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Meeting Name: COMMON COUNCIL Agenda status: Approved
Meeting date/time: 3/11/2025 6:30 PM Minutes status: Approved  
Meeting location: 210 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. Room 201 (City-County Building)
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Agenda Packet Agenda Packet
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #Boards, Commissions and CommitteesTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsWatch
87344 11.Reaffirming the City of Madison's Commitment to Supporting Pollinator Health and Authorizing the City of Madison to Take the Mayors Monarch Pledge.ResolutionReaffirming the City of Madison's Commitment to Supporting Pollinator Health and Authorizing the City of Madison to Take the Mayors Monarch Pledge.AdoptPass Action details Not available
87446 12.Presentation: Poetry recitation by Breanna Grow - "Winter Smell"PresentationPresentation: Poetry recitation by Breanna Grow - "Winter Smell"   Action details Not available
85924 13.Consent Agenda Document (3/11/25)ReportConsent Agenda Document (3/11/25)AcceptPass Action details Not available
87447 14. PresentationPresentation by Government Affairs Team: Briefing on State Legislative AffairsReferPass Action details Not available
86147 15. LicensePublic Hearing - New License Tacomadre LLC • dba Taco Madres 2827 Atwood Ave • Agent: Jose Vicente Zecua Estimated Capacity (in/out): 75/0 Class B Combination Liquor & Beer • 30% alcohol, 70% food Police Sector 602 (District 15)Grant and Close the Public HearingPass Action details Not available
86937 16. LicensePublic Hearing - New License The Marquette Hotel LLC • dba The Marquette Hotel and Cafe 414 S Baldwin St • Agent: James Montgomery Estimated Capacity (in/out): 49/32 Class B Combination Liquor & Beer • 37% alcohol, 62% food Police Sector 408 (District 6)Grant with Condition(s) and Close the Public HearingPass Action details Not available
86938 17. LicensePublic Hearing - New License The Green Room Public House LLC • dba The Green Room 2001 Atwood Ave • Agent: John Hardy Estimated Capacity (in/out): 60/0 Class B Combination Liquor & Beer • 80% alcohol, 20% food Police Sector 410 (District 6)Grant and Close the Public HearingPass Action details Not available
86939 18. LicensePublic Hearing - New License Kleuter Master Tenant LLC • dba Hotel Indigo Madison - Palette Bar & Grill 901 E Washington Ave • Agent: Zacharie Gray Estimated Capacity (in/out): 145/60 Class B Combination Liquor & Beer • 36% alcohol, 64% food Police Sector 408 (District 6)Grant with Condition(s) and Close the Public HearingPass Action details Not available
86941 19. LicensePublic Hearing - New License Ichiban Sichuan Madison LLC • dba Ichiban Sichuan Madison 610 S Park St • Agent: Yizhu Weng Estimated Capacity (in/out): 150/0 Class B Beer, Class C Wine • 5% alcohol, 95% food Police Sector 203 (District 13)Re-refer for Recessed Public HearingPass Action details Not available
86942 110. LicensePublic Hearing - New License DL East Aquisition LLC • dba Dream Lanes East 13 Atlas Ct • Agent: Robin Goldberg Estimated Capacity (in/out): 800/50 Class B Combination Liquor & Beer • 22% alcohol, 26% food, 52% other Police Sector 600 (District 3)Grant and Close the Public HearingPass Action details Not available
86945 111. LicensePublic Hearing - New License 224 Ohio LLC • dba Ohio Tavern 224 Ohio Ave • Agent: Ross Hubbard Estimated Capacity (in/out): 49/30 Class B Combination Liquor & Beer • 40% alcohol, 60% food Police Sector 601 (District 15)Grant and Close the Public HearingPass Action details Not available
86946 112. LicensePublic Hearing - New License Kings Operating WI LLC • dba Pump N Shop 108 5551 Eastpark Blvd • Agent: Alecia Kraut Class A Beer, Class A Liquor Police Sector 520 (District 17)Grant with Condition(s) and Close the Public HearingPass Action details Not available
86814 113.Vacating and discontinuing portions of Braxton Place public street right-of-way within the Triangle Plat to allow the said lands to be included the replatting parts of Lot 1 and 2 of CSM No. 1596 . Being located in part of the Northeast 1/4 of the SouthweResolutionVacating and discontinuing portions of Braxton Place public street right-of-way within the Triangle Plat to allow the said lands to be included the replatting parts of Lot 1 and 2 of CSM No. 1596 . Being located in part of the Northeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 23, Township 7 North, Range 9 East, City of Madison, Dane County, Wisconsin. (District 13)Adopt and Close the Public HearingPass Action details Not available
86804 114.Create Flood ChapterOrdinanceCreating Chapter 21 of the Madison General Ordinances related to Zoning Floodplain Regulations and Maps.Adopt and Close the Public HearingPass Action details Not available
86807 115.Flood Repeal Chapter 28OrdinanceAmending various sections within Chapter 28 of the Madison General Ordinances to remove floodplain references.Adopt and Close the Public HearingPass Action details Not available
