055 12.Communication from the Village of Cottage Grove re: supporting the removal of the temporary barricades from Coldspring Ave.CommunicationCommunication from the Village of Cottage Grove re: a resolution supporting the removal of the temporary barricades from Coldspring Ave.Grant with Condition(s) and Close the Public HearingPass Action details Not available
03058 13.citizen committee appointmentsAppointmentAMENDED - Report of the Mayor submitting citizen committee appointments (introduced 3-7-06; action 3-21-06)Refer to a future Meeting to Confirm Pass Action details Not available
03064 14.alder committee appointmentsAppointmentReport of the Mayor submitting alder committee appointments.ConfirmPass Action details Not available
03089 25.PRES BIZ temporary change of polling place for Ward 40OrdinanceAMENDED - Amending Section 15.02(40) of the Madison General Ordinances by changing the polling location for Ward 40 for the April and September 2006 elections.Adopt With Amendment(s)Pass Action details Not available
01295 16.REPORT OF OFFICER, REPORT OF BPW (DUE BACK ON 4/18) Final Report Clean Lakes & Beaches: A Water Quality Plan - 2005ReportFinal Report Clean Lakes & Beaches: A Water Quality Plan - 2005. This is the report required per Substitute Resolution No. 61952, ID Number 36509 adopted by the Common Council on October 5, 2004.ReferPass Action details Not available
02320 17.IZ RepealOrdinanceRepealing Section 28.04(25) of the Madison General Ordinances to eliminate the requirements for Inclusionary Zoning.Re-refer for Recessed Public HearingPass Action details Not available
02700 18.India Darbar class b beer, class c wineLicensePublic Hearing - New License Aparsons, Inc. • dba India Darbar Restaurant • capacity 80 6119 Odana Rd • Agent: Rattan Ghotra Class B Beer, Class C Wine • 10% alcohol, 90% foodGrant and Close the Public HearingPass Action details Not available
02726 19.Silly Yak Bakery class a beerLicensePublic Hearing - New License The Silly Yak Bakery & Bread Barn, Inc. • dba The Silly Yak Bakery 7866 Mineral Point Road • Agent: Holly B. Beach • Class A BeerGrant and Close the Public HearingPass Action details Not available
02727 110.JSR Ventures class b beer, class c wineLicensePublic Hearing - New License JSR Ventures, LLC • dba JSR Ventures • estimated capacity 190 7449 East Pass • Agent: Jeffrey S. Rosenberg Class B Beer, Class C Wine • 20% alcohol, 80% foodPlace On FilePass Action details Not available
02735 111.Shish Cafe class b beer, class c wineLicensePublic Hearing - New License Shish Cafe of Madison, Inc. • dba The Shish Cafe • estimated capacity 114 5510 University Avenue • Agent: Rabeh Bnyat Class B Beer, Class C Wine • 15% alcohol, 85% foodRe-refer for Recessed Public HearingPass Action details Not available
01143 112.Rezoning 437-441 West Mifflin StreetOrdinanceCreating Section 28.06(2)(a)3099 of the Madison General Ordinances rezoning property from R6 General Residence District to PUD(GDP) Planned Unit Development (General Development Plan) District, and creating Section 28.06(2)(a)3100 of the Madison General Ordinances rezoning property from PUD(GDP) Planned Unit Development (General Development Plan) District to PUD(SIP) Planned Unit Development (Specific Implementation Plan) District. Proposed Use: Demolish 2 Residential Buildings & Build 4-Story, 23-Unit Apartment Building; 4th Aldermanic District: 437-441 West Mifflin Street.Place On FilePass Action details Not available
02718 113.Rezone 9624 Old Sauk Road.OrdinanceCreating Section 28.06(2)(a)3158. of the Madison General Ordinances rezoning property from Temp A Agriculture District to R2S Single-Family Residence District. Proposed Use: 6 Single-Family Lots; 9th Aldermanic District: 9624 Old Sauk Road.Adopt and Close the Public HearingPass Action details Not available
02719 114.Rezone 437-439 & 441-443 W. Mifflin Street.OrdinanceCreating Section 28.06(2)(a)3159. of the Madison General Ordinances rezoning property from R6 General Residence District to PUD(GDP) Planned Unit Development (General Development Plan) District and creating Section 28.06(2)(a)3160. of the Madison General Ordinances rezoning property from PUD(GDP) Planned Unit Development (General Development Plan) District to PUD(SIP) Planned Unit Development (Specific Implementation Plan) District. Proposed Use: Demolish 2-Unit & Build New 2-Unit & New 4-Unit Apartment Buildings in Addition to Existing 2-Unit Which Will Remain; 4th Aldermanic District: 437-439 & 441-443 W. Mifflin Street.Adopt and Close the Public HearingPass Action details Not available
