Fiscal Note
Civil Rights' 2023 adopted operating budget includes $132,000 for interpretation and translation services to support the proposed contract. No additional appropriation required.
Substitute; Authorizing a noncompetitive contract with LanguageLine Solutions for the provision of interpretation and translation services for the City of Madison, WI.
As a recipient of federal funds, the City of Madison is subject to Title II and Title IV of the Americans with Disabilities Act, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (which prohibits discrimination based on national origin), and Executive Order 13166, which mandates meaningful language access to City programs, services, and information. Meaningful access means that individuals are given adequate information and can understand the services and benefits available, can receive the services for which they are eligible, and can communicate the relevant circumstances of their situation to the service provider. In February of 2018, the Common Council approved the Language Access Plan created by the Department of Civil Rights as a response to these obligations. In order to provide these services in compliance with City contracting requirements, it is necessary for the Department of Civil Rights to enter into a contract with an appropriate interpretation and translation agency.
WHEREAS, the Department of Civil Rights desires to contract with LanguageLine Solutions beginning upon signature of the contract by the Mayor through December 31, 2023; and
WHEREAS, under sec. 4.26(4)(b), of the Madison General Ordinances if the aggregate amount of the fee for services exceeds $50,000 and the contract was not subject to a competitive bidding process, the contract shall meet one of the other requirements of sec. 4.26(4)(a) and be approved by the Common Council; and
WHEREAS, according to City purchasing guidelines governing Non-Competitive Selection, “a particular consultant [LanguageLine] has prov...
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