Madison, WI Header
Meeting Name: BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Agenda status: Amended
Meeting date/time: 2/26/2025 4:30 PM Minutes status: Approved  
Meeting location: Virtual Meeting
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #Boards, Commissions and CommitteesTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsWatch
87287 11.Public Comments for Items not on the Agenda.Public CommentPublic Comments for Items not on the Agenda.   Action details Not available
87317 13.Consider a Report of the City Engineer regarding the results of a review of water resources impacts and the necessity of permits for public works construction projects on this agenda and addendum to the agenda.MiscellaneousConsider a Report of the City Engineer regarding the results of a review of water resources impacts and the necessity of permits for public works construction projects on this agenda and addendum to the agenda.   Action details Not available
87240 15.Change Order No. 1 to Contract 8712, Lowell Street Assessment District 2024 (District 13), to Speedway Sand & Gravel, Inc., for $60,347.33MiscellaneousChange Order No. 1 to Contract 8712, Lowell Street Assessment District 2024 (District 13), to Speedway Sand & Gravel, Inc., for $60,347.33. (District 13)ApprovePass Action details Not available
87261 16.Change Order No. 6 to Contract 9358, Bartillon Shelter, to Miron Construction Co., Inc., for $76,550.11, and a completion date of 12/10/25 (40 days)MiscellaneousChange Order No. 6 to Contract 9358, Bartillon Shelter, to Miron Construction Co., Inc., for $76,550.11, and a completion date of 12/10/25 (40 days). (District 12)ApprovePass Action details Not available
87305 17.Change Order No. 18 to Contract 9361, State Street Campus Garage Replacement, to Stevens Construction Corp., for $120,289.38.MiscellaneousChange Order No. 18 to Contract 9361, State Street Campus Garage Replacement, to Stevens Construction Corp., for $120,289.38. (District 2)ApprovePass Action details Not available
87266 18.*12861 Disposal of Surplus Property at 4937 Femrite DrResolutionAuthorizing the City’s execution of a Purchase and Sale Agreement between Femrite Properties LLC and the City of Madison for the disposal of City-owned vacant land located at 4937 Femrite Drive. (District 16)RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT - REPORT OF OFFICERPass Action details Not available
87269 19.*10746 Rooted WI Inc Community Gardens LeaseResolutionAuthorizing the City’s execution of a 5-year lease agreement with Rooted WI, Inc, with one 5-year renewal option, related to 17 community gardens located on City-owned land across the city (District 4, District 6, District 10, District 11, District 12, District 13, District 14, District 15, District 16, District 20).Return to Lead with the Recommendation for ApprovalPass Action details Not available
86997 110.*Approving roadway geometry for the Mineral Point Road (Commerce Drive to S. High Point Road) & S. High Point Road (Mineral Point Road to north Greenway Drainage Property)ResolutionApproving roadway geometry for the Mineral Point Road (Commerce Drive to S. High Point Road) & S. High Point Road (Mineral Point Road to north Greenway Drainage Property) (District 1)RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT - REPORT OF OFFICERPass Action details Not available
87244 111.*Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a revised State/Municipal Agreement with the State of Wisconsin Department of Transportation for Project I.D. 5992-10-19/20, for Mineral Point Road (USH 12 to High Point Road)ResolutionAuthorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a revised State/Municipal Agreement with the State of Wisconsin Department of Transportation for Project I.D. 5992-10-19/20, for Mineral Point Road (USH 12 to High Point Road) (District 9)RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT - REPORT OF OFFICERPass Action details Not available
87209 112.*A RESOLUTION authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to amend and extend an existing competitively selected service contract with Mead and Hunt for architectural and engineering services for the Metro Transit Maintenance Facility (1 S Ingersoll St; formallyResolutionAuthorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to amend and extend an existing competitively selected service contract with Mead and Hunt for architectural and engineering services for the Metro Transit Maintenance Facility (1 S Ingersoll St; formally 1101 E Washington Ave) Facility Upgrade, Phase 3B. (District 6)RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT - REPORT OF OFFICERPass Action details Not available
87254 113.*Accepting parkland improvements constructed by Private Contract for Western Addition to 1000 Oaks, Private Contract No. 9388.ResolutionAccepting parkland improvements constructed by Private Contract for Western Addition to 1000 Oaks, Private Contract No. 9388. (District 1)RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT - REPORT OF OFFICERPass Action details Not available
87255 114.*Accepting storm sewer, street, and terrace improvements constructed by Private Contract for 601 W Dayton Street - UW Hockey/Swim, Private Contract No. 2269.ResolutionAccepting storm sewer, street, and terrace improvements constructed by Private Contract for 601 W Dayton Street - UW Hockey/Swim, Private Contract No. 2269 (District 4).RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT - REPORT OF OFFICERPass Action details Not available
87294 115.*Approving plans and specifications for public improvements required to serve the Subdivision known as The Crest At Eagle Trace and authorizing construction to be undertaken by the Developer, Private Contracts 9599, 9600, and 9601.ResolutionApproving plans and specifications for public improvements required to serve the Subdivision known as The Crest At Eagle Trace and authorizing construction to be undertaken by the Developer, Private Contracts 9599, 9600, and 9601 (District 9)RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT - REPORT OF OFFICERPass Action details Not available