02720 115.12/5 Rezone 2810-2818 Todd Drive & 2703-2805 West Beltline. OrdinanceCreating Section 28.06(2)(a)3161. of the Madison General Ordinances rezoning property from Temp A Agriculture District, C2 General Commercial District and C3 Highway Commercial District to PUD(GDP) Planned Unit Development (General Development Plan) District, and creating Section 28.06(2)(a)3162. of the Madison General Ordinances rezoning property from PUD(GDP) Planned Unit Development (General Development Plan) District to PUD(SIP) Planned Unit Development (Specific Implementation Plan) District. Proposed Use: Demolish 4 Commercial Buildings, 1 Apartment Building, 1 Private Clubhouse, & Build 4-Story, 91,665 Square Foot Retail & Office Building; 14th Aldermanic District: 2810-2818 Todd Drive & 2703-2805 West Beltline.Re-refer for Recessed Public HearingPass Action details Not available
03071 116.March operator reportLicenseAlcohol License Review Committee March 1, 2006, Report of Operator License Applications (New & Renewal)GrantPass Action details Not available
03098 117.Report on the Allied Area Task ForceReportReport on the Allied Area Task Force.Grant with Condition(s) and Close the Public HearingPass Action details Not available
02813 118.UNLAWFUL TAXATION: United Rentals, 1018 Ann Street - unlawful taxation - $53,108.55. $53,108.55.ClaimUNLAWFUL TAXATION: United Rentals, 1018 Ann Street - unlawful taxation - $53,108.55.DenyPass Action details Not available
02851 119.UNLAWFUL TAXATION: Michael Best & Friedrich for Walgreen Co., 2909 E. Washington Avenue - unlawful taxation - $51,494.00.ClaimUNLAWFUL TAXATION: Michael Best & Friedrich for Walgreen Co., 2909 E. Washington Avenue - unlawful taxation - $51,494.00.DenyPass Action details Not available
02852 120.UNLAWFUL TAXATION: Michael Best & Friedrich for Walgreen Co., 3710 E. Washington Avenue - unlawful taxation - $35,737.00.ClaimUNLAWFUL TAXATION: Michael Best & Friedrich for Walgreen Co., 3710 E. Washington Avenue - unlawful taxation - $35,737.00.DenyPass Action details Not available
02935 121.South Park Street traffic signals, street lighting and signing contract with WDOTResolutionAuthorizing the Mayor and other City officials to execute a contract with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation for the construction of traffic signals, street lighting and signing on South Park Street.Place On FilePass Action details Not available
02963 222.Five traffic safety grantsResolutionSUBSTITUTE - Authorizing the Mayor and Chief of Police to accept five (5) highway safety grants totaling $57,000 from the Wisconsin Department of Transportation for the following activities in 2006: Speed and Aggressive Driving Enforcement ($18,000); Alcohol Enforcement ($25,000); Click It or Ticket ($6,000); Pedestrian Enforcement ($4,000) and Bicycle Enforcement ($4,000).AdoptPass Action details Not available
02964 223.TEMS training grantResolutionSUBSTITUTE - Authorizing the Mayor and Chief of Police to accept a Homeland Security Grant of $13,896 for the purpose of sponsoring, with the Office of Justice Assistance, a Tactical Emergency Medical Support training program.AdoptPass Action details Not available
02973 224.allied computer projectResolutionSUBSTITUTE - Authorizing the Mayor and Chief of Police to accept donated funds in support of the Allied Computer and Education Project.AdoptPass Action details Not available
02982 225.IBR grantResolutionSUBSTITUTE - Authorizing the Mayor, City Clerk and Chief of Police to apply for and accept an award from the State of Wisconsin Office of Justice Assistance in the amount of up to $60,000 and to utilize these funds to continue payment of salary and benefits for the Police Management Information Specialist 2 position, for overtime related to implementation of these systems, and for additional technical services needed for the completion of the IBR project.AdoptPass Action details Not available
