Fiscal Note
The proposed Resolution amends the 2023 Adopted Operating Budget for the Community Development Division (CDD) - Affordable Housing and authorizes the City to accept up to $4.1 million from the U.S. Treasury and increase corresponding expenses for services that prevent evictions, promote housing stability among eligible households through direct rental assistance, and provide eligible housing stability services. CDD's 2023 adopted operating budget includes $30.9 million in funding from the U.S. Treasury for the Emergency Rental Assistance 2 program, which was added via Common Council Operating Budget Amendment #4. The City has received notice that the actual grant award is higher than the amount authorized in the budget, and a budget amendment is needed to accept the remaining funds.
The resolution would also authorize the City to amend contracts and agreements with Community Action Coalition for South-Central Wisconsin, Benevate, Inc., and the Institute for Community Alliances for the implementation of these services and programs. The total increase in allocations is $2.5 million. The remaining $1.6 million will be allocated through future resolutions.
Accepting additional Emergency Rental Assistance funds from the U.S. Treasury Department, to be awarded to the City of Madison under the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (H.R. 1319), to help prevent evictions and promote housing stability for eligible households affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, amending the Community Development Division’s 2023 Operating Budget to reflect the receipt and proposed uses of those funds, and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to amend agreements with the Community Action Coalition for South-Central Wisconsin and Benevate, Inc. (a/k/a Neighborly Software) to implement Dane CORE 2.0 Emergency Rental Assistance Program and, additionally, authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to amend the City’s agreement with the Institute for Community Alliances for administering...
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