Fiscal Note
No City appropriation required.
Amending the City of Madison Official Map to establish mapped reservations for future Streets and Highways in the City of Madison consistent with recommendations in the adopted the Greater East Towne Area Plan.
WHEREAS the Common Council adopted Ordinance 2091 on August 11, 1966 to establish the Official Map for the City of Madison for parts of the City of Madison located in Sections 27, 28, and 33, T8N R10E to map various future streets/ highways, parkways, and greenways in the portion of the existing and future City generally bounded by E Washington Avenue on the north, Interstate 39/90/94 on the east, Mendota Street on the west, and Wisconsin and Southern Railroad corridor on the south; and
WHEREAS the Greater East Towne Area Plan was adopted by the Common Council by Resolution 22-00144 (ID 68802) on February 22, 2022 as a supplement to the City of Madison Comprehensive Plan to guide future land uses, street networks, transit facilities, bike facilities, and open space investments within the planning area; and
WHEREAS the Greater East Towne Area Plan recommends that a network of streets be implemented to serve planned development in the planning area, including on the property commonly known as Great East Towne Mall area as well as on surrounding properties within the planning area. The future streets identified for official mapping include:
• An east-west extension of High Crossing Boulevard from its current terminus across East Springs Drive and towards a future connection with Zeier Road; said reservation being 66 feet wide; and
• The extension of East Springs Drive, across a portion of undeveloped East Towne Mall to terminate at Lien Road; said reservation being 66 feet wide; and
WHEREAS the proposed amendments to the Official Map do not call for reservations to be made through existing buildings at this time;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the City Of Madison hereby amends the...
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