02991 126.WI BioAg GatewayResolutionAuthorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into a Purchase Of Services contract with Madison Development Corporation for an amount not to exceed $40,000 to assist in the preparation of a concept development plan, marketing development plan for the Wisconsin BioAg Gateway, and as match for the first phase of the State-funded market feasibility analysis of the Wisconsin BioAg Gateway. This regional economic development initiative will be located in Tax Incremental Finance District 24 in the Southeast Industrial Area.AdoptPass Action details Not available
03006 227.Authorizing the Planning Unit to Increase Its Operating Budget by $116,000 to receive grant funding for the Recently Approved Internet Rideshare Project.ResolutionSUBSTITUTE - Authorizing an amendment to the Planning Unit 2006 Adopted Operating Budget to increase expenditures and offsetting revenues by $116,000 to receive grant funding for the recently approved Internet Rideshare Project.AdoptPass Action details Not available
03018 128.Employment Agreement for Heather Harris, Overture Center for the Arts Group Sales CoordinatorResolutionAuthorizing the Mayor and City Clerk / Treasurer to execute an Employment Agreement between the City of Madison and Heather L. Harris, as Overture Center for the Arts Group Sales Coordinator.AdoptPass Action details Not available
02919 129.Accepting bituminous pavement constructed by private contract in Prairie Point - Phase II, Private Contract No. 1839.ResolutionAccepting bituminous pavement constructed by private contract in Prairie Point - Phase II, Private Contract No. 1839 (9th AD)AdoptPass Action details Not available
02941 130.Improvements accepted for water main and water service laterals by Private Contract to serve: Dallas Drive C.S.M.ResolutionImprovements accepted for water main and water service laterals by Private Contract to serve: Dallas Drive C.S.M. (7th AD)AdoptPass Action details Not available
02984 131.Approving plans and specifications and authorizing the Board of Public Works to advertise and receive bids for Contract No. 5943, Parks Division Buildings / Farmstead Demolition and Site Restoration.ResolutionApproving plans and specifications and authorizing the Board of Public Works to advertise and receive bids for Contract No. 5943, Parks Division Buildings / Farmstead Demolition and Site Restoration. (3rd & 17th ADs)AdoptPass Action details Not available
02985 132.Approving plans and specifications for public improvements required to serve Phase I of the Subdivision known as Blackhawk Church Town Center Plat and authorizing construction to be undertaken by the Developer, Private Contract No. 2049.ResolutionApproving plans and specifications for public improvements required to serve Phase I of the Subdivision known as Blackhawk Church Town Center Plat and authorizing construction to be undertaken by the Developer, Private Contract No. 2049. (9th AD) AdoptPass Action details Not available
02990 133.Accepting bituminous pavement constructed by private contract in Reston Heights - Phase VIII, Private Contract No. 1906.ResolutionAccepting bituminous pavement constructed by private contract in Reston Heights - Phase VIII, Private Contract No. 1906 (3rd AD) AdoptPass Action details Not available
02993 134.Declaring the City of Madison's intention to exercise its police powers establishing the Danbury Street Assessment District-2006.ResolutionDeclaring the City of Madison's intention to exercise its police powers establishing the Danbury Street Assessment District-2006. (10th AD)AdoptPass Action details Not available
02994 135.Approving plans and specifications for public improvements required to serve Phase III of the Subdivision known as Secret Places At Siggelkow Preserve and authorizing construction to be undertaken by the Developer, Private Contract No. 2082. ResolutionApproving plans and specifications for public improvements required to serve Phase III of the Subdivision known as Secret Places At Siggelkow Preserve and authorizing construction to be undertaken by the Developer, Private Contract No. 2082. (16th AD)AdoptPass Action details Not available
02998 136.Accepting sanitary sewer constructed by Private Contract In Grandview Commons - Phase VII, Private Contract No. 1952.ResolutionAccepting sanitary sewer constructed by Private Contract In Grandview Commons - Phase VII, Private Contract No. 1952. (3rd AD)AdoptPass Action details Not available
