Fiscal Note
The proposed ordinance amends Subsection 33.05(5) of the Madison General Ordinances to eliminate the Golf Subcommittee and the Warner Park Community Recreation Center (WPCRC) Advisory Subcommittees of the Board of Parks Commissioners (BPC), consolidating those Subcommittee’s responsibilities with the remaining BPC subcommittees. This ordinance also updates the meeting schedule and some of the duties of the remaining Subcommittees in order to bring the ordinance in line with existing practices and to better detail the duties of the remaining Subcommittees. There may be some savings in staff time as a result of the consolidations but it is expected to be minimal. No appropriation is required.
Amending Subsection 33.05(5) of the Madison General Ordinances to Eliminate the Golf Subcommittee and the Warner Park Community Recreation Center Advisory Subcommittees of the Board of Parks Commissioners.
DRAFTER’S ANALYSIS: This ordinance will eliminate the Golf Subcommittee and the Warner Park Community Recreation Center (WPCRC) Advisory Subcommittees of the Board of Parks Commissioners (BPC), consolidating those Subcommittee’s responsibilities with the remaining BPC subcommittees. These two standing sub-units have been in existence for some time, and were officially codified in the ordinances in 2009 as part of a broader effort to update the City’s board, committee and commission system. In 2019, the Task Force on Structure of City Government (TFOGS) released its final report on City government. One of the TFOGS report’s recommendations was to eliminate or combine boards, committees or commissions that are redundant or that have outlived their purposes. With this directive in mind, on January 11, 2023, the Parks Division presented the BPC with a review of its existing subcommittees (Legistar File No. 75275). The BPC was given two options: maintain the status quo; or, consolidating the responsibilities of the Golf Subcommittee and the WPCRC Advi...
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