Fiscal Note
The annualized cost of the proposed reclassification is $9,772.25 (including benefits) when taking into consideration the increases for general municipal employees proposed in the 2024 Executive Operating Budget. The impact of the reclassification of position #621 in 2023 is approximately $5,187.23 (including benefits). Costs associated with the reclassification in 2023 will be absorbed in the Planning Division’s 2023 Adopted Operating Budget.
Recreate the 1.0 FTE position #621 of Planner 1 (CG18, R6) as a GIS Specialist 2 (CG18, R8) and reallocate the employee to the new position.
Resolution recreating the 1.0 FTE position #621 of Planner 1 (CG18, R6) as a GIS Specialist 2 (CG18, R8) within the permanent salary details of the Planning Operating Budget, and reallocating the employee, R. Jonely, to the new position, thereof.