03001 137.Approving plans and specifications for public improvements necessary for the project known as Capitol West/Block 51 PUD and authorizing construction to be undertaken by the Developer, Private Contract No.2076.ResolutionApproving plans and specifications for public improvements necessary for the project known as Capitol West/Block 51 PUD and authorizing construction to be undertaken by the Developer, Private Contract No.2076. (4th AD)AdoptPass Action details Not available
03002 138.Accepting street improvements constructed by private contract in Grtandview Commons - Phase VII, Private Contract No. 1952. ResolutionAccepting street improvements constructed by private contract in Grandview Commons - Phase VII, Private Contract No. 1952. (3rd AD) AdoptPass Action details Not available
03015 139.Declaring the City of Madison's intention to exercise its police powers establishing the Edgewood Avenue Reconstruction Street Assessment District - 2005.ResolutionDeclaring the City of Madison's intention to exercise its police powers establishing the Edgewood Avenue Reconstruction Street Assessment District - 2005. (10th AD)AdoptPass Action details Not available
03016 140.Authorizing the Purchasing Agent to enter into an agreement with Schmelzer Paint Company to furnish labor, material, and equipment to paint walls and ceilings in the second floor City Channel offices located at the Madison Municipal Building. ResolutionAuthorizing the Purchasing Agent to enter into an agreement with Schmelzer Paint Company to furnish labor, material, and equipment to paint walls and ceilings in the second floor City Channel offices located at the Madison Municipal Building. (6th AD)AdoptPass Action details Not available
03019 141.Awarding Public Works Contracts for bids opened February 17, 2006.ResolutionAwarding Public Works Contracts for bids opened February 17, 2006. AdoptPass Action details Not available
03021 142.Accepting streetlight improvements and assessing benefits for Heather Glenn Addition to the Crossing Street Light Improvement District (7th AD)ResolutionAccepting improvements and assessing benefits for Heather Glenn Addition to the Crossing Street Light Improvement District (7th AD)AdoptPass Action details Not available
03025 143.Accepting improvements and assessing benefits for Crossing Phase 1 Street Light Improvement District (7th AD)ResolutionAccepting improvements and assessing benefits for Crossing Phase 1 Street Light Improvement District (7th AD)AdoptPass Action details Not available
03026 144.Accepting improvements and assessing benefits for Maywick Estates Street Light Improvement District (16th AD)ResolutionAccepting improvements and assessing benefits for Maywick Estates Street Light Improvement District (16th AD)AdoptPass Action details Not available
03027 145.Accepting improvements and assessing benefits for Secret Places Phase 1 Street Light Improvement District (16th AD)ResolutionAccepting improvements and assessing benefits for Secret Places Phase 1 Street Light Improvement District (16th AD)AdoptPass Action details Not available
03028 146.Accepting improvements and assessing benefits for Secret Places Phase 2 Street Light Improvement District (16th AD)ResolutionAccepting improvements and assessing benefits for Secret Places Phase 2 Street Light Improvement District (16th AD)AdoptPass Action details Not available
03029 147.Accepting improvements and assessing benefits for Southern Ridge Street Light Improvement District (1st AD)ResolutionAccepting improvements and assessing benefits for Southern Ridge Street Light Improvement District (1st AD)AdoptPass Action details Not available
03030 148.Accepting improvements and assessing benefits for Tancho Drive (Porter Plat) Street Light Improvement District (17th AD)ResolutionAccepting improvements and assessing benefits for Tancho Drive (Porter Plat) Street Light Improvement District (17th AD)AdoptPass Action details Not available
03031 149.Accepting improvements and assessing benefits for First Addition to Valley Ridge Street Light Improvement District (1st AD)ResolutionAccepting improvements and assessing benefits for First Addition to Valley Ridge Street Light Improvement District (1st AD)AdoptPass Action details Not available
03034 150.Approving plans and specifications and authorizing the Board of Public Works to advertise and receive bids for Demolition of 3052 East Washington Avenue.ResolutionApproving plans and specifications and authorizing the Board of Public Works to advertise and receive bids for Demolition of 3052 East Washington Avenue. (15th AD)AdoptPass Action details Not available
