| 1 | 1. | Amending Res-13-00639, Legistar No. 30748 to change the composition of the Sustainable Madison Transportation Master Plan Oversight Committee (see also Res-12-00648, Legistar No. 27220 - creating committee) to include an appointment by the Dane County Exe | Resolution | Amending Res-13-00639, Legistar No. 30748 to change the composition of the Sustainable Madison Transportation Master Plan Oversight Committee (see also Res-12-00648, Legistar No. 27220 - creating committee) to include an appointment by the Dane County Executive and a member of the Sustainable Madison Committee. | Return to Lead with the Recommendation to Place on File | Pass |
Action details
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| 1 | 2. | Work Plan for 2014 Discussion | Discussion Item | Work Plan for 2014 Discussion | | |
Action details
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