Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution authorizes awarding a non-competitive service contract for the Country Grove Park Shelter at a total estimated cost of $55,000 including contingency. Funding is available in Munis #13937. No additional appropriation is required.
Authorizing a non-competitive service contract with
Destree Design Architects, Inc. for professional architectural and engineering consulting services for the Country Grove Park Shelter. (7th AD)
WHEREAS, The City of Madison has Targeted Business Enterprise (TBE) programs in place to ensure Small, Minority, & Women Business Enterprises are afforded the maximum feasible opportunity to compete in City contracting and procurement; and
WHEREAS, Individuals with purchasing authority can help level the playing field and advance contracting equity by utilizing these companies; and
Destree Design Architects, Inc. is a City of Madison certified local business (offices at 222 West Washington), a City of Madison certified Small Business Enterprise (SBE), and a City of Madison certified Women Business Enterprise (WBE).
Destree Design Architects, Inc. has proposed a sub-consultant services team that includes structural, HVAC, plumbing, and electrical engineering; and,
WHEREAS, this contract is for design, bidding, and construction administration services for construction of a new Country Grove Park Shelter located in Country Grove Park on East Pass; and,
WHEREAS, the project will expedite the implementation of the Park Restroom Prototype Building to provide new restroom facilities and a covered shelter; and
Destree Design Architects, Inc has expertise on Parks prototype restroom buildings and public process and has completed a contract for architectural and engineering design services for the original Park Restroom Prototype Building designs in 2015, and has provided previous and continuing design services for prototype shelters located at Lake Edge, Esther Beach, Penn ...
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