03014 151.City indemnification of Wis. Dept. of TransportationResolutionAuthorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into a grant contract with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation that requires the City's indemnification of the Wisconsin Department of Transportation.AdoptPass Action details Not available
01363 252.Adoption of the Wingra Creek Market Study and Redevelopment Plan as a supplement of the South Madison Neighborhood Plan.ResolutionSUBSTITUTE - Adoption of the Wingra Creek Market Study and Redevelopment Plan as a supplement of the South Madison Neighborhood Plan. 13th Ald. Dist.AdoptPass Action details Not available
02939 153.Emerick Oaks - 9624 Old Sauk RoadResolutionApproving the preliminary/final plat of "Emerick Oaks" located at 9624 Old Sauk Road. 9th Ald. Dist.AdoptPass Action details Not available
02913 154.CLAIM: USAA Insurance for A. Barone, 5372 Temple Court - property damage - $1,446.64.ClaimNOTICE OF CLAIM: USAA Insurance for A. Barone, 5372 Temple Court - property damage - $1,446.64.DenyPass Action details Not available
02914 155.Attorney Linda Newman Woito for M. Sumner, 7128 East PassClaimNOTICE OF CLAIM: Attorney Linda Newman Woito for M. Sumner, 7128 East Pass - personal injury - $30,000.00.DenyPass Action details Not available
02934 156.CLAIM: G. Hafermann, 705 Forest Edge Drive, Mazomanie - property damage - $685.13.ClaimNOTICE OF CLAIM: G. Hafermann, 705 Forest Edge Drive, Mazomanie - property damage - $685.13.DenyPass Action details Not available
02977 157.Mayor address to CouncilOrdinanceAmending Section 2.20 of the Madison General Ordinances to clarify procedures by which the Mayor may address the Common Council.AdoptPass Action details Not available
03000 158.incentive employment agreementsOrdinanceAmending Section 3.38(6)(f) of the Madison General Ordinances relating to procedure for approval of Compensation Group 19 incentive employment agreements.AdoptPass Action details Not available
03044 159.change polling location for Ward 46OrdinanceAmending Section 15.02(46) of the Madison General Ordinances by changing the polling location for Ward 46.AdoptPass Action details Not available
02748 260.Weekly collection of recyclables feeResolutionSUBSTITUTE - Authorizing the Street Superintendent to charge businesses a fee for weekly collection of recyclables.Place On FilePass Action details Not available
02979 161.Mifflin Street Glass Free ZoneResolutionEstablishing a Glass-Free Zone for the West Mifflin Street area 10:00 a.m. on April 29, 2006 through 6:00 a.m. on April 30, 2006.AdoptPass Action details Not available
03073 162.Main Street parkingOrdinanceAmending Subsection (15) of Section 12.1515 entitled Combination Two Hour, 30 Minute and 15 Minute Parking Meter Zones of the Madison General Ordinances (portion of Main Street).ReferPass Action details Not available
03075 163.Main Street parkingOrdinanceAmending Subsection (87) of Section 12.137 entitled Two Hour Parking 8:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. of the Madison General Ordinances (portion of Main Street).Refer  Action details Not available
03076 164.South Main Street parkingOrdinanceAmending Subsection (453) of Section 12.132 entitled Parking Prohibited At All Times of the Madison General Ordinances (portion of Main Street).Refer  Action details Not available
03077 165.East Carroll Street parkingOrdinanceAmending Subsection (4) of Section 12.1515 entitled Combination Two Hour, 30 Minute and 15 Minute Parking Meter Zones of the Madison General Ordinances (portion of Carroll Street).Refer  Action details Not available
03078 166.West Carroll Street parkingOrdinanceAmending Subsection (24) of Section 12.137 entitled Two Hour Parking 8:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. of the Madison General Ordinances (portion of west Carroll Street).Refer  Action details Not available
03079 167.North Mifflin Street parkingOrdinanceAmending Subsection (246) of Section 12.132 entitled Parking Prohibited At All Times of the Madison General Ordinances (portion of Mifflin Street).Refer  Action details Not available
03080 168.Mifflin Street parkingOrdinanceAmending Subsections (96) and (97) of Section 12.137 entitled Two Hour Parking 8:00 A.M. To 6:00 P.M. of the Madison General Ordinances (portion of Mifflin Street).Refer  Action details Not available
