Madison, WI Header
File #: 85280    Version: 1 Name: Fourth Amendment to Madison Police Department Facility Lease
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
File created: 9/17/2024 In control: Economic Development Division
On agenda: 10/8/2024 Final action: 10/8/2024
Enactment date: 10/10/2024 Enactment #: RES-24-00607
Title: Authorizing the execution of a Fourth Amendment to the Lease with Joella Enterprises, LLC allowing for the City’s continued use of space at 29 Marsh Court for the operation of the Madison Police Department evidentiary facility (District 16).
Sponsors: Jael Currie, Yannette Figueroa Cole
Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution authorizes extending the lease for continued use of space at 29 Marsh Court by the Madison Police Department from January 1, 2026 to December 31, 2028. The annual base rent for calendar year 2026 is the same rate as calendar year 2025 as outlined in the third amendment to the lease ($79,576). The annual base rent will increase by two percent (2%) in calendar years 2027 and 2028. If the Extension Options are exercised past 2028, the annual base rent will increase by three percent (3%) per annum as reflected in the body of the resolution. The rental expense based on this fourth amendment to the lease will be included in future Police Operating Budgets beginning in 2026.
Authorizing the execution of a Fourth Amendment to the Lease with Joella Enterprises, LLC allowing for the City’s continued use of space at 29 Marsh Court for the operation of the Madison Police Department evidentiary facility (District 16).
WHEREAS, the Lessor and the City are parties to a certain Lease (the “Lease) pertaining to the Building and the Land defined therein, dated December 30, 2008, which Lease was recorded with the Dane County Register of Deeds on January 12, 2009 as Document No. 4492668; and
WHEREAS, the initial term of the Lease was for the four-year period commencing on January 1, 2009; and
WHEREAS, in accordance with Paragraph 7 of the Lease, the City exercised its one-year renewal option, and the term of the Lease was extended to December 31, 2013; and
WHEREAS, the Common Council authorized the execution of a First Amendment to Lease (Resolution File ID No. 31331) which was executed on November 25, 2013 and recorded with the Dane County Register of Deeds on November 27, 2013 as Document No. 5040527, which extended the term of the Lease for an additional period of three (3) years to December 31, 2016 and gave the City the option to renew the Lease for two (2) successive terms of one (1) year each; and
WHEREAS, the Common Council ...

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