86989 116.321 Russell Street RezoningOrdinanceCreating Section 28.022-00703 of the Madison General Ordinances to change the zoning of property located at 321 Russell Street from PD (Planned Development) District to TSS (Traditional Shopping Street) District. (District 6)Adopt and Close the Public HearingPass Action details Not available
86990 117.77 Sirloin Strip RezoningOrdinanceCreating Section 28.022-00704 of the Madison General Ordinances to change the zoning of property located at 77 Sirloin Strip from TR-V2 (Traditional Residential-Varied 2) District to TR-U1 (Traditional Residential-Urban 1) District. (District 14)Place on File without Prejudice and Close the Public HearingPass Action details Not available
86991 118.922-926 North Fair Oaks Avenue RezoningOrdinanceCreating Section 28.022-00705 of the Madison General Ordinances to change the zoning of property located at 922-926 North Fair Oaks Avenue from TR-C1 (Traditional Residential-Consistent 1) District to CC-T (Commercial Corridor-Transitional) District. (District 12)Adopt and Close the Public HearingPass Action details Not available
86992 119.3222-3238 East Washington Avenue and 3229 Ridgeway Avenue RezoningOrdinanceCreating Section 28.022-00706 of the Madison General Ordinances to change the zoning of property located at 3222-3238 East Washington Avenue and 3229 Ridgeway Avenue from TR-C1 (Traditional Residential-Consistent 1) District and TR-C4 (Traditional Residential-Consistent 4) District to TR-U2 (Traditional Residential-Urban 2) District. (District 12)Adopt and Close the Public HearingPass Action details Not available
86993 120.6303 Portage Road and 4821 Hoepker Road RezoningOrdinanceCreating Section 28.022-00707 of the Madison General Ordinances to change the zoning of property located at 6303 Portage Road and 4821 Hoepker Road from Temp. A (Temporary Agricultural) District to A (Agricultural) District and creating Section 28.022-00708 of the Madison General Ordinances to change the zoning of property located at 6303 Portage Road and 4821 Hoepker Road from Temp. A (Temporary Agricultural) District to TR-P (Traditional Residential-Planned) District. (District 17)Place on File without Prejudice and Close the Public HearingPass Action details Not available
87290 121.Resident committee appointmentsAppointmentReport of the Mayor submitting resident committee appointments (introduction 2-25-2025; action 3-11-2025).ConfirmPass Action details Not available
87485 122.3-25-2025 Resident committee appointment (Library)AppointmentReport of the Mayor submitting a resident committee appointment (introduction 3-11-2025; action 3-25-2025).Refer to a future Meeting to Confirm Pass Action details Not available
85937 123.Confirming the Madison Common Council meeting formats through June 17, 2025ReportConfirming the Madison Common Council meeting formats through June 17, 2025: 3/25/25 - Hybrid (Virtual & CCB 201) 4/15/25 - Hybrid (Virtual & CCB 201) 5/6/25 - Hybrid (Virtual & CCB 201) 5/20/25 - Hybrid (Virtual & CCB 201) 6/3/25 - Hybrid (Virtual & CCB 201) 6/17/25 - Hybrid (Virtual & CCB 201)AcceptPass Action details Not available
87022 124. LicenseTemporary Class B Retailer License Concurrent with Street Use Permit Madison Festivals Inc Event Location: Capitol Square Event Date: 8/30/25 11am & 2pm - 9pm, 8/31/25 11am - 7pm Police District: 405 (District 4) Event: Taste of MadisonGrantPass Action details Not available
87023 125. LicenseTemporary Class B Retailer License Concurrent with Street Use Permit Madison Festivals Inc Event Location: Capitol Square Event Date: 11/9/25 7am - 1pm Police District: 405 (District 4) Event: Madison MarathonGrantPass Action details Not available
87024 126. LicenseChange of Agent Tacos & Tequila LLC • dba Taberna • 1925 Monroe St New Agent: Ann Corcoran Class B Combination Liquor & Beer (District 13)GrantPass Action details Not available
87025 127. LicenseChange of Agent Mega Marts LLC • dba Metro Market #434 • 6010 Cottage Grove Rd New Agent: Johnny Chowanlec Class B Combination Liquor & Beer (District 3)GrantPass Action details Not available
87026 128. LicenseChange of Agent Cracker Barrel Old Country Store Inc • dba Cracker Barrel #214 • 2147 East Springs Dr New Agent: Amy Aures Class B Beer, Class C Wine (District 17)GrantPass Action details Not available
87027 129. LicenseChange of Agent Brinker Restaurant Corp • dba Chili's Grill & Bar • 7301 Mineral Point Rd New Agent: Matthew Weingartner Class B Combination Liquor & Beer (District 9)GrantPass Action details Not available
87028 130. License21+ Entertainment License 224 Ohio LLC • dba The Ohio Tavern Capacity (in/out): 49/30 224 Ohio Ave • Agent: Ross Hubbard Class B Combination Liquor & Beer • 40% alcohol, 60% food Police Sector 601 (District 15)GrantPass Action details Not available
87201 131. LicenseChange of Agent Garver Events LLC • dba Garver Events • 3241 Garver Green New Agent: Tiara Ranney Class B Combination Liquor & Beer (District 15)GrantPass Action details Not available
87202 132. LicenseChange of Agent Garver Events LLC • dba Garver Events • 3330 Atwood Ave New Agent: Tiara Ranney Class B Combination Liquor & Beer (District 15)GrantPass Action details Not available
