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Meeting Name: STREET USE STAFF COMMISSION (ended 1/14/2025) (inactive) Agenda status: Approved
Meeting date/time: 7/21/2010 10:00 AM Minutes status: Approved  
Meeting location: Parks Conference Room 210 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. Room 108 (City-County Building)
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #Boards, Commissions and CommitteesTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsWatch
19236 1  Discussion ItemKIDS TO KIDS GARAGE SALE Sa, Aug 7, 9a-2p 100 MLK, area in front of Metro stop on 10 W. Main St. City of Madison Parks Division's first Kids to Kids Garage Sale. Youth can reserve a space to sell their own items to other kids. There will be approximately 60 booths available. Hayrides around the Square will be available (pick up/drop off area on 10 W. Main St.) Discuss location, schedule, set-up and activities. Anne Whisner, City of Madison Parks Division   Action details Not available
19212 1  Discussion ItemAIA INDIA DAY Sa, Aug 14, 7a-2p 100 MLK Celebration of Indian culture - displays/exhibits, dance, music and food. Discuss location, schedule, set-up and activities. Sowmya Partha, Association of Indians in America..Title   Action details Not available
19204 1  Discussion ItemRIDE THE DRIVE Su, Aug 29, 4a-6p John Nolen - W. Lakeside to Blair, Blair St. - E. Wash, E. Wash - Patterson to the Square, Capitol Square, 100-600 State St., Lake St. - W. Dayton, W. Dayton - S. Bedford, S. Bedford - W. Main St. - SW Bike Path, North Shore Dr. - John Nolen. 6-mile course open to bicycles, pedestrians, skaters and other forms of non-motorized transportation. Discuss location/route. schedule, set-up and activities. Steven Doniger, City of Madison / Trek / WI Bike Federation   Action details Not available
19061 1  Discussion ItemTASTE OF MADISON F, Sept. 3, 6p - Su, Sept. 5, 11p Event Hours: Sa, Sept 4, 2p-8:30p Su, Sept 5, 11a-7p Capitol Square (Main, Pinckney, Mifflin, Carroll), surrounding 100 blocks and 200 blocks of MLK and WI Ave. Festival showcasing local food vendors and music to benefit United Cerebral Palsy of Dane Co. Discuss location, schedule, set-up and activities. Keith Peterson, Jody Stolldorf, Madison Festivals, Inc.   Action details Not available
19065 1  Discussion ItemWILLY STREET FAIR Sa, Sept 25, 12p-12a / Event hours: 2-9p Su, Sept 26, 8a-12a / Event hours: 11a-9p Sa - 900 Block Williamson Su - 800, 900 and 1000 Block Williamson Street fair with vendors, 6 stages of entertainment and a one-of-a-kind parade. Discuss location, schedule, set-up and activities. Gary Kallas, Friends of Wil-Mar   Action details Not available
19066 1  Discussion ItemGREAT MIDWEST MARIJUANA HARVEST FESTIVAL Sa, Oct 2-Su, Oct 3, 9a-7p Podium/700-800 State Street Rally. Discuss location, schedule, set-up and activities. Ben Masel, Madison NORML   Action details Not available
19205 1  Discussion ItemLANGDON STREET BLOCK PARTY W, Sept 1, 12-8p 200 Block Langdon, from Howard to Henry A block party for fall recruitment - for those interested in the Greek community. Discuss location, schedule, set-up and activities. Ricky Cheung, Interfraternity Council of UW-Madison   Action details Not available
19267 1  Discussion ItemCHASE BANK INFORMATION TABLES 600 block Park St., 300 block Park St., 600 block State St. Sa - Su - Aug. 7 & 8, Aug. 21 & 22, Aug. 28 & 29 Distribute informational fliers and pamphlets regarding Chase Bank. Discuss set up, location and schedule. Heidi Alling, Chase Bank   Action details Not available
19042 1 Animals prohibitedOrdinanceAN AMENDED SUBSTITUTE ORDINANCE. Creating Sections 10.056(5)(h) and 23.315 of the Madison General Ordinances to prohibit animals from specified street use events, require notice of prohibition and establishes a penalty for violations of this ordinance.Return to Lead with the Recommendation for ApprovalPass Action details Not available
19273 1  Discussion ItemNational Night Out Tu, Aug. 3, 5:30-8:30p 200 MLK An evening to bring neighbors together to bring awareness about crime in neighborhoods. Discuss schedule, location and activities. Officer Frank Chandler, MPD   Action details Not available
19237 1  Discussion ItemWIRTH COURT Su, Aug 1, 11a-7p Neighborhood block party Rebecca Oglum   Action details Not available
19213 1  Discussion Item600-700 CHAPMAN STREET 3000-3100 CROSS STREET Sa, Aug 7, 3-9p Neighborhood block party Billy Larimore   Action details Not available
19208 1  Discussion Item4800 STEINHAUER TRAIL Sa, Aug 7, 3-9p Neighborhood block party Joan Jackson   Action details Not available
19238 1  Discussion Item3000 FAIRVIEW STREET Sa, Aug 7, 3-9p Raindate: Su, Aug 8 Neighborhood block party Jay Roberts   Action details Not available
19211 1  Discussion Item2100 WEST LAWN Sa, Sug 28, 11a-11p Neighborhood block party Susan Gevelber   Action details Not available
19209 1  Discussion Item2301-2326 HOARD STREET Sa, Sept 4, 3p-sunset Raindate: Su, Sept 5 Neighborhood block party Chris Willman   Action details Not available
19268 1  Discussion Item1700 LEGACY LANE SU, Aug 1, 2-6P Neighborhood block party Gary Damaschke   Action details Not available
19269 1  Discussion Item1200 RUTLEDGE Su, Aug. 22, 4-9p Erin Hanusa   Action details Not available
19270 1  Discussion Item4800 Maher Sa, Aug. 21, 11a-8p Neighborhood block party Coleen Freitag   Action details Not available
19272 1  Discussion Item400 ORCHARD DR. Sa, Aug. 28, 3p-dusk Neighborhood block party. Amy Rogers   Action details Not available