Madison, WI Header
File #: 86599    Version: 1 Name: Amending the Metro Transit Operating Budget to provide additional contracted service for the City of Verona and incorporation of federal planning funds
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
File created: 1/6/2025 In control: Metro Transit
On agenda: 1/14/2025 Final action: 1/28/2025
Enactment date: 2/3/2025 Enactment #: RES-25-00064
Title: Amending the Metro Transit Operating Budget to provide additional contracted service for the City of Verona and incorporation of federal planning funds.
Sponsors: Satya V. Rhodes-Conway, Dina Nina Martinez-Rutherford, MGR Govindarajan, Derek Field
Attachments: 1. Copy of Metro 2025 budget Amendment 1.6.24.pdf
Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution amends Metro Transit’s 2025 Operating Budget to appropriate revenues and costs associated with contracted service to the City of Verona and to appropriate additional federal funds.
Annual revenues from the Verona contract are $587,268 with a partial year amount in 2025 of $295,740. To implement the service, the proposed resolution would increase Metro’s authorized position count by 5.5 FTE and provide an increase to other non-personnel costs including parts, fuel, and contracted paratransit service. The annual cost of these changes is $586,000 with an expected 2025 cost of $287,187. The net increase of 5.5 FTE comes from both the creation of new positions and removing an existing Data Analyst position and two LTE Marketing positions.
The resolution also appropriates Federal Transit Administration section 5304 funds to conduct long range transit planning activities. The total award is $640,000. This resolution appropriates $320,000 of that amount in the 2025 budget.
In total, the proposed resolution increases Metro’s 2025 budgeted revenues by $615,740 and increase budgeted expenses by $607,187. Any revenues in excess of expenses would go to Metro fund balance.

Amending the Metro Transit Operating Budget to provide additional contracted service for the City of Verona and incorporation of federal planning funds.

WHEREAS, the City of Verona has approved a budget to increase their contracted transit service with the City of Madison at an additional annual cost of $587,268 ($295,740 partial year 2025); and
WHEREAS, the Wisconsin Department of Transportation has awarded Metro a total of $640,000 ($320,000 in 2025 and $320,000 in 2026) in Federal Transit Administration section 5304 transit funds to conduct long range transit planning activities; and
WHEREAS, Metro Transit can access funding through the City of Verona and the 5304 funds to fund necessary positions and expenses related to this additional service and p...

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