86851 133.Stormwater Code UpdateOrdinanceAmending various sections of Chapter 37 of the Madison General Ordinances related to Public Stormwater System, including Erosion Control, to update certain Stormwater Code provisions.AdoptPass Action details Not available
86997 134.Approving roadway geometry for the Mineral Point Road (Commerce Drive to S. High Point Road) & S. High Point Road (Mineral Point Road to north Greenway Drainage Property)ResolutionApproving roadway geometry for the Mineral Point Road (Commerce Drive to S. High Point Road) & S. High Point Road (Mineral Point Road to north Greenway Drainage Property) (District 1)AdoptPass Action details Not available
87045 135.Adopting the Sauk Creek Corridor Plan.ResolutionAdopting the Sauk Creek Corridor Plan. (District 9)Adopt the Following Amendment(s)Pass Action details Not available
87045 1 Adopting the Sauk Creek Corridor Plan.ResolutionAdopting the Sauk Creek Corridor Plan. (District 9)Adopt With Amendment(s)Pass Action details Not available
87209 136.A RESOLUTION authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to amend and extend an existing competitively selected service contract with Mead and Hunt for architectural and engineering services for the Metro Transit Maintenance Facility (1 S Ingersoll St; formallyResolutionAuthorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to amend and extend an existing competitively selected service contract with Mead and Hunt for architectural and engineering services for the Metro Transit Maintenance Facility (1 S Ingersoll St; formally 1101 E Washington Ave) Facility Upgrade, Phase 3B. (District 6)AdoptPass Action details Not available
87226 137.Approving plans and specifications and authorizing the Board of Public Works to advertise and receive bids for Country Grove Singletrack Trail Improvements 2025ResolutionApproving plans and specifications and authorizing the Board of Public Works to advertise and receive bids for Country Grove Singletrack Trail Improvements 2025. (District 7)AdoptPass Action details Not available
87244 138.Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a revised State/Municipal Agreement with the State of Wisconsin Department of Transportation for Project I.D. 5992-10-19/20, for Mineral Point Road (USH 12 to High Point Road)ResolutionAuthorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a revised State/Municipal Agreement with the State of Wisconsin Department of Transportation for Project I.D. 5992-10-19/20, for Mineral Point Road (USH 12 to High Point Road) (District 9)AdoptPass Action details Not available
87251 139.Approving plans and specifications and authorizing the Board of Public Works to advertise and receive bids for CIPP 2025 Water Main Rehabilitation.ResolutionApproving plans and specifications and authorizing the Board of Public Works to advertise and receive bids for CIPP 2025 Water Main Rehabilitation. (District 10)AdoptPass Action details Not available
87252 140.Declaring the City of Madison's intention to exercise its police powers establishing the Pflaum Road Resurfacing Assessment District - 2025ResolutionDeclaring the City of Madison's intention to exercise its police powers establishing the Pflaum Road Resurfacing Assessment District - 2025. (District 15)AdoptPass Action details Not available
87254 141.Accepting parkland improvements constructed by Private Contract for Western Addition to 1000 Oaks, Private Contract No. 9388.ResolutionAccepting parkland improvements constructed by Private Contract for Western Addition to 1000 Oaks, Private Contract No. 9388. (District 1)AdoptPass Action details Not available
87255 142.Accepting storm sewer, street, and terrace improvements constructed by Private Contract for 601 W Dayton Street - UW Hockey/Swim, Private Contract No. 2269.ResolutionAccepting storm sewer, street, and terrace improvements constructed by Private Contract for 601 W Dayton Street - UW Hockey/Swim, Private Contract No. 2269 (District 4).AdoptPass Action details Not available
87263 143.Awarding Public Works Contract No. 8766, N Franklin and Lynn Terrace Assessment District - 2025ResolutionAwarding Public Works Contract No. 8766, N Franklin and Lynn Terrace Assessment District - 2025 (District 5)AdoptPass Action details Not available
87266 144.12861 Disposal of Surplus Property at 4937 Femrite DrResolutionAuthorizing the City’s execution of a Purchase and Sale Agreement between Femrite Properties LLC and the City of Madison for the disposal of City-owned vacant land located at 4937 Femrite Drive. (District 16)AdoptPass Action details Not available
87294 145.Approving plans and specifications for public improvements required to serve the Subdivision known as The Crest At Eagle Trace and authorizing construction to be undertaken by the Developer, Private Contracts 9599, 9600, and 9601.ResolutionApproving plans and specifications for public improvements required to serve the Subdivision known as The Crest At Eagle Trace and authorizing construction to be undertaken by the Developer, Private Contracts 9599, 9600, and 9601 (District 9)AdoptPass Action details Not available
