Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution authorizes a non-competitive purchase of $141,500 from QuantAQ, Inc. for the purchase of air quality monitoring equipment to implement the Building Sensor and Community Partnership Networks for Air Quality project. Grant funding for the purchase is available in the 2023 adopted Sustainability Improvements capital project budget. No additional appropriation is required.
A Resolution authorizing a non-competitive purchase of more than $50,000 in goods from QuantAQ, Inc.for the purchase of air quality monitoring equipment to implement the Building Sensor and Community Partnership Networks for Air Quality project.
WHEREAS, the City of Madison successfully applied for funding through the U.S. EPA’s Enhanced Air Quality Monitoring for Communities grant program for a project titled “Building Sensor and Community Partnership Networks for Air Quality in Madison, Wisconsin”; and
WHEREAS, the Common Council amended the 2023 Adopted Mayor’s Office Sustainability Improvements Project Capital Budget to accept a $429,746 grant award from U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the associated grant agreement with U.S. EPA via RES-23-00385 enacted on 5/19/2023 (File# 77378); and
WHEREAS, QuantAQ, Inc. develops low-cost, professional-grade air quality sensors to enable highly distributed air quality measurements to generation actionable information about both gas- and particle-based pollutants; and
WHEREAS, QuantAQ, Inc.'s MODULAIR-PM provides real-time measurements of particulate matter concentrations (PM1, PM2.5, and PM10) and particle size distribution using a novel combination of multiple light-scattering-based particle sensors; and
WHEREAS, MODULAIR-PM sensors were identified as the air quality monitoring equipment to be used the approved grant application to the U.S. EPA; and
WHEREAS, for the reasons explained above and in the attached Noncompetitive Selection Request Form, QuantAQ, Inc. is the only vendor that can provide for the specific needs of the Building Sensor and Community Partnership Networks for Air Quality project; and
WHEREAS, MGO 4.26(2) requires goods to be purchased using a competitive process approved by the Finance Director, and under the Finance Director’s Purchasing Guidelines, Common Council approval is required to purchase goods of $50,000 or more without a competitive process;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Common Council authorizes the purchase of $141,500 air quality monitoring equipment from QuantAQ, Inc. to advance implementation of the Building Sensor and Community Partnership Networks for Air Quality project and funded by the U.S. EPA Enhanced Air Quality Monitoring for Communities grant award.