Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution approves plans and specifications and authorizes the Board of Public Works to advertise and receive bids for the Harvey Street and Schmitt Place Assessment District - 2023. The total estimated cost of the project is $1,455,000. The costs will be covered by assessments ($126,650) and the City ($1,328,350). The City portion of the funding is available in MUNIS project #14081. No additional appropriation is required.
Approving the revised geometrics for the Harvey Street and Schmitt Place Assessment District - 2023. (District 5)
The City of Madison has a scheduled project for Harvey Street and Schmitt Place Assessment District - 2023. The project start date has been delayed due to conflicts with the schedules of the existing University Avenue reconstruction project and the private development on Schmitt Place. The City is proposing to add sidewalk on Harvey Street from Schmitt Place to N Blackhawk Drive. The fiscal note has been revised to cover the additional cost of the sidewalk addition to the project.
1) That the revised plans and specifications for Harvey Street and Schmitt Place Assessment District - 2023, be and are hereby approved.
2) That the Board of Public Works be and is hereby authorized to advertise and receive bids for said project.
3) That the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to accept dedication of lands and/or easements from the Developer/Owner for public improvements located outside of existing public fee title or easement right-of-ways.