87296 146.Approving plans and specifications for public improvements necessary for the project known as 414 W Washington Avenue and authorizing construction to be undertaken by the Developer, Private Contract No. 9630.ResolutionApproving plans and specifications for public improvements necessary for the project known as 414 W Washington Avenue and authorizing construction to be undertaken by the Developer, Private Contract No. 9630. (District 4)AdoptPass Action details Not available
87303 147.Approving plans and specifications for public improvements necessary for the project known as 6702 Mader Drive and authorizing construction to be undertaken by the Developer, Private Contract No. 9639.ResolutionApproving plans and specifications for public improvements necessary for the project known as 6702 Mader Drive and authorizing construction to be undertaken by the Developer, Private Contract No. 9639. (District 7)AdoptPass Action details Not available
87304 148.Approving plans and specifications for public improvements necessary for the project known as 2430 E Washington Avenue CSM and authorizing construction to be undertaken by the Developer, Private Contract No. 9632.ResolutionApproving plans and specifications for public improvements necessary for the project known as 2430 E Washington Avenue CSM and authorizing construction to be undertaken by the Developer, Private Contract No. 9632. (District 12)AdoptPass Action details Not available
87306 149.Approving plans and specifications for public improvements necessary for the project known as Madison Yards at Hill Farms - Public Improvements Phase 5 and authorizing construction to be undertaken by the Developer, Private Contract No. 9641.ResolutionApproving plans and specifications for public improvements necessary for the project known as Madison Yards at Hill Farms - Public Improvements Phase 5 and authorizing construction to be undertaken by the Developer, Private Contract No. 9641. (District 11)AdoptPass Action details Not available
87307 150.Awarding Public Works Contract No. 8789, Annual Construction & Reconstruction of Concrete Sidewalk & Incidental Curb & Gutter Work Ordered by the Common Council. (District 20)ResolutionAwarding Public Works Contract No. 8789, Annual Construction & Reconstruction of Concrete Sidewalk & Incidental Curb & Gutter Work Ordered by the Common Council. (District 20)AdoptPass Action details Not available
87308 151.Awarding Public Works Contract No. 8790, Annual Horizontal Sawcutting of Concrete Sidewalk & Incidental Work (District 10) - 2025.ResolutionAwarding Public Works Contract No. 8790, Annual Horizontal Sawcutting of Concrete Sidewalk & Incidental Work (District 10) - 2025. (District 10)AdoptPass Action details Not available
87309 152.Awarding Public Works Contract No. 9529, Parks Sun Shelter Installation.ResolutionAwarding Public Works Contract No. 9529, Parks Sun Shelter Installation. (District 1, District 3, District 17)AdoptPass Action details Not available
87314 153.Awarding Public Works Contract No. 9551, Rennebohm Park Sprayground.ResolutionAwarding Public Works Contract No. 9551, Rennebohm Park Sprayground. (District 11)AdoptPass Action details Not available
86227 154. LicenseReport of Operator License Applications March 11, 2025. See attached report for list of operators.GrantPass Action details Not available
86825 155.Alder BCC TermsOrdinanceAmending Section 33.01(6) of the Madison General Ordinances related to Alder appointments to Boards, Commissions and Committees to change the appointment terms.Adopt AlternateFail Action details Not available
86825 1 Alder BCC TermsOrdinanceAmending Section 33.01(6) of the Madison General Ordinances related to Alder appointments to Boards, Commissions and Committees to change the appointment terms.Adopt Main MotionPass Action details Not available
87044 156.Combine Boards, Commissions, CommitteesOrdinanceAmending or repealing various sections in Chapters 8, 10 and 33 of the Madison General Ordinances related to reorganization of City Boards, Commissions and Committees.Adopt the Following Amendment(s)Fail Action details Not available
87044 1 Combine Boards, Commissions, CommitteesOrdinanceAmending or repealing various sections in Chapters 8, 10 and 33 of the Madison General Ordinances related to reorganization of City Boards, Commissions and Committees.Adopt Main MotionPass Action details Not available
87066 157.Board, Commission, Committee System ChangesResolutionDirecting City staff to explore and/or pursue specified changes to the City of Madison Board, Committee, and Commission System.AdoptPass Action details Not available
87288 158.Alder Removal ProceduresOrdinanceCreating Section 2.37 of the Madison General Ordinances Related to Removal Hearings to Prescribe Hearing Procedures to Consider Removal of Alders from the Common Council.Adopt the Following Amendment(s)Fail Action details Not available
87288 1 Alder Removal ProceduresOrdinanceCreating Section 2.37 of the Madison General Ordinances Related to Removal Hearings to Prescribe Hearing Procedures to Consider Removal of Alders from the Common Council.Adopt under suspension of MGO 2.055Pass Action details Not available