87296 116.Approving plans and specifications for public improvements necessary for the project known as 414 W Washington Avenue and authorizing construction to be undertaken by the Developer, Private Contract No. 9630.ResolutionApproving plans and specifications for public improvements necessary for the project known as 414 W Washington Avenue and authorizing construction to be undertaken by the Developer, Private Contract No. 9630. (District 4)RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT - REPORT OF OFFICERPass Action details Not available
87303 117.*Approving plans and specifications for public improvements necessary for the project known as 6702 Mader Drive and authorizing construction to be undertaken by the Developer, Private Contract No. 9639.ResolutionApproving plans and specifications for public improvements necessary for the project known as 6702 Mader Drive and authorizing construction to be undertaken by the Developer, Private Contract No. 9639. (District 7)RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT - REPORT OF OFFICERPass Action details Not available
87304 118.*Approving plans and specifications for public improvements necessary for the project known as 2430 E Washington Avenue CSM and authorizing construction to be undertaken by the Developer, Private Contract No. 9632.ResolutionApproving plans and specifications for public improvements necessary for the project known as 2430 E Washington Avenue CSM and authorizing construction to be undertaken by the Developer, Private Contract No. 9632. (District 12)RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT - REPORT OF OFFICERPass Action details Not available
87306 119.*Approving plans and specifications for public improvements necessary for the project known as Madison Yards at Hill Farms - Public Improvements Phase 5 and authorizing construction to be undertaken by the Developer, Private Contract No. 9641.ResolutionApproving plans and specifications for public improvements necessary for the project known as Madison Yards at Hill Farms - Public Improvements Phase 5 and authorizing construction to be undertaken by the Developer, Private Contract No. 9641. (District 11)RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT - REPORT OF OFFICERPass Action details Not available
87252 120.*Declaring the City of Madison's intention to exercise its police powers establishing the Pflaum Road Resurfacing Assessment District - 2025ResolutionDeclaring the City of Madison's intention to exercise its police powers establishing the Pflaum Road Resurfacing Assessment District - 2025. (District 15)RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT - REPORT OF OFFICERPass Action details Not available
87226 121.*Approving plans and specifications and authorizing the Board of Public Works to advertise and receive bids for Country Grove Singletrack Trail Improvements 2025ResolutionApproving plans and specifications and authorizing the Board of Public Works to advertise and receive bids for Country Grove Singletrack Trail Improvements 2025. (District 7)RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT - REPORT OF OFFICERPass Action details Not available
87251 122.Approving plans and specifications and authorizing the Board of Public Works to advertise and receive bids for CIPP 2025 Water Main Rehabilitation.ResolutionApproving plans and specifications and authorizing the Board of Public Works to advertise and receive bids for CIPP 2025 Water Main Rehabilitation. (District 10)RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT - REPORT OF OFFICERPass Action details Not available
87320 124.Updates to Complete Green Streets Guide Pertaining to Trees and Distributed Green Infrastructure (DGI).MiscellaneousUpdates to Complete Green Streets Guide Pertaining to Trees and Distributed Green Infrastructure (DGI).ApprovePass Action details Not available
87241 125.*Subcontractor list for Contract 9583, CCB Remodel - DCR 104 & 108, to Tri-North Builders, Inc., for 65.27%.MiscellaneousSubcontractor list for Contract 9583, CCB Remodel - DCR 104 & 108, to Tri-North Builders, Inc., for 65.27%. (District 4)ApprovePass Action details Not available
87263 126.*Awarding Public Works Contract No. 8766, N Franklin and Lynn Terrace Assessment District - 2025ResolutionAwarding Public Works Contract No. 8766, N Franklin and Lynn Terrace Assessment District - 2025 (District 5)RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT - REPORT OF OFFICERPass Action details Not available
87307 127.*Awarding Public Works Contract No. 8789, Annual Construction & Reconstruction of Concrete Sidewalk & Incidental Curb & Gutter Work Ordered by the Common Council. (District 20)ResolutionAwarding Public Works Contract No. 8789, Annual Construction & Reconstruction of Concrete Sidewalk & Incidental Curb & Gutter Work Ordered by the Common Council. (District 20)RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT - REPORT OF OFFICERPass Action details Not available
87308 128.Awarding Public Works Contract No. 8790, Annual Horizontal Sawcutting of Concrete Sidewalk & Incidental Work (District 10) - 2025.ResolutionAwarding Public Works Contract No. 8790, Annual Horizontal Sawcutting of Concrete Sidewalk & Incidental Work (District 10) - 2025. (District 10)RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT - REPORT OF OFFICERPass Action details Not available
87309 129.*Awarding Public Works Contract No. 9529, Parks Sun Shelter Installation.ResolutionAwarding Public Works Contract No. 9529, Parks Sun Shelter Installation. (District 1, District 3, District 17)RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT - REPORT OF OFFICERPass Action details Not available
87314 130.*Awarding Public Works Contract No. 9551, Rennebohm Park Sprayground.ResolutionAwarding Public Works Contract No. 9551, Rennebohm Park Sprayground. (District 11)RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT - REPORT OF OFFICERPass Action details Not available
87315 131.*Awarding Public Works Contract No. 9621, 2025 Semi-Permanent Epoxy Pavement Markings.ResolutionAwarding Public Works Contract No. 9621, 2025 Semi-Permanent Epoxy Pavement Markings. (Citywide)ReferPass Action details Not available
86851 132.Stormwater Code UpdateOrdinanceAmending various sections of Chapter 37 of the Madison General Ordinances related to Public Stormwater System, including Erosion Control, to update certain Stormwater Code provisions.RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT - REPORT OF OFFICERPass Action details Not available