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File #: 86357    Version: 1 Name: Approving a loan of up to $300,000 to the Urban League of Greater Madison from the Community Facilities Loan Program to help finance the buildout of a shared commercial kitchen at the Black Business Hub located at 2352 South Park Street; and authorizing t
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
On agenda: 12/10/2024 Final action: 1/14/2025
Enactment date: 1/21/2025 Enactment #: RES-25-00027
Title: Approving a loan of up to $300,000 to the Urban League of Greater Madison from the Community Facilities Loan Program to help finance the buildout of a shared commercial kitchen at the Black Business Hub located at 2352 South Park Street; and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign an agreement for that purpose. (District 14)
Sponsors: Satya V. Rhodes-Conway, Dina Nina Martinez-Rutherford, John P. Guequierre, Nikki Conklin, Isadore Knox Jr., Regina M. Vidaver, Amani Latimer Burris, Derek Field
Attachments: 1. City of Madision CFLP Application - ULGM Shared Kitchen - Signed.pdf
Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution authorizes a loan of up to $300,000 to the Urban League of Greater Madison for the buildout of a shared commercial kitchen and related improvements at the Black Business Hub located at 2352 South Park Street. The loan is part of the Community Facilities Loan Program (Munis project 13672/2024 project 14971), administered by the Community Development Division (CDD). CFL program guidelines set as a maximum amount for improvements-related loans the lesser of $300,000 or 50% of total eligible project costs, provided in the form of a zero percent long-term deferred loan. Funding is available in CDD's 2024 Adopted Capital Budget ($1.0 million in General Fund-supported GO Borrowing). No additional City appropriation is required.

Approving a loan of up to $300,000 to the Urban League of Greater Madison from the Community Facilities Loan Program to help finance the buildout of a shared commercial kitchen at the Black Business Hub located at 2352 South Park Street; and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign an agreement for that purpose. (District 14)
WHEREAS, the City of Madison’s Community Facilities Loan (CFL) Program, administered by the City's Community Development Division (CDD), provides low-cost financing to support non-residential development projects undertaken by a non-profit organization in the City of Madison that involve the acquisition of property or substantial expansion, redevelopment, improvement or rehabilitation of property the organization currently owns or leases; and,

WHEREAS, the City’s objective through the CFL Program is to create or improve safe, accessible, energy efficient and well-maintained community and neighborhood facilities; and,

WHEREAS, the Urban League of Greater Madison (ULGM) has applied to the CFL Program for financial assistance to help build a shared commercial kitchen space at the Black Business Hub located at 2352 South Park Street, which will support programming for Blac...

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