87333 159.CSM Re-Approval - 8603-8901 Femrite DrResolutionRe-approving a Certified Survey Map of property owned by the County of Dane located at 8603-8901 Femrite Drive (District 16).Adopt unanimously under suspension of MGO 2.055Pass Action details Not available
87461 160.CSM Re-Approval - 4001-4005 Marsh RdResolutionRe-approving a Certified Survey Map of property owned by Timothy Neitzel/ 4005 Marsh Road, LLC located at 4001-4005 Marsh Road (District 16).Adopt unanimously under suspension of MGO 2.055Pass Action details Not available
86995 161.13120 TID 36 Project Plan AmendmentResolutionApproving the Amendment to the Project Plan for Tax Incremental District (TID) #36 (Capitol Gateway), City of Madison (District 6, District 12).AdoptPass Action details Not available
86996 162.13132 TID 44 Project Plan AmendmentResolutionApproving the Amendment to the Project Plan for Tax Incremental District (TID) #44 (Royster Clark), City of Madison. (District 3, District 15)AdoptPass Action details Not available
87014 163.12940 TID 46 Project Plan and Boundary AmendmentResolutionApproving the Amendment to the Project Plan and Boundary for Tax Incremental District (TID) #46 (Research Park), City of Madison. (District 11, District 19)AdoptPass Action details Not available
87015 164.13121 - TID 51 Project Plan AmendmentResolutionApproving the Amendment to the Project Plan for Tax Incremental District (TID) #51 (South Madison), City of Madison. (District 14)AdoptPass Action details Not available
87106 165.Approving a loan of up to $100,000 to CEOs of Tomorrow, Inc. from the Community Facilities Loan Program to help finance the buildout of its leased commercial space at the Black Business Hub located at 2352 South Park Street, Suite 324; and authorizing theResolutionApproving a loan of up to $100,000 to CEOs of Tomorrow, Inc. from the Community Facilities Loan Program to help finance the buildout of its leased commercial space at the Black Business Hub located at 2352 South Park Street, Suite 324; and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign an agreement for that purpose. (District 14)AdoptPass Action details Not available
87157 166.Authorizing a double-fill of the Fleet Superintendent position (#1188) in the Fleet DivisionResolutionAuthorizing a double-fill of the Fleet Superintendent position (#1188) in the Fleet DivisionAdoptPass Action details Not available
87163 167.Amending the 2025 Stormwater Utility Operating Budget to recreate position number #1073 as a 1.0 FTE position.ResolutionAmending the 2025 Stormwater Utility Operating Budget to recreate position number #1073 as a 1.0 FTE position.Adopt - 15 Votes RequiredPass Action details Not available
87164 168.Amending the 2025 Stormwater Utility Operating Budget to add a position of Environmental Specialist/Inspector (Engineer 2).ResolutionAmending the 2025 Stormwater Utility Operating Budget to add a position of Environmental Specialist/Inspector (Engineer 2).Adopt - 15 Votes RequiredPass Action details Not available
87239 269.Authorizing a Non-Competitive Selection Contract with Envirotech Equipment Company for the Purchase of one Wachs Truck-Mounted Valve TurnerResolutionSUBSTITUTE Authorizing a Non-Competitive Selection Contract with Envirotech Equipment Company for the Purchase of one Wachs Truck-Mounted Valve TurnerAdoptPass Action details Not available
87259 170.Approving an extension of a provisional appointment for John Ringwood from March 15, 2025, until such time as the position of Parks Ranger Leadworker is filled on a permanent basis or until September 15, 2025, whichever is earlier.ResolutionApproving an extension of a provisional appointment for John Ringwood from March 15, 2025, until such time as the position of Parks Ranger Leadworker is filled on a permanent basis or until September 15, 2025, whichever is earlier.AdoptPass Action details Not available
87260 171.Approving an extension of a provisional appointment for Steven Dray from March 15, 2025, until such time as the position of Parks Ranger Supervisor is filled on a permanent basis or until September 15, 2025, whichever is earlier.ResolutionApproving an extension of a provisional appointment for Steven Dray from March 15, 2025, until such time as the position of Parks Ranger Supervisor is filled on a permanent basis or until September 15, 2025, whichever is earlier.AdoptPass Action details Not available
87262 172.Create a 1.0 FTE limited term Safety Coordinator 1 (CG18, R8) position in the Fire Department budget.ResolutionCreate a 1.0 FTE limited term Safety Coordinator 1 (CG18, R8) position in the Fire Department budget.AdoptPass Action details Not available
87281 173.Amending the 2025 Adopted Capital Budget of Engineering-Facilities Management to transfer existing GO Borrowing from the General Facilities Improvement program to the Senior Center Facility Improvements program.ResolutionAmending the 2025 Adopted Capital Budget of Engineering-Facilities Management to transfer existing GO Borrowing from the General Facilities Improvement program to the Senior Center Facility Improvements program. (District 4)Adopt - 15 Votes RequiredPass Action details Not available
