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File #: 84643    Version: 1 Name: Approving housing recommendations that serve to strengthen efforts to expand rental, homeowner and student developments, prepared by the Housing Strategy Committee (Citywide).
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
File created: 7/31/2024 In control: HOUSING STRATEGY COMMITTEE (end 11/2024)
On agenda: 10/8/2024 Final action: 10/29/2024
Enactment date: 11/1/2024 Enactment #: RES-24-00623
Title: Approving housing recommendations that serve to strengthen efforts to expand rental, homeowner and student developments, prepared by the Housing Strategy Committee (Citywide).
Sponsors: Derek Field, John P. Guequierre, Juliana R. Bennett, MGR Govindarajan, Yannette Figueroa Cole, Michael E. Verveer, Amani Latimer Burris
Attachments: 1. HSC Housing Report V6 FINAL 10.24.24.pdf, 2. HSC Housing Report V5- Draft 10.23.24.pdf, 3. HSC Housing Report V5- Draft 08.06.24.pdf, 4. Appendix B_AH Glossary.pdf

Fiscal Note

No City appropriation required.



Approving housing recommendations that serve to strengthen efforts to expand rental, homeowner and student developments, prepared by the Housing Strategy Committee (Citywide).



WHEREAS, on October 3, 2023 via RES-23-00606 (Legistar #79226) Council directed the Housing Strategy Committee to examine and provide recommendations related to Madison’s affordable housing crisis; and,


WHEREAS, the Housing Strategy Committee created two sub-committees to discuss and research the housing needs of rental and homeownership opportunities, while partnering with Downtown Madison Inc to create a third group to address student housing issues; and,


WHEREAS, the sub-committees presented their recommendations to the Housing Strategy Committee, which developed its final recommendations of strategies and actions items to support housing opportunities; and,


WHEREAS, the student housing group presented only preliminary recommendations to the Committee, subject to further input and possible refinement, which the group intends to bring forth in coming weeks.


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Madison Common Council approves the report submitted by the Housing Strategy Committee which lays out a series of recommendations designed to further the City’s goals to expand affordable housing choices available to renters, homeowners and students in Madison.