Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution authorizes a non-competitive service contract with Sustain Dane through 2026 to administer the Efficiency Navigator Program to provide energy efficiency upgrades to naturally occurring affordable housing. The City has contracted with Sustain Dane to administer the Efficiency Navigator program since 2021 and this contract provides services effective February 15, 2024 to December 31, 2026. The 2024 amount of $250,000 will be funded by the Sustainability Improvements 2024 capital budget. No appropriation is required.
Authorizing a non-competitive service contract with Sustain Dane through 2026 to administer the Efficiency Navigator Program to provide energy efficiency upgrades to naturally occurring affordable housing.
WHEREAS, in March of 2017, the Common Council adopted RES-17-00213 which called on the City to establish a goal for City of Madison operations and community to reach a goal of 100% renewable energy and net-zero greenhouse gas emissions; and,
WHEREAS, the Efficiency Navigator Program provides energy efficiency and other upgrades to small- and medium-sized multifamily affordable housing that save energy, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and lower utility bills for residents; and,
WHEREAS, the City has contracted with Sustain Dane to administer the Efficiency Navigator program since 2021; and,
WHEREAS, the Efficiency Navigator program provided energy efficiency upgrades to 88 units of natural occurring affordable housing in its first year, reducing annual energy costs by $657 per building on average, and cutting climate pollution by nearly 92,000 lbs/year; and,
WHEREAS, under MGO 4.26(4) a contract for purchase of services of more than $50,000 that was not competitively selected must be approved by the Common Council and, for the reasons given in the attached Noncompetitive Selection Form, this contract meets the exception in MGO 4.26(4)(a) 2 for a particular service that is available from only one ...
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