Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution adopts the Final Report of the Task Force on Farmland Preservation. Adopting the report does not constitute adoption or rejection of any recommendations. No appropriation is required.
Adopting the Final Report of the Task Force on Farmland Preservation
WHEREAS, the Task Force on Farmland Preservation was established by RES-22-00635 and its timeline was extended by RES-23-00210; and
WHEREAS, the Task Force is charged with creating guidelines for land use decisions when farmland and open space within City limits are proposed for rezoning and development and writing a final report with supporting data; and
WHEREAS, the Task Force met thirteen times from October of 2022 through May of 2023; and
WHEREAS, the Task Force members are Nan Fey (Chair), Alison Volk (Vice-Chair), Rebecca Kemble (Secretary), Alder Tag Evers, former Alder Erik Paulson, Mark Voss, Jeannette LeZaks and Alternates Yimmuaj Yang and Marcia Caton Campbell; and
WHEREAS, the Task Force pioneered a structure of self-management, self-administration and work teams that minimized the use of City staff resources; and
WHEREAS, the Task Force produced a Final Report with supporting data, recommendations, an implementation matrix and appendices that provides guidelines for land use decisions when farmland and open space within City limits are proposed for rezoning and development.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Madison Common Council adopts the Final Report of the Task Force on Farmland Preservation; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Final Report will be referred to the May, 2023 meetings of the Madison Food Policy Council, Plan Commission, and Sustainable Madison Committee before returning to the Common Council for a final vote; and
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that the Common Council thanks the members of the Task Force for their dedication and efforts.