Madison, WI Header
Meeting Name: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Agenda status: Amended
Meeting date/time: 6/9/2016 4:30 PM Minutes status: Approved  
Meeting location: 215 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. Room 260 (Madison Municipal Building)
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #Boards, Commissions and CommitteesTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsWatch
35867 1 CDA Scheduled MeetingsMiscellaneousSCHEDULED MEETINGS   Action details Not available
32700 14COMMUNICATIONSMiscellaneousCOMMUNICATIONS   Action details Not available
43237 15Facade Improvement Grant Waiver_1401 Northern CtMiscellaneousRequest for waiver of Facade Improvement Grant Target Area Restriction Application: Northern Court LLC, 1401 Northern CourtApprovePass Action details Not available
43246 16Sherman Plaza Capital Revolving LoanMiscellaneousCapital Revolving Loan - Sherman PlazaApprove with Amendment(s)Pass Action details Not available
42419 17ANo Smoking PolicyMiscellaneousNo Smoking Policy   Action details Not available
43132 18CDA RES 4189_Dane Co Hsg AuthorityMiscellaneousCDA Resolution No. 4189, Declaring Need for the Housing Authority of Dane County, Wisconsin, to Exercise its Powers Within the City of Madison, WisconsinApprovePass Action details Not available
20808 19Village on Park UpdateReportTHE VILLAGE ON PARK   Action details Not available
43282 19ACDA RES 4190_Workers Rights Center lease Village on parkMiscellaneousCDA Resolution No. 4190, authorizing the execution of a month-to-month lease with Workers Rights Center for Suite 109 at The Village on Park, 2300 South Park Street.ApprovePass Action details Not available
25012 110Mosaic Ridge Update & DiscussionMiscellaneousMOSAIC RIDGE UPDATE   Action details Not available
35665 111Allied Drive Update_2014MiscellaneousALLIED DRIVE UPDATE   Action details Not available
33361 112Truax Park Redevelopment_2014MiscellaneousTRUAX PARK REDEVELOPMENT UPDATE   Action details Not available
35133 113CDA Executive Director Report_2015MiscellaneousCDA EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT   Action details Not available
36526 114Business by the CDA CommissionersMiscellaneousBUSINESS BY THE COMMISSIONERS   Action details Not available