03081 169.East Pinckney Street parkingOrdinanceAmending Subsection (20) of Section 12.1515 entitled Combination Two Hour, 30 Minute and 15 Minute Parking Meter Zones of the Madison General Ordinances (portion of Pinckney Street).Refer  Action details Not available
03082 170.Pinckney Street parkingOrdinanceAmending Subsection (290) of Section 12.132 entitled Parking Prohibited At All Times of the Madison General Ordinances (portion of Pinckney Street).Refer  Action details Not available
03083 171.Pinckney Street parkingOrdinanceAmending Subsections (120) and (121) of Section 12.137 entitled Two Hour Parking 8:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. of the Madison General Ordinances (portion of Pinckney Street.)Refer  Action details Not available
03085 172.Mifflin Street parkingOrdinanceAmending Subsection (12) of Section 12.1515 entitled Combination One Hour, 30 Minute and 15 Minute Parking Meter Zones and amending Subsection (16) of Section 12.1515 entitled Combination Two Hour, 30 Minute and 15 Minute Parking Meter Zones of the Madison General Ordinances (portion of Mifflin St.). Refer  Action details Not available
03086 173.repeal Clerk/Treasurer resolution languageOrdinanceRepealing Sections 3.12(2), (3) and (4) of the Madison General Ordinances to remove language that should be issued by resolution.Refer to a future Meeting to Adopt  Action details Not available
03088 174.negative use restrictions - grocery storesOrdinanceSUBSTITUTE - Creating Section 28.13 of the Madison General Ordinances to prohibit negative use restrictions relating to grocery stores and drug stores as against public policy.Refer For Public Hearing  Action details Not available
03090 175.adopt/confirm AMFS labor agreementOrdinanceAdopting and confirming a Labor Agreement between the City of Madison and the Association of Fire Supervisors (AMFS) for the period January 1, 2004 through December 31, 2005.Refer  Action details Not available
03091 176.create Parking Equipment Technician 1OrdinanceAmending Section 3.38 (1)(c) of the Madison General Ordinances by creating the classification of Parking Equipment Technician 1 in Compensation Group 16, Range 12.Refer  Action details Not available
03093 177.delete Parking Equipment Technician and retitle as Parking Equipment Technician 2OrdinanceAmending Section 3.38 (1)(c) of the Madison General Ordinances by deleting the classification Parking Equipment Technician in Compensation Group 16, Range 14, and retitling it as Parking Equipment Technician 2 in Compensation Group 16, Range 14.Refer  Action details Not available
03094 178.repeal Overture Center Publicity Specialist; cr. OC Publicity CoordinatorOrdinanceAmending Section 3.38(1)(b) of the Madison General Ordinances by deleting the classification of Overture Center Publicity Specialist in Compensation Group 18, Range 06 and creating the classification of Overture Center Publicity Coordinator in Compensation Group 18, Range 08, thereof.Refer  Action details Not available
03100 179.rezone 5901 Milwaukee StreetOrdinanceCreating Section 28.06(2)(a)3167. of the Madison General Ordinances rezoning property from Temp A Agriculture District to C Conservancy District, and creating Section 28.06(2)(a)3168. of the Madison General Ordinances rezoning property from Temp A Agriculture District to R2T Single-Family Residence District, and creating Section 28.06(2)(a)3169. of the Madison General Ordinances rezoning property from Temp A Agriculture District to R2Y Single-Family Residence District, and creating Section 28.06(2)(a)3170. of the Madison General Ordinances rezoning property from Temp A Agriculture District to R2Z Single-Family Residence District, and creating Section 28.06(2)(a)3171. of the Madison General Ordinances rezoning property from Temp A Agriculture District to PUD(GDP) Planned Unit Development (General Development Plan) District. Proposed Use: 207 Single-Family Lots, 11 Duplex Lots, 9 Multi-Family Lots and 15 Park/Open Space Lots; 3rd Aldermanic District: 5901 Milwaukee St.Refer For Public Hearing  Action details Not available
02594 180.Program Assistant 1 Water UtilityResolutionThat the position (#1859) of Secretary 1 in Compensation Group 17, Range 10, occupied by W. Fitch, in the permanent salary detail of the Water Utility budget is repealed and recreated as a position of Program Assistant 1 in Compensation Group 17, Range 11, thereof. Be it further resolved that the incumbent shall be reallocated to said position.Refer  Action details Not available
