Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution authorizes the City Clerk's office to participate in the Partnership for Large Election Jurisdictions and amends the agency's 2023 operating budget to accept a $130 grant to be used for membership dues.
Authorizing the City Clerk's Office to participate in the Partnership for Large Election Jurisdictions, and to accept a $130 grant for membership dues. Amending the 2023 Adopted Operating Budget to increase the Clerk's Office purchased services budget by $130.
WHEREAS, elections administration has become increasingly complex; and
WHEREAS, the City of Madison Clerk's Office does not have an opportunity to interact with election administrators from similarly-sized municipalities within the State of Wisconsin; and
WHEREAS, the Partnership for Large Election Jurisdictions has been created to connect election administrators with similarly-sized peer jurisdictions to exchange ideas and best practices; and
WHEREAS, the organizational core principles of the Partnership for Large Election Jurisdictions are that election administration should be innovative and continuously modernizing; centered on optimizing the voter experience; focused on facilitating participation by all eligible voters; properly resourced, staffed, equipped, and funded; conducting elections accurately, securely, and impartially; generating transparent and verifiable election results; and responsive to the community overall; and
WHEREAS, the Partnership for Large Election Jurisdictions is non-partisan and committed to never attempt to influence the outcome of any election; and
WHEREAS, the Partnership for Large Election Jurisdictions has scholarship funds available to cover the $130 annual membership dues;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Clerk's Office be authorized to participate in the Partnership for Large Election Jurisdictions; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of Madison accepts the $130 grant for 2023 membership due...
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