Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution authorizes a one year contract agreement with Friends of Goodman Waves, Inc. for the management and responsibility of the Goodman Waves Swim & Dive Team and the use of the Goodman Pool from January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024 with the possibility of five successive one-year renewal terms. Under the proposed agreement, the City would pay Friends of Goodman Waves, Inc. up to $8,000 per contract year to subsidize membership fees of qualified scholarship recipients (with a 20% match from Friends of Goodman Waves, Inc.) and up to $2,000 per contract year to support the purchase of swim supplies for the Waves. The costs of this agreement are reflected in the Parks Division's 2024 Operating Budget request.
SUBSTITUTE - Authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to enter into a contract with Friends of Goodman Waves, Inc. for the management and responsibility of the Goodman Waves Swim & Dive Team and the use of the Goodman Pool from January 1, 2024 through December 31, 2024, with the possibility of five successive one-year renewal terms (District 13).
WHEREAS, the City of Madison owns and operates the Goodman Pool (the “Pool”), a public pool providing recreation swimming opportunities to all members of the public; and,
WHEREAS, in 2011, the City, working with private foundations, created the Goodman Waves Swim & Dive Team (the “Waves”), in order to provide a more equitable competitive swim and dive team opportunity for the Madison area community. The Waves are one of 13 teams that competes in the All City Swim and Dive League (the “League”), a recreational summer swim league for 5-18 year olds that has been in Madison for over 60 years; and,
WHEREAS, during the summer, the Waves hold practice at the Pool five times a week under the direction of volunteer and paid coaches, and compete in meets, at the Pool and other local pools, against other members of the League. During meets at the Pool, the City closes the entire ...
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