03023 181.Accept a grant for consolidated contracts from the State ResolutionAuthorizing the Madison Department of Public Health to accept a grant for consolidated contracts from the State Department of Health and Family Services-Division of Public Health for up to $292,310 in 2006 for programs for emergency preparedness, childhood lead poisoning prevention, immunizations, prevention and maternal and child health; and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the "Consolidated Contract Agreement" with DHFS. Refer  Action details Not available
03038 182.Authorizing the execution of a Utility Easement to Madison Gas and Electric Company across a City-owned property located at 1902 E. Main Street.ResolutionAuthorizing the execution of a Utility Easement to Madison Gas and Electric Company across a City-owned property located at 1902 E. Main Street. 6th Ald. Dist.Refer  Action details Not available
03049 183.Approving the Fire Department to register its training program with MATC and amending the 2006 Fire Operating Budget.ResolutionApproving the City of Madison Fire Department to register its instruction training program with the Madison Area Technical College and amending the 2006 Fire Department Operating Budget by $5,620.Refer  Action details Not available
03051 184.Parking Equipment Technician 2ResolutionSUBSTITUTE - That the position (#1267) of Parking Equipment Technician in Compensation Group 16, Range 14 (occupied by M. Geborek) in the permanent salary detail of the Parking Utility budget is repealed and recreated as a Parking Equipment Technician 2 in Compensation Group 16, Range 14, thereof. Be it further resolved that the incumbent shall be reallocated to said position.Refer  Action details Not available
03052 185.Parking Equipment Technician 1ResolutionThat the vacant position (#4029) of Parking Equipment Mechanic in Compensation Group 16, Range 10 in the permanent salary detail of the Parking Utility budget is repealed and recreated as a Parking Equipment Technician 1 in Compensation Group 16, Range 12, thereof.Refer  Action details Not available
03053 186.AMFS ResolutionResolutionAuthorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a Labor Agreement between the City of Madison and the Association of Madison Fire Supervisors (AMFS).Refer  Action details Not available
03056 187.Overture Center Publicity CoordinatorResolutionThat the position (#87) of Overture Center Publicity Specialist in Compensation Group 18, Range 06, (occupied by T. Frailey) in the permanent salary detail of the Overture Center budget is repealed and recreated as a position of Overture Center Publicity Coordinator in Compensation Group 18, Range 08, thereof. Be it further resolved that the incumbent shall be reallocated to said position.Refer  Action details Not available
03057 188.Resolution for software support and maintenance for the City's shared "Records Management System"ResolutionAuthorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign a three (3) year contract for software support and maintenance services with New World Systems Corporation.Refer  Action details Not available
03059 189.Video Surveillance System for 15 BusesResolutionAuthorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to enter into an agreement with Radio Engineering Industries for video surveillance system for fifteen (15) buses. Refer  Action details Not available
03061 190.Assessable Tree Plantings Capital Budget Amendment #1ResolutionTo amend the Parks Division 2006 Capital Budget, Project #1 Assessable Tree Plantings to capture total costs for the plantings.Refer  Action details Not available
03062 191.NDP Amendment - Jeffy TrailResolutionAmending the High Point-Raymond Neighborhood Development Plan, a supplement to the City of Madison Comprehensive Plan, to revise the land use and street plan recommendations for an area located generally south of Flagstone Drive extended on both sides of Jeffy Trail extended.Refer  Action details Not available
03065 192.Senior Center Budget AmendmentResolutionAuthorizing the Madison Senior Center to amend its 2006 Operating and Segregated Fund Budgets to increase expenditures and offsetting revenues by $10,000 for a grant to expand its Intergenerational Program.Refer  Action details Not available