87285 174.Amending Traffic Engineering’s 2025 Capital Budget to appropriate additional funding in 2025 relating to the City Share and federal share for two Carbon Reduction Program (CRP) Grants for Traffic Signal Controller and LED Traffic Signal projects that wereResolutionAmending Traffic Engineering’s 2025 Capital Budget to appropriate additional funding in 2025 relating to the City Share and federal share for two Carbon Reduction Program (CRP) Grants for Traffic Signal Controller and LED Traffic Signal projects that were originally budgeted in the Agency’s Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for years from 2026 to 2028.Adopt - 15 Votes RequiredPass Action details Not available
87293 175.Adopting the City of Madison's required Five-Year (2025-2029) Consolidated Plan and the first-year (2025) Annual Action Plan (AAP) incorporated therein; approving submission of the Plan(s) to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD); andResolutionAdopting the City of Madison's required Five-Year (2025-2029) Consolidated Plan and the first-year (2025) Annual Action Plan (AAP) incorporated therein; approving submission of the Plan(s) to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD); and accepting the associated Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice report (AI). (Citywide).AdoptPass Action details Not available
86736 176.Prelim Plat - LEO Living, 6303 Portage RdResolutionApproving the preliminary plat of the LEO Living on property addressed as 6303 Portage Road and 4821 Hoepker Road (District 17).RejectPass Action details Not available
86824 277.Substitute - Amending the Report of the Lamp House Block Ad Hoc Plan CommitteeResolutionSUBSTITUTE - Amending the Report of the Lamp House Block Ad Hoc Plan CommitteeAdopt SubstitutePass Action details Not available
85327 178.PCOB AppointmentsOrdinanceAmending Section 5.20 of the Madison General Ordinances to modify the Police Civilian Oversight Board appointment process.Re-referPass Action details Not available
86886 179.CLAIM: S. Martin - Personal Injury - $4,000.00ClaimS. Martin - Personal Injury - $4,000.00DisallowPass Action details Not available
87101 180.CLAIM: N. Cecchini - Property Damage - $789.15ClaimN. Cecchini - Property Damage - $789.15DisallowPass Action details Not available
87168 181.CLAIM: E. Younger - Vehicle Damage - $999.00ClaimE. Younger - Vehicle Damage - $999.00DisallowPass Action details Not available
87218 182.CLAIM: A. McCormick - Vehicle Damage - $500.00ClaimA. McCormick - Vehicle Damage - $500.00DisallowPass Action details Not available
87155 183.A RESOLUTION granting Special Vending Approvals under MGO 9.13(6)(k) for 2025 Special Events as detailed on the accompanying special event resolution table.ResolutionGranting Special Vending Approvals under MGO 9.13(6)(k) for 2025 Special Events as detailed on the accompanying special event resolution table.AdoptPass Action details Not available
86861 184.CSM - 2701 S Stoughton RdResolutionApproving a Certified Survey Map of property owned by Weir Slurry Group, Inc. located at 2701 S Stoughton Road (District 16).AdoptPass Action details Not available
87319 185.Spring Harbor Beach Park Legal Status ChangeOrdinanceCreating Subdivision 8.35(3)(e) of the Madison General Ordinances to allow the change in legal status of certain lands at Spring Harbor Beach Park. (District 19)Referred  Action details Not available
87418 186.Private Ambulance Service License RequirementOrdinanceAmending Section 9.34(13) of the Madison General Ordinances related to Licensing of Private Ambulance Services to remove licensing requirement of private ambulance services until a new procedure is developed.Referred  Action details Not available
87450 187.Hotel Motel ZoningOrdinanceAmending various sections of Chapter 28 of the Madison General Ordinances related to lodging to allow hotel and motel rentals of thirty days or more.Referred for Public Hearing  Action details Not available
87332 188.Authorizing the Parks Division to submit, and if awarded, accept grant of up to $500,000 from the State of Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources for park improvements and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into a contract with State of WiscResolutionAuthorizing the Parks Division to submit, and if awarded, accept grant of up to $500,000 from the State of Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources for park improvements and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into a contract with State of Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources to accept grant award. (District 18)Referred  Action details Not available
87402 189.Authorizing the City to execute agreements with inter-city bus providers to recover facility maintenance costs.ResolutionAuthorizing the City to execute agreements with inter-city bus providers to recover facility maintenance costs (District 2, District 8, District 16).Referred  Action details Not available
