Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution reallocates $15,000 in the Common Council 2023 Operating Budget that was intended for the alder salary increase to fund $750 per alder for intern stipends. The implementation of the alder salary increase required the adoption of a corresponding ordinance change (File 74483), which the Council considered, but failed to adopt, on November 22, 2022.
Amending the 2023 Adopted Operating Budget to reallocate $15,000 within the Common Council 2023 Operating Budget for Intern stipends.
WHEREAS, the 2023 adopted operating budget included $91,078 in the Common Council Budget for alder salary increases, which was adopted through Common Council budget amendment #13-SUB; and,
WHEREAS, the implementation of the alder salary increases required the adoption of a corresponding ordinance change (File 74483), which the Council considered, but failed to adopt, on November 22, 2022; and,
WHEREAS, the funding for alder salary increases can be reallocated through a resolution that amends the budget; and,
WHEREAS, the 2023 executive budget increased alder expense accounts by $250 per alder, which is prioritized for alder interns but can be used for other allowed expenses; and,
WHEREAS, this resolution adds $750 per alder that is dedicated to intern stipends.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council reallocates $15,000 that was intended for an alder pay increase to stipends to alder interns.