Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution authorizes an amendment to an existing non-competitive purchase of services contract with Sustain Dane. The current contract provides for Sustain Dane to administer a program to collect food scraps for recycling at two farmers’ markets during the 2022 and 2023 seasons and is funded by a US Department of Agriculture grant to the city. The remaining grant funds will cover eight weeks of staffing at the two markets in 2023. The proposed contract amendment will extend the program for the full 2023 farmers’ market season at a cost of $20,000. The extension will be funded by the existing Sustainability Improvements capital budget. No appropriation is required.
A Resolution authorizing the Finance Director or their Designee to execute an amendment to the non-competitive purchase of services contract with Sustain Dane to provide additional weeks of staffing for the food scraps recycling drop-off sites at two neighborhood farmer’s markets in 2023.
WHEREAS, on August 31, 2021, the Madison Common Council adopted a Resolution (RES-21-00618) to address food waste that had the support of the Sustainable Madison Committee and the Madison Food Policy Council; and
WHEREAS, the aforementioned resolution sets a food waste diversion goal of 50% from the landfill by 2030 and commits to establishing metrics for measuring and tracking progress; and
WHEREAS, in 2021, the City partnered with Sustain Dane to apply for a U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Community Compost and Food Waste Reduction (CCFWR) grant to support implementation of a Community Food Waste Reduction Initiative and was subsequently awarded $90,000 in funding; and
WHEREAS, the Madison Common Council adopted a Resolution (RES-21-00714) to accept the award from the USDA and amend the Sustainability Improvements Capital Budget to add $90,000 in grant funding; and
WHEREAS, the Madison Common Council adopted a Resolution (RES-22-00055?) to contract with Sustain Dane to ...
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