87403 190.Authorizing the City to execute a competitive service contract with AECOM Technical Services, Inc., for planning and design engineering services associated with the Perry St Overpass Reconnecting Communities project.ResolutionAuthorizing the City to execute a competitive service contract with AECOM Technical Services, Inc., for planning and design engineering services associated with the Perry St Overpass Reconnecting Communities project (District 14).Referred  Action details Not available
87413 191.Authorizing the noncompetitive purchase of renewable diesel from Hartland Fuel Products LLC.ResolutionAuthorizing the noncompetitive purchase of renewable diesel from Hartland Fuel Products LLC.Referred  Action details Not available
87419 192.10748 Brayton Lot Block113 DIsposal RFPResolutionApproving the issuance of a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the redevelopment of Block 113, located at 1 South Butler Street (the “Property”) and establishing a process for the review of responses to the RFP and selection of a development team for the Property. (District 6)Referred  Action details Not available
87420 193.Amending the Community Development Authority (CDA) 2025 Adopted Operating Budget to accept and appropriate FY 2019 ($8,404), FY2021 ($8,724), and FY 2022 ($8,231) of Public Housing Capital Grant funds received from HUDResolutionAmending the Community Development Authority (CDA) 2025 Adopted Operating Budget to accept and appropriate FY 2019 ($8,404), FY2021 ($8,724), and FY 2022 ($8,231) of Public Housing Capital Grant funds received from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).Referred  Action details Not available
87421 194.Amending the Engineering - Major Streets 2025 Adopted Capital Budget to change $500,000 of Tax Increment District (TID)-supported GO Borrowing to Tax Increment Financing (TIF) increment and amending the Traffic Engineering 2025 Adopted Capital Budget to aResolutionAmending the Engineering - Major Streets 2025 Adopted Capital Budget to change $500,000 of Tax Increment District (TID)-supported GO Borrowing to Tax Increment Financing (TIF) increment and amending the Traffic Engineering 2025 Adopted Capital Budget to add $250,000 of TIF increment (TID 51) in 2025 (District 14).Referred  Action details Not available
87429 195.Approving the stormwater WPDES annual report to the WDNR. Review and approval of this report is required as a condition of the City of Madison’s discharge permit from the WDNR/EPA as authorized under NR-216.ResolutionApproving the stormwater WPDES annual report to the WDNR. Review and approval of this report is required as a condition of the City of Madison’s discharge permit from the WDNR/EPA as authorized under NR-216. (Citywide)Referred  Action details Not available
87444 196.13022 Disposal of Small Portion of 1918 Norman WayResolutionAuthorizing the City’s sale of 776 Square Feet from Spring Harbor Beach Park located at 1918 Norman Way to the adjacent neighbor at 5400 Lake Mendota Drive (District 19)Referred  Action details Not available
87445 197.Authorizing the City to execute a noncompetitive purchase agreement with Precision Installations Inc. to custom upfit four (4) 2025 Ford Transit vans for the CARES Program.ResolutionAuthorizing the City to execute a noncompetitive purchase agreement with Precision Installations Inc. to custom upfit four (4) 2025 Ford Transit vans for the CARES Program.Referred  Action details Not available
87449 198.WEDC Idle Sites Grant for South Park StreetResolutionAuthorizing the City’s Economic Development Division (EDD) to submit an application for a $250,000 grant from the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) Idle Sites Redevelopment Grant program, and, if awarded, authorizing the Mayor and city Clerk to enter into a contract with WEDC to accept Idle Sites Redevelopment Grant award for the use of the funds and amending EDD’s 2025 Adopted Capital Budget within the Land Banking program (program #12640). (District 14)Referred  Action details Not available
87451 199.Adopting the “2024 State Street Pedestrian Mall Experiment Report”ResolutionAdopting the “2024 State Street Pedestrian Mall Experiment Report”Refer to a future Meeting to Adopt  Action details Not available
87452 1100.BID Downtown Activities ProgramResolutionAuthorizing a $62,225 contract with Madison’s Central Business Improvement District (BID) and/or its fiscal sponsor to fund the continuation of the Downtown Activities Program focused on existing plazas around the Capitol Square and State Street (District 2, District 4, District 8)Referred  Action details Not available
87472 1101.Final Plat - First Addition to Hill ValleyResolutionApproving the final plat of First Addition to Hill Valley on land generally addressed as 1051 S Pleasant View Road and 1050 S High Point Road (District 1).Referred  Action details Not available
