Board of Health for Madison and Dane County Resolution #2024-10 Resolution to Enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement with the University of Wisconsin Population Health Service Fellowship Program
Public Health-Madison and Dane County (PHMDC) is seeking to engage one Population Health Service Fellow to support the continued development of the public health workforce and to support the work of the department. A Population Health Service Fellow is an individual who has completed a post-graduate degree and is prepared to provide high-level service to the department while pursuing skill development within public health. This is a two-year postgraduate appointment with the University of Wisconsin. Hosting a fellow aligns with PHMDC’s educational mission and accreditation requirements to develop the future public health workforce. PHMDC has hosted a Population Health Service Fellow during the last three biennium and have found the experience to be beneficial both for the department and for the fellow.
External funding is limited for Population Health Service Fellows. However, PHMDC has budgeted capacity to support one full-time Fellow from 07/01/2024-06/30/2026 at a total of $163,926 ($81,963 per year) for the expenses (salary and fringe benefit) over that period. Population Health Service Fellows do not replace any existing staff activities or personnel.
The Board of Health for Madison and Dane County is authorized to approve new intergovernmental agreements for program services per Board of Health for Madison and Dane County Resolution #2008-03.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Health for Madison and Dane County authorizes Public Health Madison and Dane County to enter into an agreement with The Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System on behalf of University of Wisconsin-Madison Population Health Institute, for the period of July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2026, to fund 1.0 Population Health Service Fellow, and authorizes the Di...
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