03066 193.Options to Purchase - Wisconsin BioAg Gateway Project SUBSTITUTEResolutionSUBSTITUTE - Authorizing the execution of two Options to Purchase with FHB Investments, LLC to acquire lots within the World Dairy Center for the Wisconsin BioAg Gateway project. 16th Ald. Dist. Refer  Action details Not available
03072 194.Authorizing the acceptance of a Permanent Limited Easement for Public Pedestrian/Bicycle Path Purposes from the Feldt Trust across their property located at 2801 Snowmist Trail.ResolutionAuthorizing the acceptance of a Permanent Limited Easement for Public Pedestrian/Bicycle Path Purposes from the Feldt Trust across their property located at 2801 Snowmist Trail. 7th Ald. Dist.Refer  Action details Not available
03084 195.Approving the provision of $70,000 of CDBG dollars for two park improvement projects in Emerson East and Eken Park.ResolutionApproving the provision of $70,000 of CDBG dollars for two park improvement projects in the Emerson East and Eken Park neighborhoods as a way to implement a portion of the Emerson East/Eken Park Neighborhood Plan in a manner that will continue to address City Community and Neighborhood Development Objectives.Refer  Action details Not available
03087 196.authorizing public depositariesResolutionAuthorizing public depositaries and naming persons with authority to transfer funds.Refer to a future Meeting to Adopt  Action details Not available
03099 197.Grant Agreement with DNR - Cleaner Air Faster InitiativeResolutionSUBSTITUTE - Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign a Grant Agreement with the State of Wisconsin DNR for the "Cleaner Air Faster Initiative - Nonroad Clean Diesel Demonstration Project" and amending Motor Equipment's 2006 Operating Budget.Refer  Action details Not available
03110 198.Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a development agreement to fund a $2,200,000 Tax Incremental Financing to the Gorman & Co, Inc.ResolutionAuthorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a development agreement to fund a $2,200,000 Tax Incremental Financing to the Gorman & Co, Inc. and its assigns plus a $2,000,000 additional financing instrument to assist in the development of the first phase of a mixed-use redevelopment project located in the 800 Block of East Washington Avenue in TID #36 (Capital Gateway).Refer  Action details Not available
03074 199.Report of CCOC Sister Cities Grant Subcommittee - 2006 Final Report & Recommendations for 2006 Sister City Grant Program.ReportReport of CCOC Sister Cities Grant Subcommittee - 2006 Final Report & Recommendations for 2006 Sister City Grant Program.Refer  Action details Not available
03035 1100.CLAIM: D. Cox, 4174 Monona Drive - property damage - $271.65.ClaimNOTICE OF CLAIM: D. Cox, 4174 Monona Drive - property damage - $271.65.   Action details Not available
03039 1102.CLAIM: M. Johnson, 6630 Annestown Drive - property damage - $150.00.ClaimM. Johnson, 6630 Annestown Drive - property damage - $150.00.   Action details Not available
03068 1104.CLAIM: L. Maassen, 9 Elmwood Court - property damage - $446.54.ClaimNOTICE OF CLAIM: L. Maassen, 9 Elmwood Court - property damage - $446.54.   Action details Not available
03150 1106.Authorizing the City Attorney to collect outstanding room tax revenues from Internet travel companies.ResolutionAuthorizing the City Attorney to collect outstanding room tax revenues from Internet travel companies.ReferPass Action details Not available
03151 1107.Creating a non-partisan Madison Election Advisory Committee.ResolutionAMENDED - Creating a non-partisan Madison Election Advisory Committee.ReferPass Action details Not available
02825 1108.Treasury Operations ManagerResolutionThat the new position tentatively identified as a Treasury Operations Manager in Compensation Group 18, no Range specified, in the permanent salary detail of the Clerk/Treasurer budget is repealed and recreated as a position of Treasury Operations Manager in Compensation Group 18, Range 12, thereof. Further, that the new position tentatively identified as a Clerks Office Supervisor in Compensation Group 18, no range specified, in said agency budget is repealed and recreated as a Clerks Office Supervisor in Compensation Group 18, Range 08, thereof.Reconsider and refer to a future meetingPass Action details Not available