87473 1102.Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to accept, on behalf of the City, a 2025 $75,000 Employment Grant from the Wisconsin Department of Administration's Division of Energy, Housing and Community Resources (DEHCR) to support creating equitable outcomes forResolutionAuthorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to accept, on behalf of the City, a 2025 $75,000 Employment Grant from the Wisconsin Department of Administration's Division of Energy, Housing and Community Resources (DEHCR) to support creating equitable outcomes for homeless and other marginalized adults in training and vocational support services; and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into a Purchase of Services agreement with JustDane, Inc. to provide services to implement these goals through its Just Bakery program. (Citywide)Referred  Action details Not available
87474 1103.CSM - 5001-5013 Femrite DrResolutionApproving a Certified Survey Map of property owned by WI Development Partners, LLC located at 5001-5013 Femrite Drive (District 16).Refer to a future Meeting to Adopt  Action details Not available
87477 1104.Responding to WisDOT recommendation on North Stoughton Road Project regarding Schmedeman Ave (District 12).ResolutionResponding to WisDOT recommendation on North Stoughton Road Project regarding Schmedeman Ave (District 12).Referred  Action details Not available
87483 1105.Adopting the Updated Elected and Appointed Official Code of Ethical ConductResolutionAdopting the Updated Elected and Appointed Official Code of Ethical ConductReferPass Action details Not available
87484 1106.Early Mediation Between Business StudyResolutionDirecting City staff to explore and study the possibility of providing early mediation between businesses.Referred  Action details Not available
87491 1107.Authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to enter into a contract with Musonics L.L.C., d/b/a/ Cafe CODA for exclusive alcohol beverage services at the Warner Park Community Recreation Center (WPCRC) from January 1, 2025 through December 31, 2026, with thResolutionAuthorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to enter into a contract with Musonics L.L.C., d/b/a/ Cafe CODA for exclusive alcohol beverage services at the Warner Park Community Recreation Center (WPCRC) from January 1, 2025 through December 31, 2026, with the possibility of two successive two-year renewal terms. (District 12)Referred  Action details Not available
87493 1108.Authorizing the City to execute an agreement with Electrical Workers Local 159 Labor Management Cooperative Committee Fund Trust for permission to use portions of Olin Park for its Holiday Fantasy in Lights Event. (District 14)ResolutionAuthorizing the City to execute an agreement with Electrical Workers Local 159 Labor Management Cooperative Committee Fund Trust for permission to use portions of Olin Park for its Holiday Fantasy in Lights Event, including installing holiday lighting and permanent infrastructure to support the lighting for the years of 2025-2030. (District 14)Referred  Action details Not available
87478 1109. LicensePublic Hearing - New License Atwood Music Hall LLC • dba Atwood Music Hall 1925 Winnebago St • Agent: Kristoffer Christensen Estimated Capacity (in/out): 700/0 Class B Combination Liquor & Beer • 90% alcohol, 10% food Police Sector 410 (District 6)Referred for Public Hearing  Action details Not available
87479 1110. LicensePublic Hearing - New License Rotunda Cafe LLC • dba Rotunda Cafe 1965 Atwood Ave • Agent: Melissa Schoechert Estimated Capacity (in/out): 150/0 Class B Combination Liquor & Beer • 10% alcohol, 90% food Police Sector 410 (District 6)Referred for Public Hearing  Action details Not available
87480 1111. LicensePublic Hearing - New License Taste of Sichuan Madison LLC • dba Taste of Sichuan 515 State St • Agent: Dalin Li Estimated Capacity (in/out): 135/0 Class B Beer • 10% alcohol, 90% food Police Sector 403 (District 2)Referred for Public Hearing  Action details Not available
87481 1112. LicensePublic Hearing - New License Hotbox LLC • dba TBD 1925 Monroe St • Agent: Xavier Fuller Estimated Capacity (in/out): 100/0 Class B Combination Liquor & Beer • 25% alcohol, 75% food Police Sector 205 (District 13)Referred for Public Hearing  Action details Not available
87482 1113. LicensePublic Hearing - New License Mishqui Peruvian Cuisine LLC • dba Mishqui Peruvian Bistro 225 King St • Agent: Cynthia Garcia Estimated Capacity (in/out): 80/30 Class B Combination Liquor & Beer • 20% alcohol, 75% food, 5% other Police Sector 405 (District 4)Referred for Public Hearing  Action details Not available
87339 1114.CLAIM: D. Wallach - Property Damage - $376.21ClaimD. Wallach - Property Damage - $376.21Referred  Action details Not available
87373 1115.CLAIM: K. Arnette of Progressive for A. Serna - Vehicle Damage - $1,500.00ClaimK. Arnette of Progressive for A. Serna - Vehicle Damage - $1,500.00Referred  Action details Not available
87377 1116.CLAIM: A. Howard - Property Damage - Amount TBDClaimA. Howard - Property Damage - Amount TBDReferred  Action details Not available
87383 1117.CLAIM: W. Lush II - Personal Injury/Discrimination - $1.00ClaimW. Lush II - Personal Injury/Discrimination - $1.00Referred  Action details Not available
87417 1118.CLAIM: M. Moe - Vehicle Damage - $490.22ClaimM. Moe - Vehicle Damage - $490.22Referred  Action details Not available
87455 1119.CLAIM: O. Tung - Property Damage - $14,023.00ClaimO. Tung - Property Damage - $14,023.00Referred  Action details Not available