Fiscal Note
The annualized cost of the proposed reclassification of position #643 from CG18, R14 to CG18, R15 is $6,060.80 (including benefits). The impact on the 2023 budget is approximately $1,624.85. Costs associated with the reclassification will be absorbed within the Building Inspection’s 2023 Adopted Operating Budget.
Delete the classification of “Zoning Administrator” from CG18, R14 in the salary schedule and recreate the classification in CG18, R15. Recreate the 1.0 FTE position #643 as “Zoning Administrator” (CG18, R15) and reallocate the employee.
Resolution deleting the classification of “Zoning Administrator” (CG18, R14), creating the classification of “Zoning Administrator” in CG18, R15, and recreating the 1.0 FTE position #643 as “Zoning Administrator” (CG18, R15), within the permanent salary details of the Building Inspection Division Operating Budget, and reallocating the employee, K. Bannon, to the new position, thereof.