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Meeting Name: STREET USE STAFF COMMISSION Agenda status: Approved
Meeting date/time: 4/1/2015 10:00 AM Minutes status: Approved  
Meeting location: Parks Conference Room 210 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. Room 108 (City-County Building)
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #Boards, Commissions and CommitteesTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsWatch
37507 11.Street Use Permit - illegal activityOrdinanceCreating Section 10.056(6)(q) and amending Sections 10.056(6)(m) and 10.056(6)(n)1. of the Madison General Ordinances to clarify that a Street Use Permit for an event that includes an illegal activity may be denied, clarifying the list of unpaid fees that could result in permit denial, and correcting a typographical error.RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT - REPORT OF OFFICERPass Action details Not available
37793 11. Discussion ItemBADGERS' NIGHT OUT State St. Mall (800 State St.) Set-Up: Th, April 30, 10:30am-12:00pm Event: T, April 30, 12pm-8pm Take-Down: F, May 1, 8pm-9pm WI Alumni Student Board event including food, vendors, art displays and music stage. Discuss location, schedule, set-up and activities. Ali Khaleel, Wisconsin Alumni Association   Action details Not available
37785 12. Discussion ItemLAKE STREET BASH Lake from Langdon to Mendota Ct. / Medota Ct. Set-Up: F, May 1, 12pm-5pm Event: F, May 1, 5pm-8pm Take-Down: F, May 1, 8pm-9pm WI Alumni Student Board block party including food vendors and music stage. Discuss location, schedule, set-up and activities. Ben Agatston Okas, Wisconsin Alumni Association   Action details Not available
37790 13. Discussion ItemSYTTENDE MAI RUN/WALK Capitol Square (please see attached map for route) Sa, May 16, 5am-8am Annual run/walk from Madison to Stoughton. Discuss location, schedule, set-up, route and activities. Jim McNulty, Stoughton Chamber of Commerce   Action details Not available
37857 14. Discussion ItemMAXWELL STREET DAYS 100-700 State St, 200 N Henry St Set-up: F & Sa, July 17 & 18, 7:00am-8:00am; Su, July 19, 8:30am-10:00am Event: F & Sa, July 17 & 18, 8:00am-6:00pm; Su, July 19, 10:00am-5:00pm Tear-down: F & Sa, 17 & 18, 6:00pm-7:30pm, Su, July 19, 5:00pm-6:30pm Annual sidewalk/street sale. Discuss location, schedule, set-up and activities. John Hutchinson, Greater State Street Business Association   Action details Not available
37847 1  Discussion ItemENGINEERING EXPO 2015 100-300 Breese Terrace (from Hoyt to University) Th, F, Apr 16-17, 7am-4pm Biennial science and engineering exhibition/fair. Discuss location, schedule, set-up and activities. Randall Pulfer, Engineering Expo/UW-Madison College of Engineering   Action details Not available
37784 11. Discussion ItemPIE A PI PHI State St. Mall (800 State St.) F, Apr 10, 12:00pm-5:00pm Fundraiser to benefit First Book and Pi Beta Phi Foundation. Members will be getting "pied" in the face with whipped cream pies. Discuss location, schedule, set-up and activities. Meghan Kelly, Pi Beta Phi Wisconsin Alpha   Action details Not available
37786 12. Discussion Item5TH ANNUAL SCMG FILM FESTIVAL 2000 Block Atwood Ave Sa, May 2, 3:00pm-10:30pm Annual film festival - request is for parking only. Discuss location, schedule, set-up and activities. Eric R. Lewis, Slimey Crud Motorcycle Gang   Action details Not available
37789 13. Discussion ItemWI LAW ENFORCEMENT MEMORIAL CEREMONY Capitol Square (please see attached map for route) Parking on Carroll, Main, Pinckney and Mifflin F, May 8, 9:30am-1:00pm Annual memorial ceremony. Discuss event date, location, schedule, set-up, route and activities. Craig Kolbeck, WI Law Enforcement Memorial   Action details Not available
37852 14. Discussion Item1800 HELENA ST. Sa, June 20, 10a-3p / Raindate: Sa, June 27 Neighborhood block party Susan Frikken   Action details Not available